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Everything posted by T-bone

  1. Sure. Now i need to chang it abit, but yes. It will be up by the weekend.
  2. I was just about to send a message like that, but i put it into the wrong thread, and hadn't got around to putting it in the right thread.
  3. Guys, Liam and Richard. I have made a video which i am willing to post upto the forums of Wonderland. And i just thought that before i post, i should ask richard, and Liam for their permission, because almost all of the footage from the video comes from this site. Can i please have your permission Liam and or Richard. Thanks.
  4. when i went there, there was no on ride photo section on Wild Mouse.
  5. Mate that picture has already been posted on this thread. The Exact same one. Unless you are shifty in a disguise, you did not take that photo.
  6. Actually that's not bad idea gazza.
  7. Mate it was our pleasure. Anyway, what is it like in the U.K?
  8. No Rush. Take your time. Even if it means when your up to doing it 2 days time.
  9. Yeah that always seems to happen. And your like "What a woose, i can do it all day long without saying peep.
  10. Little Wonders Land was the land at the very back of the Park next to the Wildlife park up the Hill. Little Wonders Land was originally known a Hanna Barbera Land and contained all the kids rides including the Beastie. The park in 2001 i think lost the Hanna Barbera licence (More like, Didn't want to spend the money re-newing it) so they changed the name to Little Wonders Land. And shortly after that, to reduce costs, they closed the area down and put a gate just after the magic show entry and did the rides up, and moved them to various places around the park. My Memories of HBL were the most memories i ever had of the park and i thought it had the best atmosphere in the whole park. That area was the best as even if your too old for the rides up their (most of them anyone could ride), you could still walk around, look at all the nice fountains and think "What a nice place this place is".
  11. I think it (and the whole of Goldrush but Eureka especially) are the best Themed Area in the Whole Park.
  12. I reckon Eureka is even though not a ghost train, The Best Ghost Train like ride in the whole of Australia. Not Including SDSC as i have not ridden that.
  13. I don't believe the ride aspect has been changed. I think they have only re-structued the fall and make it more safe for the general public. But i haven't ridden the ride for a long time. So i wouldn't know.
  14. I doubt anything special will happen. But i would like them to scare the place up with scary lights at night time, make a really scary walkthrough in the Big Top, and use a decent Ghost Train. But as i said. It probably won't be much this year around.
  15. Well i work at Pizza Hut. I love my job and i was bored with my old one, so i changed it to my Pizza Hut Logo. Plus it suits me. Also, think of me as your Pizza Hut Rep.
  16. I'm Sorry for making a suggestion.
  17. Let's Count and See. 1. Dreamworld 2. WNW 3. Sea World 4. Movie World 5. Aussie World 6. Wonderland Sydney 7. Magic Mountain 8. Luna Park Sydney 9. Luna Park Melbourne 10. Adventure World For 11 and 12, we could use several pictures from smaller parks which aren't big enough to have a profile. Such as Downunderland, Ton - O - Fun and the rest.
  18. Mate, Please don't double post. If you need to, use the edit function button to add information to your posts.
  19. May i make a suggestion? Well i'll make it anyway. Why don't you have a Park Profile instead of just the rides. You an have as many pictures of the parks signature rides, and some text telling you where the park is or was, and some info about the park.
  20. Yeah. I love the Tango Train aswell, but there is more forward motion time than backwards time. And it hurts going forward.
  21. What sort of images of rides are you looking for richard? I have quite a selection which were taken on my digital on the summer holiday before the announcement. The ones i already sent you were from when the camer decided it neede high quality batteries, so i used a disposable one instead. Anyway. What rides are you after as i am more than willing to hand some over to you richard.
  22. Yeah Richard. I wouldn't mind helping out for the site in the future. I could be your Canberran Corrospondent! So seriosly, i wouldn't mind helping out with the site. I do have a passion for website managment & building.
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