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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/01/14 in Posts

  1. Mrs Krabappel the orange crayon hurt my eyes. Wow, just wow, this thread is all kinds of special. Reanimated, where do you get off providing useful information that is freely available on the internet? That new fangled Google search thingy is so silly as is the Wet'nWild Sydney website (even if it is actually crap). Swagjord as a New South Welshman born and bred I thank you. "The Bus is now leaving for another State, I don't care which one but I'm going as quick as I can to drop of my one and only passenger"
    2 points
  2. I think you have to look at the timeframe here. Trades and governments are closed all over the Christmas break so you'd see little movement of anything like that since the time the ride opened... So don't base things on the time frame. IF the ride was built with fire effects they would have been built to code you'd imagine and all the expensive work has been done so it's likely they'd come online at some point. Now there may have been no fire effects at all. Looks to me that there are steam effects in use and the insulated pipes AlexB has been referring to May just be for that??
    1 point
  3. Yeah fair enough. Makes sense. I guess it's too hard for anything to be overly easy these days.
    1 point
  4. As i've said several times in the past - my wife is a construction administrator for a very large building company in queensland. The construction they do undergoes several 'certification' or 'approval' steps, which include among others: approval for the development approval for the plumbing sewerage plans gasfitter's certification 'final' approval which is an inspection done by the council to confirm that all the conditions of the construction have been adhered to Theres a bunch of others, and i've probably gotten the names wrong, but you can get approval to build, and then get the 'building' signed off, but that doesn't mean the gas fittings were signed off. The relevant authorities would sign off that the construction was completed as per the DA, but the gas supply cannot be enabled until the authorised gas fitter has certified the work. Think caravans - you can build a caravan from scratch, and get it registered by the department of transport (it's nothing but a trailer at the end of the day) - but the gas fittings installed need to be certified by a gas fitter separate to the registration... and you can't use the gas stove until that's done... make sense?
    1 point
  5. I suppose it's similar to the actual certification of new rides. They can get approval to install it, but then once built (and just prior to opening) it must be certified to ensure all safety requirements are met and the ride is functioning correctly.
    1 point
  6. Step 1: Buy a Gold Pass Step 2: Visit Wet n Wild, and sell to a friend Step 3: Friend visits wet n wild and sells to next friend. Step 4: This Friend visits wet n wild and sells to another friend. Step 5: Repeat all season Step 6: Fifty People visit WnW for $129.....Problem, VRTP?
    1 point
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