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Everything posted by lisalila

  1. I dont want any of our parks to be like the American ones because theres soo many of them; just want an Aussie park to look and feel like an Aussie park. The good thing with our parks is there really isn't anything that we can compare them too except each other where as in the states there's so many parks people always say "park a should get the rollercoaster park b got but only make it bigger, faster and have more inversions" where as here we're all like "dreamworld needs a new coaster" "movieworld needs more thrill rides" and so forth...we're not saying that they need rides like the opposite park.
  2. Its pretty stupid though because they get alot of exposure from all these sites but at least they arent saying you cant post pics all together.
  3. THE PARTY OF THE YEAR IS COMING TO WET'N'WILD! Kids' New Year's Eve at Wet'n'Wild is Australia's most splashtacular New Year celebration, offering a host of entertainment, music and activities for the whole family. And the best news is that the Kids' New Year's Eve festivities are all included in normal admission to the park, which means that families can enjoy a full day at Wet'n'Wild, then stay on for the party. This year's event will be themed around the Dive'n'Movie- OVER THE HEDGE- from DreamWorks Animation, the creators of SHREK and MADAGASCAR. A special highlight of Kids' New Year's Eve is at 5.00pm, when Wet'n'Wild Water World enters a Time Warp, moving all clocks forward three hours especially for the kids. Then at midnight (9.00 pm AEST), the countdown will begin and a surprise never seen before at Wet'n'Wild will bring in the New Year! Book your tickets online now by clicking here!!! Sounds like fun and I'm really loving how they are including it all in the entry price (hopefully though thats not JUST for kids/families), unlike Dreamworld.
  4. Yeah sorry I didn't post the pic in the right thread. At the moment the batman ride is closed while they build batwing and I asked one of the staff if they were going to change any of the ride (adventure ride) and he said no because the batwing is going to be themed around the "new" batman movie so there's no need to change the adventure ride. I said they should because it's old and boring and he just laughed.
  5. Might just be the rush to get it open for the hollies next month? they get alot of money during the Christmas period.
  6. Welcome guys It seriously is huge in person..you look up to the top and you get all dizzy. Gonna be great to ride.
  7. Is it viewable (pictures wise) from the carpark? if so I'll get some quickly while we drop a friend off there on friday.
  8. (cross posting this) Just got back from MW, took two pics of BW..they've added a top to it now so it's slightly different to the Ozcoaster pics..didn't look through the fence or do anything fancing with the pics. Looks MASSIVE in person but...great view from the highway.
  9. Just got back from MW, took two pics of BW..they've added a top to it now so it's slightly different to the Ozcoaster pics..didn't look through the fence or do anything fancing with the pics. Looks MASSIVE in person but...great view from the highway.
  10. I wish I was going but I'll be up there the week before and airfare is too expensive to go up a few days later but my friend's are going so I'll ask them about some pics and vids. How come Ozcoaster and this site aren't going to cover it? they cover new ride openings which happen every 2-3 years.
  11. Feb is a great time to go and I think the first week of June is too..wnw wasn't that busy when we went on the saturday and either was dw or mw but it might change with all the specials on the annual passes they've had...some friends of mine rarely visit wnw or mw but just got a annual pass because they were cheap. I believe it's after 5pm.
  12. Do you really count a unopened ride as something that should be counted in "adding a ride for this year"? perhaps once it opens you can say that?. Are the awards judged on the previous year? (so 06 awards judged on 05 stuff) if not then SE doesn't count, it was opened in 2005. I think once Batwing open's though MW will be great and will perhaps win it next year but they haven't opened anything this year; Dreamworld have...even if it is a ride like the flowrider. It WOULD be nice if DW added more rides like MW have/are.
  13. It takes about 5 or 6 re-rides (one after the other) to make me feel sick enough to stop riding but my first ride I was wishing I hadn't gotten on lol. I stick my hands up straight (unless I cant get them up very far because of the person next to me then they go out straight) and my legs out straight and it's a great feeling but I come out of the seat any way because I'm so short so the hand/legs thing adds that extra 'thrill' but there's nothing like facing the ground in front of the que line and letting go and hearing people go "she's not holding on "
  14. What have Movie done? They haven't added anything this year and I do remember DW adding the Flowrider (even though that's going to WWW now..it was still in DW). I prefer DW to MW because there's just more to do there, there's more rides, the park is bigger and it doesn't take less then 2 hours to do all the rides.
  15. With the McDonald's thing..friend said it's going through the Christmas period..they apparantly do it every year so you still have like a month and a bit to get in there.. So the park won't even be open for a full year before they do the price increase again? (for 08 season)
  16. Yeah if you live up there you don't notice the heat as much as Southerners do. I always complain to my friends about the heat when I go up there. I know you said that and what I said was not all of us have parents to 'baby sit' our stuff so we either have to get a locker and leave our shoes in there (which is what I do) or take the risk and leave/hide our shoes at the bottom of the slides. No worries, didn't think you were attacking me and appologise if it seemed like I was attacking you cause I wasn't.
  17. With the Cyclone, I find that if I hold the harness down my ears don't hit as much but that might be because I'm a shrimp. Don't be scared of the claw! I put it off for three days and was sorry I did..that was at least 7 rides I missed out on and once you go on it you will want to re-ride it again and again. I got butterflies just reading that lol.
  18. Right well that's great if you have your rents to rely on but for those of us that actually go with mates that ride the sides with us we have no choice but to either get a locker or leave em at the bottom and take the risk. Doesn't get that hot? man you must not go there during the hot days then. Last time I went there was June and we were running around trying to find every little bit of shade we could. Heading to clypso beach from mammomth we decided to walk in the wave pool to keep our feet cool and have them a bit wet as we came onto the hot ground. Go there when it's actually hot and the sun is beating down on the ground and there is like 5% shade through the whole park (if even that) and then come back and say it doesn't get "that" hot.
  19. He meant it's only ava at stores in Queensland Matt, not restricted to QLD residents. It seems kind of stupid that they have the www pass so high when wnw have thiers for $99 online right now..
  20. Get there before opening people can't enter uintil they open and if you are there before they open than you have a 50% more chance of getting in than you would if you got there an hour or two after opening..
  21. So everytime they get stolen you just buy more? it'll be cheaper to buy the Aqua Shoes in the long run. But really..if you go on a ride and leave valuables behind (thongs, camera's, hats, etc) you take the risk of getting them stolen. Dont know how many times I've heard someone say they've lost thier hat or sunglasses on the claw.
  22. That would be cool if only SW was open at night..
  23. They could just use Dreamworld staff until than though...they have enough to go around (I think?) but I am sure they have more staff than what was done when you went for your interview..they were looking for staff in September.
  24. Aw nuts love screaming my head off on that ride. I really hope they don't close it for good..it's a damn good ride and is just as popular as the claw, especially with all the asian tourists! It's also nice they say it's unsafe lol..getting customers the Dreamworld way..
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