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New display name last won the day on July 10

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  • Birthday December 31

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  1. I think the padding on the bar restraints for the Shark Family Coaster, should be bigger.
  2. I would expect nothing less from you @DaptoFunlandGuy
  3. Why bother with a separate company for the concept, when Pico Play already have super talented staff, who do this stuff every day. I don't understand the double up.
  4. Theming around ancient temples, I have no issue with but the design brief screams let's copy Indiana Jones. The design brief goes as far as talking about Raiders of the Lost Ark. I would think there is enough talent in the world that designers could come up with their own ideas.
  5. I wish parks stopped copying Indian Jones. Gone are the days when people did not travel around the world and experience the real thing. It’s going to look great, but you can’t get it out of your head, it’s a knock off.
  6. The Claw is evolving. A Claw within a Claw. Oh no, that's MW.
  7. If it wasn't for the gaps of doom on the inside panels they would look better then what they have done outside so far. The outside currently looks like it's a painting. Hopefully it's just the angle of the camera.
  8. This was posted on Parkz back in May @DaptoFunlandGuy
  9. I see what you did there. Apparently, many didn't.
  10. Maybe the second spinning seat was in the original contract, but for what ever reason the 2nd seat didn't have yo be purchased until now.
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