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Naazon last won the day on July 6 2023

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About Naazon

  • Birthday April 6

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    Brisbane, Aus

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  1. I appreciate it too, but it does scream "you bought the wrong ride"
  2. I think they are specifically talking about the one before the queue so you don't have to wait all that time then get rejected
  3. I don't hate the idea if it's temporary while they are sourcing a replacement.
  4. Honestly, its incredibly hard to pin down where you get food poisoning from. Symptoms can start anywhere from 30 minutes to days after. People often attribute food poisoning to the last place they ate but it could just have easily been from 2 days previously.
  5. Small thin white writing with big bright yellow backing. Great. Very easy to read.
  6. Movieworld posted on their Facebook story they will provide a Superman Escape update "Soon".
  7. Do people honestly expect ride specific merch for a non-flagship ride? DC Rivals needs some for sure, and I expect Superman Escape and scooby also. Potentially even Green Lantern since it has that 'steepest drop' bit, but not Flash. I think the extended flash merch is more than enough (and looks cool. My sons favourite hat is the red flash one)
  8. Disney is a publicly listed company, so yes they do have budgets and not unlimited money.
  9. I have been to a KFC and told they don't have any chicken...
  10. While you're 10000% correct, there is also likely speed and efficiency wins to be made. With more regular production of these updates approvals likely can be streamlined and 'PR' contact relationships at intamin/MACK may improve, once again, increase speed of delivery.
  11. Also nothing has happened with Doomsday. Edit: The video (and post caption) is great though and I fully support more of this. Its pretty much what we have been asking for, for a long time. Additionally, it shows some great progress of WoO and the build in that area.
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