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DaptoFunlandGuy last won the day on September 20

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About DaptoFunlandGuy

  • Birthday June 24

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  1. This is just embarrassing. You close the park for half the year, and you can't even reopen with everything open? Temple of Huey and Little Rippers are both down for the same dates, so its the entire slide tower. If it's maintenance, there's no excuse - which is why I said it can't just be maintenance - because its unbelieveable that they could be in this position without something else playing a factor. I understand why fully six has slides down. and triple vortex has ongoing issues. we all know this. But with temple and rippers down, they've opened for the season with 8 slides offline. *facepalm*
  2. Because you don't have a white card? no. Because clause 25.0-25.4 of the standard HIA contract you signed with the builder prevents you from accessing the site without providing 24 hours' written notice to the builder and complying with the builder's WH&S requirements means you can't just decide to 'look things over' without clearing it with the site manager \ builder's representative first? yes. And yes, I know many home buyers love to go and walk through and take photos of their new home under construction, and most of the time, it's no skin of the builder's nose to look the other way, as long as they're passive observers and not obstructing the works or causing issues while on site - but the clause is there, and enforceable, and pernickety clients can be breached if they're making the builder's task difficult, not to mention people allowing their kids to go running around the unfinished house in thongs or barefoot is just asking for trouble and is precisely why owners aren't allowed to just waltz onto the site whenever they feel like it. (To be clear, for the avoidance of doubt, i'm referring to residential construction, which of course has several differences to commercial works, but the text quoted at the top of this reply specifically asked about building a home, and that is what I have responded to) the site says that people who need a white card 'include'. it does not limit the list to only those dot points. it does not exclude all others. the fact that the site gives a few examples doesn't mean that others don't need it, it only outlines those who specifically do. A builder could require that all persons on site hold one. while not legislatively required, the builder can set their own WH&S requirements if they've conducted a risk assessment and reasonably concluded a risk mitigation is required. I've seen sites that don't allow Orange hi-vis and specifically requires everyone to wear yellow hi-vis. Turned out many vehicles occupying the site were a similar colour and the orange hi-vis didn't stand out. There's a lot of complexity involved and some things are unique to sites - which is why i was asking what point was being made - but I guess we'll all just have to accept on blind faith the suggestion new display name is implying because he knows something we don't...
  3. I really applaud your self awareness. I didn't want to name names but your honesty is admirable.
  4. I didn't claim she wasn't in the building. it's clear several shots are within, but they all appear to have been *just* inside the doors \ walls. the edge of the building could be defined, really, as being in a room that has an external wall, or on the outside of the same room adjacent to the wall. Would you get to an actual point? have they breached something in your mind? did they do something wrong? or are you making a lot of assumptions and mudslinging because you've got nothing better to do when you're not staring at yourself in a mirror?
  5. I don't have inside knowledge of the exact arrangement of the site. It looks like there's a shed wall directly behind the machine, so it does seem like it might be on the edge of the building, yes. It's a fair assumption they've done things by the book unless there is reason or suggestion that they haven't. If nobody can provide proof that they have flouted regulations, it's fair to assume they did the right thing by WH&S obligations as well as the welfare of the child. If this were an adult talent - would we be asking the same question? Asking a question myself - this can't be the first time filming of progress has occurred on a construction site - plenty of media out there giving updates on everything from cross river rail to Wizard of Oz - Does the child have to complete their site induction or is the supervising parent (who is themselves employed onsite) sufficient to ensure the child is supervised and doesn't enter high risk areas?
  6. I don't usually use headphones when watching videos (I watch them at home on my TV) so I didn't notice any panning issues. Ick if they didn't address the stereo channels though.
  7. It looked like each scene was on the very edge of the relevant section. I've absolutely no doubt given the construction manager was the other guy in the video that they would have cleared whatever relevant steps they needed to. The sunlight and shadows shows they filmed it very late in the day too, so no active work was going on at the time either. I'm sure anyone who thinks Dreamworld has flouted WH&S will have already contacted WorkCover Queensland to dob them in.
  8. Ehh. we said that about Superman and Rivals earlier in the year and turned out Superman had a major mechanical issue. by the sounds of things the dates weren't planned, so I doubt this is for any sort of retheme and is probably something they didn't plan for.
  9. It's ok, we know Movie World prefers to weather their themed elements naturally. (it's a joke not a dick, don't take it so hard.)
  10. There's more than one way to skin a cat. Rides not designed for fasttrack tend to utilise the exit lanes. You could reconfigure the queues differently. You could utilise the outside queues. There are plenty of ways you could do it to split the queue into a showing for each film. You can self sort in the morning if you're there all day, but for many folk dropping by after school or early work finish, who can only get there in the afternoon, or for people with classes on in the afternoon who only have the morning, they don't have the choice which is the original point I made about the half-day showings they have been doing.
  11. I mean - they do need something to replace doomsday, and It makes logical sense to get Intamin to do them a deal given the doomsday issues, so I wouldn't be surprised if Village are already negotiating something with them - but announcing your next big thing before you've even opened your current construction site makes no sense - a bunch of people are no doubt holding off buying passes until the new things are open - if there's ANOTHER new thing coming, maybe I wait another 6-9-12 months until the other new exciting thing is in too? (Honestly the dreamworld \ intamin announcement puzzles me - i can't imagine DW would want to take the shine away from Jungle Rush unless it was ABSOLUTELY necessary...
  12. Yeah look - truthfully both parks have been spurred on to "something" because the park across the road did "something" too. Sometimes its a media post. sometimes its a main attraction. There is nothing wrong with the parks competing for our attention and our dollars, and it is way better than a monopoly without direct competition. But the expression 'not to be outdone' is as much journalism filler as anything else you may read into it. Whether or not the park media teams are tit-fot-tatting or not, I doubt Brad was suggesting DW was first in the train reveal stakes
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