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Posts posted by AllegroCrab

  1. Just to bring another perspective into this. As someone who is an avid soccer fan, I get the same feelings that I get when I see articles sensationalising nothing events at the parks as I get when I see articles sensationalising nothing events at the football. 

    There might even be some people on here who believe that soccer crowds are rampant with violence, and that soccer games are not a safe place to take your kids. 2 or 3 troublemakers having a fight which is quickly resolved by security with no serious injuries in a stadium of tens of thousands who are just there to watch the game is enough to make headline news depicting soccer games around the country as war zones. Harmless acts like standing, jumping, swearing or chanting light-hearted slurs at opposition fans are written about in articles like they're serious problems. Add to this that incidents of similar nature that occur at other codes of football do not get the same kind of coverage. A pitch invader at the Big Bash was celebrated by the media as a 'hilarious' display, versus a few pitch invaders who were celebrating a goal at the football, who weren't even interrupting play and made their way back to the stands when told by security, were shamed as a blight on Australian sport.

    My faith in journalism has been completely shattered, whenever there's a news story about something I actually know about it is more often than not filled to the brim with sensationalism, bias, and innaccuracy. I'm perpetually worried that news stories about things I'm not knowledgeable about have swayed my views subconciously.

  2. On 24 January 2017 at 10:58 AM, Gazza said:

    Curious, but what is the cost difference between winter and summer?

    Accomodation has been dead cheap in Winter. I'm living like a king.

    15 hours ago, Santa07 said:

    If you were to pick, PortAventura or Disney Paris?

    It's a hard question because they are two very different parks.

    What I will say is that Shambhala is one of the best coasters in the world, it's almost worth the price of admission on its own. 

    Paris Disney is, well, Disney. It was an immersive and magical experience. The Ratatouille ride has the smell of bread as you go through the kitchen ffs.

    I think, being me, that I'd go with PortAventura. Best case scenario is you can experience both though. I reccomend that one.

  3. 18 hours ago, pin142 said:

    Think you will find people going straight to Valet at the moment at Chermside @ads086 due to the lack of parking thanks to the expansion of the centre. When I went there I had no issues with roof parking during summer before they closed most of it for the new multi-level. Only ever used Valet during Christmas peak as it is easier than circling for 30+ minutes for a park.

    Yeah that's what I think, people will pay for convenience of entrance/exit, I reckon most don't care about shaded parking.

  4. I seriously don't understand why people in such a niche community as this think they can say things that are clearly rubbish, and upon being called out for their rubbish, instead of owning up or simply shutting up, they continue to defend themselves with yet even more rubbish. No one's buying it, and even if they did you gain nothing out of it because in the end you are still spewing rubbish.

    We seriously don't need your shit here.

  5. In typical me fashion, I'll be judging based on the ride alone, not taking into account capacity and reliability and all that meaningless bollocks.

    For me, Wipeout is out of the question. Off ride, it looks pretty crazy and disorientating, but honestly on ride, it kinda just shakes you backwards and forwards and side to side a lot, isn't really forceful at all, doesn't go upside down enough, and lacks any fun moments of airtime.

    I haven't ridden Doomsday, but I can pretty safely say it wiuldn't be my favourite out of this list. The only question for me about Doomsday is whether I'd place it above or below Wipeout, I really can't say without riding it.

    The Claw is the one I'd much rather ride at Dreamworld. It's forceful at the bottom, with incredible airtime at the top. It's such a graceful ride and nothing quite beats the moments when you're right at the top of the swing and verging on being upside down while weightless. It's truly the best flat ride on the Gold Coast.

    Now, onto SurfRider. This ride is properly intense. The faster spinning feels out of control, the short turnaround at the base is forceful, and the airtime is brilliant. The moments when you're reaching the top sideways and get weightlessness as you rotate around at the very maximum facing upwards are the best. I think this is a tremendously underappreciated ride, and I strongly recommend for anyone who hasn't ridden it because of queues or any reason to ride it next time, you've really been missing out.

    So SurfRider gets my vote, mainly because it has the force and the airtime of The Claw, but the faster spinning makes it less graceful and more intense for me. It's a properly brilliant ride, plus, it counts as a credit, even more reason to give it a ride.

  6. I think I've decided that I'm going to stick with making single coasters or dark rides in this game. In part due to the limitations of my machine, but mostly due to the amount of time I have (or lack thereof) to make things. I'll often start things and then never finish them, so I reckon I'll keep my projects small.

    Keen to get playing once I get back from the UK.

  7. So they held the boat at the bottom of the lift hill on that short conveyor? Do you know what would happen if the second boat had come up behind? It would have stopped behind because the conveyor wasn't even moving. I don't know exactly why they'd be being held on the conveyor, but I assume there would have been another boat further ahead on the ride that they were waiting for. Chances are the boat behind Paul's would have stopped on the conveyor as well to wait for Paul's boat to get through the ride.

  8. Well I'm currently on a European trip right now. I managed to get to two parks, being Port Aventura and Paris Disney (three if you count Brighton Pier and 4 if you count Disney as two parks.) I would have loved to go to more but it really is the worst time of year for parks, perhaps another time I'll have a choice as to when I can travel.

    What I will say is that you should definitely find a way to get to PortAventura. Shambhala was absolutely incredible, Dragon Khan was a nice and intense B&M Looper, and this year they are opening up their new Ferrari section which has a coaster that will be 367ft tall and go 180km/h, breaking Shambhala's own European records. So you have one of the best B&Ms in Europe in Dragon Khan, one of the best Hypers in the world in Shambhala, and the two fastest/tallest coasters in Europe all at one park. There's also some great racing woodies and a mine train coaster with 3 lift hills. I feel like PortAventura gets overlooked when it is probably the best park for coasters in Europe. It's worth the price of admission just for Shambhala honestly.

    As for Paris Disney, it is open all year and you should definitely go, especially if you've never been to a Disney park before, it was absolutely brilliant and I'm so glad I went. I have also been to Alton Towers years ago, Nemesis is a coaster unlike any other you will ever ride in the world. Alton Towers has a lot to owe to their height restrictions for that one.

  9. 7 hours ago, Cactus_Matt said:

    Who knows! Maybe the one benefit of the incoming Trump presidency will be a crash of their economy and we can get some B&M on the cheap! 

    Unlikely, the market responds to uncertainty so there might be a little bit of a drop when he first gets in, but I reckon if anything he'll actually strengthen the US economy back to the powerhouse of yore.

  10. They may be very similar speed-wise, but RRRC unarguably uses its speed better. When I've ridden EFM I can never get out of my head the thought of how slow it is, however I never have this problem with RRRC. It still puts a smile on my face, especially in the back row over the crest of the lift hill.

    EFM is probably better at being a kiddie coaster, because it really offers little thrill over simply being on a coaster, something you want in order not to frighten the hell out of little ones. It's also a good way of introducing kids to the concept of suspended coasters, it'd make more sense if DW had another suspended coaster in the park.

    RRRC is a much better coaster from a thrilling perspective, it's a really good way of tricking a kid into getting on a ride that I'd honestly put just under moderate on the low/moderate/extreme rating system, it's almost evil how thrilling it is, I really think it's a hidden piece of genius coaster design. It spits into the face of MDMC and leaves in the dust.

    As for theming, people are being too harsh on EFM, the queue is well themed, and there are characters and crates scattered around under the ride, the area/gardens around it are nicely maintained as well.

    RRRC still wins out on theming, it's your typical movie set sort of backdrop with terrain that the coaster interacts with, as well as having the famous characters, and items like the ACME products and TNT scattered around. Completely immersive and fits perfectly well in the area.

    I think rating them on a kiddie coaster scale, I'd give RRRC a 10/10, and EFM a 7/10.

  11. 12 hours ago, Levithian said:

    You could turn it into a pretty cool haunted house/ghost train ride without needing to change the cars or the castle entrance.

    Why wouldn't they just restore the scooby doo theme then? Beats wasting time designing a new theme when the old ride was fine.

    I disagree with people who think the Scooby Doo brand is dead. It's just as alive, if not more alive, than the Looney Tunes branding that exists all over the park in different capacities. There's this terrible thing that older people do which is assume that generations below them don't know anything about the past. I'll probably be guilty of it in the future but for now I'll have a whinge about it.

    It's like that terrible joke that public speakers do all the time, they showcase a floppy disc or a cassette tape or a record player and say, "Now, the younger people in the audience probably have no idea what this is," thinking they've just created an inside joke with the oldies when in fact they've just insulted half of the audience's intelligence. I've lost count of how many times I've heard this, but I haven't lost count of the amount of times I've found it funny: zero.

    Anyway, even if the brand was dead, I don't think that's grounds to retheme the ride, kids are still going to enjoy it even if they don't know who the characters are. I know pretty much nothing of Justice League, but that doesn't ruin the theming experience for me. The same could be said for Wild West Falls, where the characters (afaik) are only on that ride.

  12. 17 hours ago, Original said:

    So it works a family ride and kids love it, sure. But ask those kids do they prefer it over SDSC, Roadrunner and Escape From Madagascar and I'd be interested to hear what they think. 

    @westical @Santa07 Perhaps it was some hyperbole, boring was probably the wrong word because small children would probably get some thrills out of it. My point was that it pails in comparison as an experience to other family rides like SDSC, Roadrunner, WWF, Rocky Hollows, etc.

  13. I don't think it's that  dumb a thread.

    1. Superman Escape

    2. Arkham Asylum

    3. Scooby Doo

    4. SurfRider

    5. Storm

    6. Jet Rescue

    7. Sea Viper

    8. Green Lantern

    9. Cyclone

    10. Tower of Terror

    11. BuzzSaw

    12. Wild Mouse LPS

    13. Taipan

    14. Spinny Wild Mouse at the Easter Show

    15. Road Runner

    16. Scenic Railway LPM

    17. Escape from Madagascar

    18. That kiddie coaster at Merimbula Magic Mountain

    19. My train trip to Uni every morning

    20. MDMC

  14. Green Lantern isn't powered by anything except gravity after the end of the lift. It requires the use of brakes mid course due to the size restrictions of the project. They wanted a high coaster, but they need it to slow down for the tight elements that keep its footprint small. There's no power assistance, only brakes, and frankly I hardly notice them, they're well implemented. Frankly, this is very intelligent catering to design restrictions. We can still have that awesome first drop, but the coaster also can fit into its tiny footprint, it's a Win/Win for the park.

    Look at all of the coasters built in the last few years and you'll see that most of them have trim brakes for these exact reasons. 

    The reason BuzzSaw doesn't have trims is because it's such a short ride that it doesn't need any.

  15. 32 minutes ago, mission said:

    GL is too over designed, over engineered and as a result is bordering on boring imo.

    What does this even mean?

    If it's well made rides that you don't like, perhaps you're hoping that DW's next coaster is a Togo.

    My philosophy is that you can only judge things by what they're trying to be. You can't compare a Ferrari LaFerrari and a Ford Focus RS with each other, but you can compare these with other cars that try to fulfill the same roles as them. A 12 year old boy would profess that the Ferrari is miles better than the Focus, whereas I'd say they're both fantastic cars in their own right, do a brilliant job at what they're designed to do, and are up the top of their respective classes.

    BuzzSaw, while quite an intense experience, is over quickly and doesn't offer anything particularly fun or exciting in its ride cycle. It is a pretty lazily designed ride with a terrible capacity, it doesn't cater to the massess, and for the relatively niche group of people it does cater for, it does a pretty mediocre job. It feeds off of fear, and for people who are over this fear of rides, it really offers nothing.

    Green Lantern is accesible for the moderate-high thrill crowd, whilst not excluding people who are accustomed to the more extreme. Think of GL as a warmup to AA and SE, whereas BuzzSaw is the most intense ride in the park below the Giant Drop. Green Lantern has a brilliant first drop, two hanging inversions, and an effective ride time longer than 30 seconds. It's a much more satisfying experience for me, it offers a reason to ride that transcends merely overcoming fear.

    It's objectively a better designed ride, not just physically, but also in what markets it caters for, and in the way that it fits into the scheme of the park as a whole.

    But I guess it doesn't matter for you, apparently you like things to be lazily-designed and under-engineered.

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