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Everything posted by brady

  1. brady

    Improve RCT3 Quality

    Technically it is impossible to make the game run faster that way hasslekid, it obviously just wasnt and still isnt putting any strain on your video card. I can getter better frames in games that look twice as good as RCT3 showing how bad the engine is.
  2. brady

    San Andreas

    What about in Vice city how you can go into a strip club and get a dance by a stripper. Thats pretty cool.
  3. brady

    Halo 2

    Its a good game only if you have an XBOX. If its a quarter more hard on a computers graphics power than the first one we're all screwed. Maybe they will improve the engine for computers this time instead of having such a crap one.
  4. brady

    Paper Mario

    I had no idea it even existed on N64, what was it like?
  5. brady

    San Andreas

    What happens again? Is it just they get in the car and it starts rocking or something like that?
  6. brady

    San Andreas

    It bloody well better not be.
  7. I prefer the text being there actually. It looks heaps less home made and more proffesional than ones with just big pictures. Also try to digitally remove the cloud next to the claw in the big picture because it greatly disturbs the balance and its really annoying there. However its probably just me.
  8. Speaking of back yard coasters, does anyone remember watching Richi Rich with his massive coaster in the back garden. Actually Richard probably knows where the footage for that scene was shot. Come on Richard tell us. So that guy in that website designed and constructed his own coaster but I dont know how to view pictures of it.
  9. brady

    Paper Mario

    I just heard about this new mario game coming out on the GC called Paper Mario. By looking at the screenshots at this site it looks like a modern remake of the old platform ones. Maybe I should purchase it to keep me entertained during the long holidays. It is looks like such a weird ass game, and whats with that name. http://www.gamespot.com/gamecube/rpg/paper...io2/review.html
  10. brady

    San Andreas

    Good, I hope it comes out on PC at the same time as PS2. Finally a GTA game where you don't die from touching water. When is it set anyone know?
  11. brady


    What a stroke of luck! I just asked my brother if he knows anyone at school that can burn it for me and what do you know, he is getting it tomorrow from some dude. Finally I can play a good action computer game again.
  12. brady


    Excellent, does it have like missions and stuff or is just a multiplayer with bots type thing like BF and UT? I might just do a kazaa search on it right now although I will be highly doubtful of anyone having it.
  13. brady


    I guess I can run Doom 3 alright so it shouldn't be a major problem.
  14. Cool I didnt know they were gonna make another one just before the new playstation comes out next year. I better get it. Is it better than vice city?
  15. I like BF Vietnam better than DesertCombat because of its superior graphics. UT2004 has good graphics but I reckon its kinda boring.
  16. Did they actually keep the controls set to crank out 6 footers because of the floor of the pool was made of concrete that place could easily kill someone.
  17. What wavepool has the biggest waves in the world? Anyone got any links?
  18. I didn't know you had been in an earthquake. Was it actually hard to keep your balance and it feel really weird? Remember that earthquake in Indooroopilly, I didnt feel that at all where I am at unfortunately.
  19. I like the break dancer called jonny because he is cheap and sometimes I play people who own the game on the playstation 1 versions and beat them by pressing all the buttons. In the ps2 version I get the hell kicked out of me because button bashing doesn't work.
  20. brady


    I play Doom 3 except am bored of it now. Is farcry a shooting game because I want it? I hope it isn't too hard on the old system resources like doom is.
  21. Anyone know how many people have died in places like Dreamworld and other places overseas. Has anyone ever fallen off a roller-coaster before. I want some pictures and movies of bad roller-coasters incidents so link me up.
  22. Ferny Grove, you must live on an acreage.
  23. I remember when the ride first opened it actually went above the R in TOWER or maybe not above it but equal to it. Then It went through a stage where it went to the F on OF, which was really boring. And in this recent year it can be seen challenging the R and making it above O. Well that what I think anyway. Oh yeah and I really hate it how dreamworld had massively huge queues. It would be cool if a theme park limited their people intake so that it can only take a maximum of ten minuted to get on a ride. I know this would be hard on the profits.
  24. Don't you just love anything made by rareware.
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