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    Movieworld Fright Nights, Gold Coast Theme Parks

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  1. The website was changed this morning with this image but then was quickly changed back within the hour after I went to check again, upon initial glance it reminded me of Annabelle or something similar. My guess is they're getting ready and we could see announcements and teasers soon!
  2. I've always thought about cool ideas that could incorporate the WB Kids area! I know this would probably never happen and is wishful thinking but the thought of turning the area and iconic characters into a nightmarish version of the Looney Tunes titled along the lines of "Twisted Tunez" would be awesome.
  3. Hey all! Long time lurker here! Since October is only a few months away I thought it would be a good time to start up the FN2022 thread! Since it's been 3 years since the last season (due to obvious reasons), what is everyone's thoughts on what IP's/themes that we'll see this year assuming everything goes well? Personally I would love to see them create another horror game themed maze based on "Five Nights at Freddy's" since it is one of the biggest horror game franchises right now or a maze based on the Outlast series! Also since traditionally new "headlining" mazes are used for 2 years and the IT maze was introduced in 2019, do you think we will see it return?
  4. Ah I see, well here’s to hoping the maze still lives up to the hype!
  5. I gotta say I’m a bit sceptical on the quality of the mazes this year based off of their locations. The mazes that shared sheds in previous years have seemed short but they were still scary because of how intense they were. In regards to IT I’m also quite sceptical since mazes that have been in Dodgems have always been the shortest, but based on how there’s “17 scenes” could it be possible they’re utilising the whole building rather than just the dodgems side?
  6. Just wondering how the queues and wait times were last opening weekend compared to previous years? I’m going this Friday and I’m not sure if buying the Maze Fast Track will be useful or worth it? Now that it’s sold out I’m thinking that getting the maze Fast track will be a smart idea 😂🤔
  7. Hahahah I've been keeping myself out of the loop when it comes to the DC Hypercoaster ... Fright Nights on the other hand, I'm always here creepin'
  8. Woah, did't even know they were charging for the back... Interesting!
  9. Hmmm, why is riding the Hypercoaster backwords advertised as an upgrade? Surely they won't be charging whoever sits in the back to ride it?
  10. Hey guys! I'm to Fright Nights this Saturday and I'm taking my two friends who have never gone to Movieworld before as they've moved from interstate. We decided we should get Fast Track for the rides so that we don't have to worry about managing our time while trying to conquer all 4 mazes and a few rides but when we tried to book the the fast tracks we can't select a date? Does anyone know if all the fast tracks are sold out for the rest of the month? Is it possible to buy the fast tracks inside the park and if so are they the same price?
  11. Well they usually do every year don't they? My guess is that they will. I'm going on the 3rd of October (the second night) instead of my usual date of going the weekend before Halloween. Any advice to beat the lines in case they get real bad?
  12. Yeah I went, all I remember though was that there where a lot of barrels throughout the maze and they used a lot of those walls with those window things. There was also a bedroom scene I think... In general I think it wasn't too detailed. If anything it was kinda cheaply done but don't quote me on that coz I don't really remember much of it,
  13. Ha, okay then, say goodbye to ever working there in the future
  14. Well since we now know what the two soundstage mazes are, and the fact that we have a general idea as to what the maze in the bumper car area is or will be, what do you guys think/hope the other maze will be? Personally I'm hoping it's something original and new. But the same time I have feeling it could be another video game themed maze, maybe an Until Dawn Maze?
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