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New display name

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Everything posted by New display name

  1. The engineer are the ones that sign off their own work. A private certifier will ask for a certificate from the engineer that the ride complies. A private certifier does not have the skills to say if a ride will run safely or not.
  2. Lol GCB should stick to reporting to cars driving on the tram tracks. Richard said it was a hyper long before I got potty trained. That article is so confusing with photos of other coasters and GCB saying construction starting soon while showing a photo of construction.
  3. I know one thing. When she's 80 she will be tripping over them.
  4. All I see is the boobs. Must be a man thing.
  5. I think the announcement timeline you had @Jamberoo Fan is on shaky grounds now. I can't see MW wanting to put their name in the headlines or wanting any attention.
  6. Interesting maintenance period for next year. Viking Revenge Flume Viking Revenge Flume will be closed for Maintenance from Monday 17/10/16 to Sunday 20/11/16 Viking Revenge Flume will be closed for Maintenance from Monday 17/07/17 to Sunday 10/12/17 That's almost half the year.
  7. Didn't they already anonce today that they have hired an ex top police officer to do just that? DREAMWORLD have appointed the former policeman who ran the 2011 flood recovery in Grantham to help the theme park deal with the tragedy. Mike McKay, a former Queensland police officer with 41 years experience, was appointed to the role on Friday after receiving a call from Dreamworld’s parent company Ardent Leisure on Thursday night.
  8. The truth of the matter is in a years time a lot of people will not remember who owns DW. DW will hold the stigma for a long time to come.
  9. DREAMWORLD will remain closed until after the funerals are held for the victims killed in Tuesday’s ride disaster. Speaking at a press conference on Friday afternoon, CEO Craig Davidson confirmed the theme park would not reopen until the funerals of all four victims had been held and all investigations are completed. Mr Davidson also invited the community to attend a second special candlelight vigil outside the park from 6pm tonight.
  10. If you have read it can you please just sum it us for us. I am taking my wife out for a hot date tonight and I need get my bling on. I'm going down to MW tomorrow to check the new coaster and hopefully find something new we can all talk about besides this.
  11. @Richard It's a bit hard to read your article when all I get is this. " You have reached an article available exclusively to subscribers."
  12. Quick question for the people with more knowledge. I can see who’s installing the foundations for the ride and which company is overseeing the installation of the ride. Do Mack Rides employees come to Australia to erect the coaster? Of course, this would-be speculation but if a team from Mack Rides do come to oz.. Would skeet be right in thinking now the track installers have finished in Germany that after a short break the same installers would come to MW. It’s going to be a big weather shock for them coming from Germany to Australia. At least Night Quarter do a nice German Sausage.
  13. If I can stretch the skeet memory back that far it would at least be a couple of owners of DW ago that the turntable was removed. It could be 20 years ago.
  14. I have never noticed the rails under the water in the loading section before. I know this rail system in the photo went in this year.
  15. AWU are pulling post off their Facebook page. They can do want they want but it would be nice if they explained themselves. I managed to snip one before it was removed but on reflecting I might just keep it to myself. @Richard I have not watched the news for a few years now.
  16. A. Concrete ramp to unloading point. The turntable sat at this height. B. The turntable ran around the inner circle. You can still see the outline of it. C. Concrete slab.
  17. @AlexB Flowers are not a waste. It's one way to show support to the family and all involved. Are you going to create a fund for everyone involved?
  18. @AlexB It was only a few weeks ago WWW Worker was banging on about the new slide at WWW and what was going on at WWW. If anything he/she might be a team leader of the ice-cream shop but in any case I don't think he/she would be asked to operate the video. If he/she is a manager @AlexB and he/she worked for me, I would have sacked him/her by now.
  19. @www worker 2.0 I’m starting to think you are full of shit. No manager from DW/WWW is going to go on here and tell us about seeing the footage. Only the very senior management of DW would see the footage. Why would anyone from DW go next door to WWW and say come and have a look at this. I just got a major ping on my bullshit radar.
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