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Everything posted by mickey_079

  1. Awwww well I hope you enjoy your visit, I like the park, even though its not about the rides, its still really really enjoyable. The Demon was my first looping coaster, the first incline is terrible for a first coasters, its so steep and uncomfortable, you slip forward off the seat and you think your going to keep going until the restraint catches you. Going on big scary rides is good but, nothing should go wrong, statistics for ride incidents are low, and hey if it wasn't for the demon or SP I would of never gone on X or Tatsu
  2. I like it the only ugly bits gazza is one of the boats, the cones in the speakers have been ripped out and you don't get any sound from the boat, so first time riders dont really understand whats going on if they get on that boat. GAZZA U WERE LIKE ME! A PUSSY AT THAT AGE! lol. Space Probe and the Demon change that but
  3. It can go greater than the speed it is currently at. But its too expensive to run the ride at its original launch speed or its a speed greater than.. is it 166km/h ?? Ohh you gotta love roller-coaster technology lol. Oh I know this is off topic, I am doing a research assignment for engineering studies and chose to roller coaster engineering, if anyone has any links for info or anything like that I would love to know. Cheers
  4. I will be going. My mates and I will be driving up, not sure what day though. What is this $30 unlimited riding you mentioned? Is it just a rumor? I would love for that to be true.
  5. Are you serious aidan! but your illustrations look so much like the maps lol. I didn't expect this thread to get so much attention. If the magnets do propel the ride back to the station... then why do they have the bog pit? I though the magnets slowed the pod down because if i can remember in another thread some said the power went out once and the car went straight through the station and into the bog pit...
  6. Thanks for that. I can see it now lol. Thanks
  7. lol i looked at it... it was all good... apart from no GD STATION! lol yes back to seriousness... im not suggesting or saying they should do, i was merely wondering if it was possible. Pretty much I was bored and I was thinking of random stuff I know the current launch likes to suck up alot of electricity lol... I dont like the idea of ripping TOT down, I think the TOT is what made Dreamworld and is what saved it, and I think it looks great on the skyline to. but aidan... yeah ok I like your picture lol sorry gazza I think you got a bit of competition
  8. I'm not 100% sure about the theme park itself, but the seaworld rescue and marine biology research department is the same as what it is all around the globe. Our research department has a close bond with the US and department and often they call us for rescuers or we call them for some.
  9. oh now c'mon! thats not very accurate! U CAN'T EVEN SEE THE GIANT DROP STATION ON THERE! I dont even wanna look at this again until you fix that lol
  10. Ok, I been thinking... the launch on TOT... would would happen if we had a conversion on the motors? Change it to a hydraulic launch. Anyway, I want to do some equations, all I need is the weight of the capsule and torque of the hydraulic motor so I can find the tension in newton meters of the cable. But anyway apart from that do you think it could be done? Would it be a good idea to do it or not? Or is it just down right impossible? I would like to hear your thoughts and gazza... lol would love to see a concept drawing.
  11. I cant seem to find the concept. I know there was a link posted to the site but could anyone post a direct link for me?
  12. Everything this guy does is a joke... lol do you guys not realise this? I mean c'mon did you know watch the how to increase your Wi-Fi Signal by wrapping an ethernet cable around your cell phone. Lol... c'mon people... you guys aren't that stupid. I mean you talk about all this smart stuff about coasters and then go and believe this video lol.
  13. The chemical could of been anything. I could of even been a virus as such, for example like white spot, only this occurs in fish lol. Where is the gravel actually from? Who knows what the source was... for all we know their could of been a substance spilt when the pebbles were being cleaned and it could of become unnoticed. As Alex said it could of been something in the water. It may not of been aged or purified properly before cleaning resulting in chlorine to still be left on them. Its going to take allot to get the numbers back up, its not just as simple as oh stick 2 different sexes together and let them mate. They need to build close relationships, become dependent on each other and then successfully give birth... its a long process. There not like rabbits lol. Oh just one more thing... why has the forum gone so quiet?
  14. Thats crap! Just like they said in the article, it only takes on bird to get sick and the rest will be affected, no matter what, unless you isolate the bird when u notice symptoms... awww thats horrible. Will they be breeding them to repopulate?
  15. omg dude cut sick why dont you, seriously. sorry to other people about this pointless reply, admins can delete if they wish. Well thank you for your time... and skeetafly... u need to grow up and give people a fair go, nothing personal.
  16. lol all these show people... what companies (or what ever they r) are there? and is it true carnies are rich? many people have told me this
  17. nothing missing or anything... cessnock this year just sucked lol. No but seriously, ozshowkid... why did cessnock have hardly any rides this year? or game or showbag stands? Was it because of the splash canyon being there?
  18. wow richard! thats the smallest 9 storys i have seen in my life! SERIOUSLY WHATS GOING ON! wait wait wait... how is it there then???
  19. lol its not 5.... its no more than 3, the top of the hill and the loop are tiny.
  20. I'm not saying that they should make it simulate surfing. I said how can it be incorporated around surfing... I know rides don't exactly simulate real life things and what they are themed too, i did not say that at all...
  21. Even though that ride simulation is for Vekoma, would we expect to something the same size? Taking over the sky line in wet n wild? I like the design of that but, incorporating the halfpipe around the track. Still don't see how this ride can be made around surfing, it just doesn't make any sense.
  22. Who are you!? lol. How about we all say, cessnock show was downright crap... and seriously doubt that after this year the won't be having one next year... and yeah it was osbourne. Although they did say, attendance was at its highest this year.
  24. I wish i could get my speedo one uploaded, the one i told you about, lol... STUPID VHS!!!!
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