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Everything posted by mattcrombie

  1. I wanna know when and Where. Anyone know? Im pretty sure it would be Surfers
  2. Great Photos. I havent got to ride it yet myself. Im gonna try to on Wed.
  3. Umm I would say around 30 - 35 kmph. I think, Does it mention it anywhere on any sites? its a short slide. Its over and done in a matter of 30 seconds or something. needed to be longer.
  4. Heard today that Dreamworld and White Water World wern't very busy. But not sure, I didnt see it myself.
  5. Here are some Photos from Opening day the 8th. As you can see there was hardly anyone there. I didnt go to take photos of all the rides, more of a fun day with friends. So there just average. Sorry all of them didnt come up with a thumbnail. Dont know what happened, they all work though.
  6. I seen them today, I was wondering what they were. Im thinking it must just be to see how they go and something different maybe to WWW's Green Room. The lines were very very Packed, way out from the cue area. Also the park was packed to the MAX. The Whole car park was full. Front, Back, Sides, Outback and Even Grassed Area. I couldnt belive it.
  7. Oh yeah, You apprently get up to speeds of 60kph on the Bro. I swear i was going so fast and when you exit out from the tunnels those humps generate so much air, the last one your flying, I would launch up just like that photo and then slam down on the slide, i whacked my head once. Important notice: Keep your elbows and knee's on and in the matt the whole time. And to go faster lift the matt at the front up more, you will speed up.
  8. Yeah totally allowed! its so Large i think thats why. Although there were 2 small slides they didnt alow us on cause they were quiet small. I went on them before they told me. There is water getting dropped and squirted from everywhere, no matter where u go, its awesome. I would hate to be a staff working on it, they have to wear rain coats, but you can imagine people still wetting them.
  9. You cant Feel it at all, its actaully ok to sit in. The rafts remind me of a smaller version of the rafts they use to go white water rafting.
  10. Well today I went to White Water World, the first day open to the public. I walked up to the gates where there wasn't as many people as i thought there would be. We hired a locker and started with the Hydro coaster. This ride is awesome. It seats 3 or 2 and starts is a lot of fun. The magnets push you really fast towards the top of the slope and you get a face full of water. Its just amazing watching it, and seeing peoples faces think...how does this work? We only waited about 15 mins. The Green Room was next, it was awesome. It has a longer ride at the start than the tornado and its so bright. We got on it in about 5 mins. I couldn't believe there was hardly any people in the park. I got numbers of 1200 roughly. And everything was not packed at all, we didn't have to line up for anything apart from the hydro in the morning. We then went to The Bro. This is very cool, the slide tunnels look so thin, if you were a large or fat person, it could create a problem. You pick up a lot of speed in the enclosed part then going down the humps i got so much air i whacked my head, but was fine. There heaps fun. Anyone going on them, should ride on the 2 outside lanes, there the longer ones and you end up in the middle. The Rip is very cool, we did that after the bro, its pitch black and when you get in the bowl its wicked, water spraying everywhere and just go around twice then you drop down the slide. A Proslide staff member was walking around taking photos too, i seen him a bit. I guess its for there files and maybe to post on there site. We then went to the Temple of Huey. These slides are average, you can choose to go single or double. I went singled most of the time. They take your photo on most of the rides and give you a arm band with a sticker on it, so u can purchase it at the store. The Nickalodeon Play area is awesome, i means its not just for kids, adults can go on it too. Its massive, you need to see it to see how big it is. Its full of interactive water gadgets and buttons and buckets and nets and slides, its so fun, it beats wnw's kids area. The caves of waves was good, its not very deep, but its large and lagoon style. Also the tubes are free and you can go to the wall too with them. The waves start with the sound of Huey moaning or making some blow horn sound, its pretty cool. Lots of Filming going on, with the making of the new commercial and also nicklodeon reporters and show host. The theming was done well, major colors everywhere, with loads of chairs and sitting areas with grassed areas too. We had basically finished around 2:30, but stayed till 3:30. In the end a Great day out, this park will do very well, people will go here just for the rides and there technology. Cant wait to see what they add in the future. Videos:
  11. They were filming a Commercial today. Channel 10
  12. Where are they Opening the store Rabid?
  13. Just seen a new TV tonight advertising that every person who will visit Wet N Wild tomorrow the 8th will recive a Free Krispy Creme Dohnut. Im Gathering there getting brought up here, as we dont have any stores in QLD. God they are trying hard to get people away from WWW. Its Funny. A Dohnut if you come to my park, WNW
  14. Yeah Im heading out with a group of Mates. Gonna be there around 10. cant wait.
  15. I seen a Advert in a Brisbane Magazine today showing all the new Summer Attractions, they Showed the Concept art for the Gondola's for space shot, its like a bat mobile picture above the seats with the Batwing logo all over it. Looks ok. Don't know if any of you knew either, Batwing was planned to be built where the Lethal Weapon cue area is, and they were to rip everything out and realized that it would have been a a lot of work, so they thought next to superman and batman 2 would suit. But next years attraction is going in the lethal weapon cue area, as they want to use there areas that aren't being used and get the most of the space.
  16. Yeah Skeetafly tonight was Staff and Friends evening to test it all out. Tomorrow is media day and Competion winners and Annual pass users. Here is a pic of The Bro with its shade roof added. Also a video from driving towards the Entry to WWW.
  17. Well I wasnt obvioulsy reading all the comments about Batwing and dont Care anyway, Indoor or Outdoor, it will be fun.
  18. Its land and some small offices. Also I was thinking Batwing was gonna be indoors, looks like its clearly outside. oh well.
  19. The Tv commercials for WWW have been filmed are being Edited for play next week. So we will soon see it everywhere on tv, radio, banners and all. Wet n wild have added a fair few new tv adds, mainly advertising the Kids Area and Bigger and Better Slogan
  20. I want our Parks to become bigger and better, and with American Themeparks being my fav parks ever, I want the parks on the Gold Coast to follow, Which is what they are doing. Go to Gold Rush country in Dreamworld for a "Aussie feeling".
  21. Drove past last night and looks great at night. The top part is all lite up and is a major eye opener from the highway, so anyone coming from North or South will be able to see the skyline from a great distance. Movieworld is starting to look like a awesome American themepark Coasters, Space Shot....what else....
  22. Its really good to see the Parks opeing up now at Night for special events like this. It seems like a trend and lets hope it continues into 2007 and maybe the park opening till later at night. great work Movieworld
  23. I think thats cause Batwing is a Space Shot not a Coaster.
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