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New display name

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Everything posted by New display name

  1. Why are you apologising? I'm only asking what makes the silt fence interesting to you. It's no different from me saying @Jdude95 hairstyle is interesting and you saying, why do you find a perm interesting?
  2. QFES crews at one of their regular exercises at Movie World, simulating a roller coaster malfunctioning at its highest point. QFES Aerial Appliance Operators and Advanced Rescue Technicians worked alongside Movie World staff to successfully remove all people from the ride.
  3. Can you check again @themeparkaddict because @Slick said HWSW would be the last to have extended downtime. 😋
  4. Didn't MW have a deal with Mack Rides too?
  5. Makes one think, what coaster can you buy for $27 million? (What could have been)
  6. I wish I was as positive as you. I currently see DW on the edge of a cliff and hanging on by it's fingernails.
  7. With the greatest negotiations ever achieved by me, DW has released a construction video update.
  8. @AlexB I find it 100% impossible to find something you want to quote. I also don't know why somebody would want to cut & paste a downtime if they have nothing to say about it. (Why are you telling me this? It might surprise people but I have the internet too). If the post was made like this, I would be fine with it.
  9. Bang for your buck I say. Sponsor a ride at DW that is closed for 6 months. Considering all these rides had major heath check-ups not long and the DW's AAA engineering team the rides are down a lot.
  10. Oh that's news to me, please go on. Please list your rides at MW that are movies?
  11. First DW's GoFundMe page had to secure the funds to buy the stickers..............................
  12. You can wrap a poop but it will always be a poop.
  13. MW tried to be ground breaking with Doomsday Destroyer and when I was at MW on the weekend it was the only walk on ride. Either DD has great operations or people aren’t riding it. In my opinion a gyro has become a great staple ride and would’ve been a better option. MW doesn't always need to be ground breaking, MW just have to be good at what they do.
  14. Marked in yellow was the pre-ride movie. I like Super-Villains Unleashed but sticking it in an alley would be more realistic. Whenever I get mugged it's always in an alley. 😎
  15. Not 7 randomly stacked boxes in an open area. You've being watching too much ParkChatLive with that question? 😋 Even the holy grail of Disney has budget constraints for projects. This is the area MW should've turned into Super-Villains Unleashed.
  16. To be fair. The whole area needs a re-think-a-rooney. The most underwhelming area that MW has never been able to get right.
  17. I finally got a ride on SDSC over the weekend and I'm lost for words. It makes one think MW purchased some tv's from JB, went to Tafe Queensland and employed the first pimple face kid doing a certificate in Graphic Design.
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