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Im Hungry

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Posts posted by Im Hungry

  1. 2 hours ago, Brad2912 said:

    Officially announced


    The introduction of a greater array of f&b options to accompany the event is great 





    There are also 2 night events coinciding with the Winterfest, and a VIP option for $89pp



    All this announced on the day my Dreamworld pass expires... Time to buy a new one now I guess.

  2. Just a random thought about Steel Taipan's trains...

    Notice the section of the spinning seat (circled in red). Will that small gap be removed for safety purposes in loading and unloading?

    What I mean by that is this:

    At the current state of the carriage that holds the spinning seat, the train will have a small gap between the station platform and the carriage itself creating a very minor risk of a rider tripping and/or falling over by getting their foot caught within the said gap. Are there any plans for Dreamworld to eliminate this small gap between the platform because other Mack installations (such as DC Rivals and Helix) don't have gaps between their trains and the platform (they are a snug fit).

    I understand that since this is a new feature for Mack trains, I guess there's room for error or just minor details that could be improved where possible.

    Image credit:

    Steel Taipan: Screenshots off Dreamworld - Remembering the Golden Years video

    DC Rivals HyperCoaster: Parkz

    Helix: Incrediblecoasters.com


    InkedSteel Taipan Spinning Seat_LI.jpg

    InkedSteel Taipan Spinning Seat 2_LI.jpg

    InkedDC Rivals HyperCoaster Backwards Seat_LI.jpg

    Helix Liseberg Station and Train.jpg

  3. 6 hours ago, Mc coaster said:

    Just checked and Wet’n’Wild also posted a tease about  tomorrows announcement. https://www.instagram.com/p/COznY11rwJo/?igshid=1dlij3tgt11pe.

    It seems to be the shadow/reflection of a new slide tower on the surface of the water. It’s definitely very intriguing.



    Australia's "tallest waterslide"... Seems exciting

    Image credit: Wherever GCB got the pic from (I can't read the article because of the paywall)

    Wet n Wild New Slide.jpg

    • Like 2
  4. In some ways yes. And idk why but I lowkey preferred seeing it without its track pieces put together - especially with that loop - looks odd seeing it complete for me. 🤔

    Oh well, won't take long before the theming takes shape and therefore starts to look harmonious with the rest of that area.

    And it'll be nice going on a thrilling non-concussion coaster at Dreamworld for once 😵

    • Like 1
  5. After a close analysis of the video showing Dreamworld's trains in preparation for shipment from Germany, it appears that there will only be ONE train with the spinner. There are two trains shown in the video - the front row of cars appearing in the video are assumed to all fit 1 train (with a complete set of 20 seats), whereas the second row will fit only 18 thanks to the spinner.

  6. 5 hours ago, Brad2912 said:

    So we thinking the tunnel will contain the launch track? 


    5 hours ago, mssveattck said:

    Judging by the images, I believe the tunnel will be the section of track before the loop with another smaller passthrough at the bottom of exit from the block brake. 

    Hopefully the below image from the all important Page 21 gives you (@Brad2912) an idea where the tunnel theming will be... Like what Mr Greg Yong stated in the 7 News clip, "the train will come out of this loop and will be plunged into darkness, and then back out into the course of the track."

    On 01/08/2020 at 6:54 PM, Retardent said:


    There will be 2 tunnels.


    • Like 2
  7. 3 hours ago, Gazza said:

    Looks like the same train shells as Helix and Icon are being used


    Praying that it comes with lights 😭


    14 minutes ago, Rabbit2014 said:

    Are we only getting one train now, the video and announcement from dreamworld only 1 train is on the way. Hope this is only a mistake 

    Judging by the photos on here, it seems like there's 5 standard carriages (1 extra for the spinner) READY to be shipped over as a whole train, and also appears to be the base of a couple more carriages just behind them. Maybe Dreamworld is getting two trains - it's just one's ready and the other isn't.

    I personally haven't seen that video posted above yet so I'll take a more in-depth look when I can.

    Is it confirmed that Steel Taipan will operate with 4 standard 1 spinner carriages (bringing the total to 5 cars like on other Blue Fire models) or 5 standard 1 spinner carriages (bringing the total to 6 cars like on Hypercoaster models)?

  8. On 18/09/2020 at 11:04 PM, ejpdtd said:

    There is one shot toward the end that looks soo similar to the one from soarin, not complaining just interesting to point out (it’s the canyon rock formation with the balloons in soarin, exact same location in SV but has some people on the rocks ready to bungee off it looks like).

    It seems that there are many segments of the "Experience USA" film that are featured on other Flying Theatres - especially FlyOver.

    As mentioned before, @Gazza experienced a similar film like this at Mall of America.


    Just taking a look at this video playing on the website, there appears to be 4 (of the 5) shown in the preview that were also shown on Sky Voyager.


    Apparently the FULL version of the USA film goes on for 1hr 1min, but I haven't found any mediums on where we can view it other than on a Flying Theatre itself.

    FlyOver America trailers:

    60 sec

    30 sec (it's most likely Dreamworld used this trailer for their advertising purposes of the "Experience USA" film)


    It's clear to see that (as mentioned before) the film is licensed for use. I guess that implies other films can be accessed and broadcast onto our very own Sky Voyager (should Dreamworld wish to).

  9. As dumb as this may sound, I simply wonder why this version of the pretty much Blue Fire layout features the long skinny supports that look as though they're not connected to anything nor have any use (like the intricate mess of metal chopsticks beneath the loop)... From other images I've seen of similar layouts, they appear to not be featured.

    And another thought to add, why does this version feature a different support structure to hold up the loop compared to those on the other layouts? Would it be because of the speed Dreamworld's train will travel?

    Sorry if the answer seems straight forward, I'm just blank atm.

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