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Showing content with the highest reputation on 23/02/12 in all areas

  1. Perhaps keep any discussion on Lethal Weapon to the existing thread though.
    1 point
  2. http://tinyurl.com/6re7uy7 Looks like Superman, Batman and Wonderwoman to me. My post from many months ago is looking more and more like a possibility... "The wife and I were talking and with the Justice League Movie in the works, why would they not rip out the batcave and make the JLHQ and we have to help them save the world from some catastrophe by getting into special pods? This would completely revamp the BMTR2 area both inside and out, give a new attraction using the current setup with some modifications? Especially since we have a Batman, Superman and now Green Lantern ride and the new DC Universe store all in that area? Either way my money is on another superhero theme." - September 28, 2011
    1 point
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