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New display name last won the day on October 3

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  • Birthday December 31

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  1. DW have a great opportunity to light the creature up on top of the ride so it can stand out from the highway. Lasers shoot from out of the eyes, blowing up cars on the highway, during peak hour, is also acceptable.
  2. @Tricoart good job. Your guess of the ride rotating, turned out to be correct.
  3. More vehicles on tracks means more block braking systems, but one thing Scoobs already has, is a tone of brakes. I'm hoping they don't require extra block sections for the extra vehicles. I'm having thoughts but, the the new doors might be to hide a new block section.
  4. People attend FN for the mazes. To divert spending from the mazes is suicidal.
  5. I'm old enough to remember when nights would have sold out by now. 🤷‍♀️
  6. I never said it was going to get delayed. I'm only thinking, there is a lot to be completed in a short period.
  7. It’s not about what you like, it’s about what the rest like. One park, can’t get enough guest to stay open during winter, one park can. WWW was great when it first opened and there were times you were turned away at the gate because the park was full, but now WWW is like eating weet-bix every day. You get sick of it.
  8. Relaxing must mean different things. 🤷‍♀️ Next people are going to tell me they go to DW because it's more relaxing. 🤣
  9. You just have to look at WnW car park to see what people like.
  10. I always hear people as they exit a slide. "Man that slide was relaxing, I almost fell asleep" or "the wave pool was sooooooooooo relaxing and roomy, I thought I was the only one in there" 🤣
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