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Everything posted by Zanstabar

  1. While I completely agree, I think the best we will ever see would be half original, half IP-based. Friday the 13th or Nightmare on Elm St is going to be much more marketable and recognisable to the GP then an original franchise such as Hillbilly Slasher. I agree. Think you can elaborate a bit for us? You know, actually give us an idea of what would be in these mazes?
  2. Yes. Physical contact is pretty much only allowed during the tour.
  3. "Uncle Sam" was in reference to the iconic piece of American propaganda during World War I and II. You will most likely recognise the actor in question during your visit. Seeing how bad I've been with spoilers, I'm being very self-conscious to try and avoid them while also answering your question. If you are familiar with the special experience during the UTT last year, then this would seem no different. Whereas the actors in the mazes and precincts try to scare you while simultaneously keeping a safe distance, the actors during the tour have no boundaries. They're vulgar, they get physical, and they can get very, very personal. I will leave it at that to save those who want a surprise...
  4. I would if I could edit the post. I tried to avoid spoilers, but due to this being my thoughts in a written form I clearly screwed up in that regard. Sorry if I've ruined anyone's time with the review.
  5. Sorry, it was more of a stream of consciousness. I tried my best, and if that's not good enough then so be it.
  6. Last night was a bit of an oxymoron for me. The event has this new sense of polish and thoughtfulness that I haven't seen previously, while somehow also feeling like it missed the mark. Mazes: Friday the 13th:This was a really enjoyable maze. Some of the best scares I've ever seen in Fright Nights history are in here, such as the "Mine Shaft". I could tell that Michael, Chris, and the team give this franchise the best they could have and it really shows. It felt like I was in the film, for the most part. Some of the exterior sense started to feel a little bit lacking, as the repetition of one or two tree trunks and black walls did start to become a bit too much. This is a must do maze this year for anyone who attends the event. It's practically the essence of the event. WyrmwoodThe creative team really tried to emphasise Wyrmwood last night, and so they should have. A locally produced film on a shoestring budget that has received success is a great achievement. The maze is a different story. I wouldn't say it was crap, but I wouldn't call it gold either. Some scenes are very beautiful, such as the underpass, while others seemed a tad bare. Both of my runs also resulted in some pretty bad conga-lining. One last point to mention is that the story and some of the scenes seemed redundant. The opening scene is a guy looking into a fridge, not even scaring guests. Whether that's to develop the narrative is unknown, but it just seemed a little bit pointless. I wouldn't rush back to this maze, but if the queues are great then go for it. Wolf CreekI didn't attend last year so it was great to experience this maze for the first time. While it was a great time, I just didn't really "connect" with the maze. It didn't have that "Je ne sais quoi" or that "X Factor". The sets were great, there were some awesome scares and it felt immersive in most scenes, but something just didn't feel right about it. This may just have been my least favourite of the night. While that may sound bad, I will tell you this; it was not a trainwreck. It was a great maze but it was just a bit off and I don't know why. Maybe it will be better later in the season? Evil WithinThank the heavens that the Scooby queue is not a maze location. This maze put every maze in the Scooby queue to shame, and for good reason. This maze had a plethora of scares around every corner, and some pretty nice environments. While it didn't really have any key set pieces, the whole atmosphere of the game was carried through nicely. The characters looked great, it had a good layout and even some admirable scares, such as the "Blade Room". Even though it's a repeat, this is a must do when attending. Precincts ZombielandWhat a pleasant surprise! I was expecting just a generic zombie zone, but the attention to detail really astounded me. They have a sideshow booth, with an almost picture perfect recreation of a clown zombie, the wedding gazebo complete with bride and groom, and even zombie Bill Murray. My only comment is this; it could do with some more scares. Yes, I saw people running from the zombies when I would pass through, but every time I went through it seemed that most people were avoided. It almost seemed a little "dead". FreaksThis was a hot mess. To me, it was clear that this precinct was trying so very hard to nail the "Thrill-seeking" demographic while also appeal to the younger kids that should obviously not be heading to this style of event. The performers are great, don't get me wrong, but the roaming actors aren't scary enough for the thrill-seekers yet many are too disturbing for the younger ones. As an example, the "Uncle Sam" character sent people running, and I saw many young girls disturbed by the kissing booth, but the Strongman? He didn't really do anything. If this precinct returns next year, all I saw is to try and stick to one demographic, otherwise it's going to be a mess. Gothic HallGothic Hall shouldn't be called a precinct; it should just be called a show stage. No scare actors found, just musicians. Admittedly, I didn't get to fully experience this precinct as I kept missing the shows, but I don't think a precinct should be completely void of entertainment outside of certain times. Demon's LairProbably my most disappointing precinct. It was clear to me that when this was on the drawing board, it wasn't a matter of how to make a cool experience, but rather a location for the fire-twirlers. During the tour, it was mentioned that the precinct were going for a festival atmosphere (*cough* Carnivale *cough*). This precinct came out as if they just wanted to recreate Carnivale, not a local Fright Nights event. There were some scares, but this was easily the worst for me. Terror TourI don't want to spoil this for anyone, but what an experience. I never thought I would be groped in the WB Kid's zone while someone sings "Like a Virgin". The finale of the tour is going to stay with me forever. My heart was beating hard, I was panicked and anxious, and I adored every single minute of it. This is what the Fright Nights team can do when they go all out. We just need to see more of this. I have no idea how to rank this year. Somehow in my mind, it was the best Fright Nights yet while also one of the most disappointing. I at a loss for words to be honest. It wasn't two steps forward, one step back, as it made some really good progress in introducing precincts and managing the queues.Yet, it wasn't perfect because some of the precincts where a bit of a mess. I think I might have to return later in the season and see if I can actually solidify any viewpoint. Sidenote: I didn't check the queue times, but while Friday the 13th held a decent queue, Wyrmwood was barely a 10-minute wait. It was practically at the second switchback.
  7. What a pitch, Slick. You just sold me! Any clue as to when we shall see some FN coverage on OurWorlds? I love seeing the photos you guys put up.
  8. Movie World has updated their Snapchat with some pictures of the Zombieland scarezone, and I'm honestly surprised how close to the film it is. The clown looks like it has just walked off the film set, but what stuns me most is the inclusion of the bride. For those that don't know or haven't seen Zombieland in a while, the Bride is featured for 5 seconds in the opening scene. That's it all her screen time, yet they've managed to absolutely nail her appearance. This has made me incredibly hyped for tomorrow. Bring it on!
  9. Well we did have a full moon just only the other day...
  10. It's great to hear that common sense is starting to prevail. I guess people are started to actually read up on an incident before they comment.
  11. Quick question, has anyone here been through the Bedlam Manor house a few years back (2009 I believe)?. It's the only house since the events creation that I have heard nothing about. It would be great to hear what it was like from those who were lucky enough to experience it.
  12. Any clues as to what dates will be the least busy? I'm thinking of going again on the 23rd with some friends, and they don't want to buy a Fast Track. Is that night probable to have overly long queue times? Or does it have a reasonable forecast?
  13. I'll be heading down once the holiday crowd subsides. It looks like a great expansion to the park's offerings. My only real complaint is that the Dora Carousel looks a little tacky, but I'm sure kids would love it.
  14. I think that's a reason it hasn't been shunned in Australia like other Halloween based activities. Fright Nights is like a living horror film. While it's timing around Halloween is great, it was no other real roots back to Halloween (other than inspiration from HHN and Knott's, of course). No pumpkins, no trick-or-treating, just a scarily good time. Will this succeed? Could this be the one family event that continues? Or will this join the other events in Australia's Halloween mass grave? My money is the later...
  15. A much nicer and more fleshed out website, but I would have to say that the yellow colour scheme, while highly visible, isn't exactly the best fit IMO for Fright Nights. Also, a map has been released on the website showcasing the maze and precinct locations, and I gotta say I'm a little disappointed. Both the Gothic Hall and Demon's Lair precinct are pretty much on top of each other. I was hoping one might have been on the way to the studios. The placement of the Gothic Hall out the front of Scooby is a good decision, but I just feel that they could've spaced both precincts a bit better.
  16. I thought they tried to implement it into the scare zones, like the Purge?
  17. I'm against the use of Go-Go's and pyro for the sake of having Go-Go's and pyro. I feel like everything should have a purpose for being there, and not there just because they can put them in the event. In a scare zone similar to 7 at HHN 21, Go-Go's could be used and it would be suitable. But in a zone like Zombieland? No thanks...
  18. I had this one kept close to my chest just in case, but I can always come up with more. I love the concept of the Film Vault. Whether it's well known characters, or just a single scene from a specific film, I feel it can be a great way to use IP's which may not have the strength to carry a stand-alone maze (i.e Psycho). My concept was basically the idea that these classic film icons have come alive in a film studio. Passing through scenes such a costuming department, writing room, etc, before reaching a small theatre, where guests walk through the scene and into recreation of various film scenes. Wouldn't they need a larger back catalogue of characters? There's a possibility it can work, but it may be a little bit of a hot mess.
  19. The rooms look like a great experience and all, but does anyone else have doubts about the success of these Panic Rooms? I know of a lot of GP that attend Fright Nights who find the $45 Fast Track too steep. Bumping that up to $80 for only a 20 minute experience is causing a little bit of doubt about their success within me. I want to see the event grow and become better each and every year, and I would hate to see some of their budget be thrown away on unsuccessful venture. I guess only time can tell... As for Big Mama, it's great to see them continue characters that are their own creations. Easily my favourite part about HS2 and there's no doubt that I would love to see her return for years to come (as long as the use makes sense. She shouldn't be there for the sake of being there).
  20. My point wasn't really for another asylum themed maze, although now that you mention it, I would love to see one just to spice things up a bit. What I was meaning was the new scare zone over in Orlando. It actually looks like a block party gone awry, and I love that. A lot of fans of the event are even stating that it feels vibrant and alive. That's what I would love to see. A scare zone that doesn't seem like a bunch of actors placed in a street.
  21. I've always enjoyed FN and thought that it was great each and every year, but I never knew they could hold their own against HHN. It's really interesting to see. I will agree that our event is a little tight in terms of hours but what can you do with restrictions? I agree that mazes would be better if they had even more extended hours, but I'm sure some guests would complain that the rides closed too early in the night. As for vibrancy, seeing Psychoscareapy Unleashed at Orlando makes me wish we could have something similar. It just looks like a cacophony of chaos. A perfect addition to any haunt, IMHO.
  22. A little off beat but still relevant. Aussie World's Halloween FestEVIL is back again this year, featuring new mazes and entertainment offerings. One such new addition is "Club of the Damned", an adult entertainment lounge similar to the various clubs at Fright Nights over the years. Even more curious is someone featured in a promotional image... Anyone recognise him?
  23. I've heard Hong Kong is a very beautiful place to visit. I look forward to seeing your trip!
  24. If that's all you want to say, that's fine. I'm just very curious about how our local parks and events fare on the global scene. As you can probably guess, your statement really struck a chord with me.
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