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Posts posted by Wil_i_am_not

  1. On the subject of videos, I just watched this one. This guy is totally misinformed, some of the stuff he says is correct, but most of it isn't. For example, he mentions the Disco Dancer accident that happened back in May and says the ride was similar to a Round Up. He also calls an Enterprise a Ferris Wheel. Check it out for yourself if your interested.

    Also, excuse the constant swearing...

  2. The ride itself looks like it's really rough and the track looks almost brittle, nothing like Arkham Asylum's track design. The two rides do have a similar layout, with the first drop leading into the roll-over. It's amazing that no-one was killed but it will be interesting to see what ends up of this, if it was Pinfari's fault or the operators of the coaster.

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