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Posts posted by themagician

  1. 6 hours ago, Baconjack said:

    complain about the sky voyager facade so much

    Because it’s not a well considered design. It may look ‘modern’ and ‘interesting’, but if you properly look at how it’s been executed I think it fails. Design is very subjective, so if you like it, that’s okay, but just considering how it fits within the context of its location. 

    6 hours ago, Baconjack said:

    it fits the theme of what the ride is about

    I can’t argue with that logic, but why not change the theme then to make it work. The old cinema building was designed with the original parks asthetic and it was perfect for Main Street, while this modern design of SV ruined that. And yes, move on with the times, etc etc, but this a theme park, where continuity in the design and themes of lands/streets/area is key and SV is very jarring. 

    6 hours ago, Baconjack said:

    the most you could do is repaint the white a different colour

    Or demolish it and rebuild something more suitable and adjust the theme of SV to suit. Changing the colour and sign of what’s there wouldn’t help and probably make things worse. If they’re going to keep a modern design, no point investing money into changing it to something that would be better or repainting it because that doesn’t solve the bigger issue of it just doesn’t suit Main Street.

  2. 20 minutes ago, REGIE said:

    think their trying to appeal and not look super corporate

    Which I think is a good thing because they’re trying to target a family audience and being less corporate and relatable is what (I think) a lot of families like to see. However I think these recent posts in the lead up to their ‘Buy 3, Get 1 Free’ campaign has gone a bit too far the other way and is heading towards being unprofessional. And looking at how the posts have done, which isn’t very well, I’d imagine that impacts the exposure of the fact that this campaign is happening. And at the end of the day, they’re trying to get annual pass sales up to get more people in the get, and experimenting with their marketing style might have not been the best move.

    Take their ‘40 Day Giveaway’ campaign as an example. Nearly every day they were posting about it and they were involving their team members and that whole campaign did very well and was well received online and I don’t think any of the content was cringy. Which lead to the giveaway day bringing in some of the biggest crowds the park has seen in a while (partly because you had to be there to win the major prize, however almost everyone was there because it well marketed and people knew about it and wanted to win).

    I do hope that marketing take some notes from what Village have been doing with Flash for Rivertown. They’ve so far done a good job with teasing what’s to come and revealing some amazing concept artwork, but when it comes to track install, testing, etc it would be good to see that. But also, because a lot of Jungle Rush will be in doors, don’t give too much away because I’m sure it will be an amazing surprise (like we had for Leviathan). 

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  3. I pick option four, custom layout and great theming. But it really comes down to a lot of different factors.

    Moto coaster is a custom layout, but it isn’t an enjoyable ride and if it had good theming, I’d still say ‘that coasters theming is great, but the ride itself isn’t enjoyable and therefore I’m not going to ride it for the theming’.

    If Steel Taipan and DC Rivals had an indoor queue and preshow before the launch/lift hill then that would definitely make those coasters even better. Which is exactly what Superman Escape did and that’s part of what makes that attraction so great. But in the case of DC Rivals, I’d rather have it how it is because it’s a great layout, than them remove a quarter/half of the layout and use that budget to add some theming/pre show to the ride.

    For Jungle Rush, hypothetically if this layout doesn’t turn out to be good, but it’s comfortable to ride and the theming is amazing, then yes I probably would be inclined to ride it more because of its immersion and story. And if the layout is enjoyable (which it think it will be), then that’s a bonus.

    TNT at Gumbuya World is a standard layout and the theming has been done pretty well, but if you took it away the coaster experience is still the same, it just makes the queue boring and lacking. 

    So like @DaptoFunlandGuy I too can’t decide on an answer because there are so many variables to consider when trying to decide. 

  4. @Brad2912 it’s for autism awareness month, so it doesn’t isn’t yuck. If they used this day to day, then maybe, but for raising awareness ‘yuck’ shouldn’t be the word used.


    But this shows the capability of the lighting package for the ride and I think they could do some really cool stuff if they just mixed red and yellow for this. And good on the park for investing in a lighting package for the ride, something they’ve only ever done for Rivals at the park 


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  5. Disneyland Paris has announced that in 2025, coinciding with when World of Frozen opens, the park will be renamed from ‘Walt Disney Studios Park’ to ‘Disney Adventure World’. They will also be transforming to the entrance of the park from a movie studio to all-new design paying homage to historic movie theaters. They will also have entertainment on the new lake they have been building, which will be called Adventure Bay.


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  6. Movie World have shared another update for the ride stating testing has been happening with Intamin, and after their inspections and testing, they will hand the ride over to the parks engineering team to commence their commissioning which includes the addition of harnesses and seats. And it’s opening very soon.


    Here are some screenshots from the video they shared 





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  7. 11 minutes ago, Park Addict 93 said:

    I hope the entrance next to Scooby is a second entrance and always open

    Same, but it took them many many years to decide to do this for AA and it felt like they really didn’t want to.

    I believe it was ‘That’s so Mid’ that shared on their socials a look through the hole in the Scooby alley gate and there was no sign of any construction happening in that part.

    If they don’t do something to it they’ll need to construct a gate there or something to ‘hide’ that alleyway so you ‘can’t see’ down there so it ‘doesn’t distract’ guests from their multi-million dollar shiny new ‘world-class’ land.

  8. With the discussions around Flash/Superman/Batwings maintenance schedule in the other topic, it sparked a thought.

    When Superman has ever closed for maintenance, they fence off the pathway to access the ride. When AA was still around, they would open the back alleyway so that guests could still access the ride.

    With the main entrance to WoO set to be from the Superman courtyard, do we think they will have a new plan for how they complete works on Superman so you can still access Wizard, or will they use their plan from AA and just open up the alleyway? If they do go with this plan, that would (surely) mean they will theme that pathway to creat that immersive transition into the Land of Oz. Which then makes me think they may have a second entrance to the land that they’ll keep open if they go to the effort of theming it. 

    And if everything I’ve just said isn’t true, then that’s a massive swing and miss…again. But I have some faith in village that they’ll score a home run.

  9. 1 hour ago, DaptoFunlandGuy said:

    I don't get why there's such a big issue here

    No issue with the stairs at all because they’re expected on any coaster. And I don’t have an issue with the platform, was just surprised that they needed one and how much it stands out when in the park 

    And on Tweetstryd at Wildlands (the only other location this coaster is located at) they have the stairs on the inside, so I wonder why they’ve had to change it for this one



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