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Posts posted by Gazza

  1. I think perhaps if a ride is brand new you don't think to navigate through to the maintenance page.

    A thoosie might since they know that sudden closures can happen.

    But for a layperson, if the ride is promoted as open, you'd assume its open.


    I recall when Lighting Rod was having problems they actually had a banner across the park home page saying what the status was that day (It had been closed for several days before my scheduled visit so it was right in your face that it was closed...and then the day before my visit it was working again, so I jumped for joy and jumped straight in the car and got there that afternoon)

    Anyway, I think its a good way of doing it, since it makes it hard to miss and it's upfront.



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  2. I think there's a vein of "sticking up for the little guy" too and people are happy to see a smaller park grow up.

    A Vekoma SFC is definitely a "higher effort" family attraction  than some of the cheaper family rides out there. I would have been happy with that alone.

    Getting Buzzsaw reminds me of the circumstances DW got Cyclone, right place right time, and all of a sudden 2 rides in one year (along with the pre-exsting lineup) means Gumbuya is a small, but reasonably well balanced park.

    I feel now they don't have any real glaring holes in their lineup, they can add anything and it will be a plus.

  3. 17 minutes ago, Slick said:

    Eh, others have already debunked the logic of this. Billboards don't go down at night when shops close just in case people get misled. People just aren't that dumb that you need to coddle them that much. Billboards drive awareness, not conversion, therefore literally no one makes major purchase decisions based on a billboard alone.

    I dunno.

    There's a difference between being totally literal and a reasonable assumption. (link)

    Like when a new supermarket opens you understand that to mean its open for you during normal trading hours not open at that very second.

    ALDI opens first WA stores - Retail World Magazine'


    Re guests understanding of what a soft opening is on the day and how well they accept breakdowns, I'll leave that for those with frontline guest experience.


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