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Posts posted by themagician

  1. 10 hours ago, TBoy said:

    we have planned to go to Universal but have cut out Disney as one saw the long lengths in the queue to get in

    There are people on here who have more experience visiting these parks, but from my experience, both Universal and Disney can be just as busy as each other and there can be just as long of queues to get into Universal (Disneys queues just make good content online because of the vantage points you can get on the entrance).

    If you’re visiting Universal, you should definitely invest in Fast Pass because it’s near impossible to get on a decent amount of rides without it. When I visited, Flying Dinosaur had just opened, but there was a 5 hour general queue and with Fast Pass it still took about 40 minutes (which is obviously significantly better, but just for perspective).

  2. It's great to finally see additional night events being offered because other than Happy Halloween, I believe the last time they did an 'After Dark' event was back in 2018 (They had one scheduled for Easter 2020, but we all know what happened).

    The event is on 5:30pm to 9pm, so for $10 for annual passholders that's good value. And $49 for general tickets makes sense when a day ticket is double the price and double the time. I hope it goes well for them and they have these after dark events more reguarly throughout the year.

  3. 3 minutes ago, TBoy said:

    I think you have to look at Village as a whole

    But why?

    They sell indivual tickets to each park, so they should all be for a good standard on their own.

    If for example, Movie World was of world class theme park and everything about it was perfect (remeber this is hyperthetical), but Sea World, Wet 'n' Wild and Paradise Country were all awful, falling apart and had nothing to offer that doesn't mean it's okay because they are 'whole' because they all have the same owner.

    Obviously that's exadurating things a little, but just because Village operate four parks doesn't mean they can all be mediocare because together that doesn't make them great.

    In the case of Coast Entertainment, yes they have less properties/gates, but if DW was great and WWW was awful, that doesn't make it okay. Obiviosuly their main focus has been on DW to past few years, but that is their 'hero' park and it needed it. I'd hope from next year (once Rivertown is complete) they look back at WWW and expand the park so it's attraction count can have a good boost.

    In both instances, the parent companies definitley shift their focus in investment year to year because they don't necessarily have the financies to invest into them all at once and that's okay (if they don't let the other parks fall in quality, while their main focus in on another park). Village for example spent 2016-2017 investing in MW (Doomsday & Rivals), their focus shifted to SW from 2019 to 2022 for The New Atlantis, and now it has shifted back to MW with Flash, Wizard of Oz, Scooby, etc. But I'd argue while they were focusing on SW, they lost sight of MW and it has shown, meaning they are now trying to play catch up.

  4. It might not be ‘all new’ because they’ve been open for 15 months now, but it’s their newest thing, so they’re going to keep marketing them as new until something newer opens. 

    I’d argue that Trident has been closed more than it’s been open, so in terms of its operating lifetime, it would only be a couple months old and therefore new.

    DW are also currently marketing they have 11 new attractions. They really only have 4 brand new attractions, but the other 7 are refurbished/rethemed, so they’re counting them to bump out the number for marketing.

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  5. 11 hours ago, TV15 said:

    when these potentially could've been taken 2 months ago, seems like they pulled it out of the archives to once again generate buzz/hype

    What’s wrong with generating buzz/hype with older photos? If they shared up to date photos it would be hiding most of the coasters track because of the buildings and scaffolding now on site. For the last few months they’ve been focusing on promoting/sharing BTS for The Flash, so I don’t see what’s wrong with waiting to share these photos. They’ve got to give their posts some breathing room to maximise the reach of all of their content, so it doesn’t overload viewers and then not perform as well. They did also show current progress on site in their updates video last week, but these photos just add to that and provide much more pleasing to the eyes photos. Scaffolding almost never looks good no matter how well you photograph it.

    12 hours ago, TV15 said:

    Anyone know where this was taken from

    I’d assume it was taken from the exit from of Superman Escape looking over the fencing into the former AA building and one of the roller doors was up at the time this photo was taken.

  6. 8 hours ago, Dean Barnett said:

    The fact that nothing has been done to scooby is super disappointing.

    8 hours ago, Dean Barnett said:

    Fabrication can happen with the ride still open

    I have a feeling because the rides closure was so sudden it probably wasn’t planned to close that early and because nothing has happened their timeline to receiving the replacement tracks, etc was/is a while away.

    In its last few months of operating there were hardly any cars on track and there doing nearly a full track replacement, which gives me the impression the ride was in such a bad state and became unsafe that it was too risky to keep open 

  7. I thought the same thing because for weeks they’ve been teasing an opening date will be announced soon. And then suddenly at 3pm on a rainy Friday it’s officially open.

    All of the hype for the ride in the recent months has been really good, but they’ve ended it all a bit flat. And I’m so glad they moved on from the untrue statement of it being a ride-within-a-ride in all of their social posts.

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