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Everything posted by jjuttp

  1. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0iUkj2nCRps&feature=autoplay&list=PLA3F490D240D15F3A&index=5&playnext=2 jump to 4:20 from there it switches from POV to characters and back etc...
  2. They use rides to make music now? Sounds very Monsters Inc. to me... "MIDI ( /ˈmɪdi/; Musical Instrument Digital Interface) is an industry-standard protocol that enables electronic musical instruments (synthesizers, drum machines), computers and other electronic equipment (MIDI controllers, sound cards, samplers) to communicate and synchronize with each other. "
  3. Ok, now the project is now under "proponent reviewing submissions" this is a stab in the dark but does this mean that they're counting the yes' and no's?
  4. And so does that fact that at the start of the thread i believe that Intamin was noted out...
  5. yes the "ginger ninja" from BB has returned...
  6. that... and the dimensions of the photo...
  7. from the above picture i can confirm that his phone (if thats what he took the picture with) is in fact a Nokia...
  8. Another idea that occurred to me just then while i was doing the lawn was that on one of the major TPR trips , we should get a few Parkz members to go on said trip (preferably one with ERT). and if they stayed like an extra week or so; they could of visited the SRES (Sydney Royal Easter Show). And is it just me or is Joz's post above me not showing?
  9. since when have they EVER listened to anything that we have said? they only listen to they're own egos... *cough*bermuda*cough* *cough*looney tunes*cough*
  10. keadz-they did the parks on different days-they're using the american date still so it will show on the front page that it was today, tomorrow... hopefully with the roo feeding its self as the album cover too... donkeys
  11. i really want to see a pov of probally the only thing on the gold coast that hasnt had one yet...Jet Rescue...
  12. Robb Alvey (TPR) is now currently in australia.
  13. No pirate thingo to go with the update?
  14. OMG ITS ANIMAL AL!!!! (insert guitar riff here)
  15. Also is it just me or does it look like the master blasters AND the boomerango both end in a lazy river like thing? i also want to see some deep and immersive theming; WWW tried to immerse you in aussie surfing culture. WNWS looks like it has some mild theming like the shark at the top of the boomerango. And how you dont want the flycoaster down here GoGoBoy for starters we dont have one in NSW yet (as far as i know) and every great theme park needs a tower like object that can be see from the highway... TOT;GD ,SV ,SE ,BWS , FC , and the BRO.
  16. The drawing looks different to the original CP...
  17. like the poster that they used to sell thats sitting in my cupboard?
  18. 5396... ;P And if possible i would like to see a picture of this mask or a HGD (Highly Gazza'd Drawing... ) because all i can think of is well i dont know but yeah; and if they do decide to keep this structure and not turn it into a rollercoaster i'd like to see something like a cross between the battle boats thing at CB and the lazer dark rides; like have them go in and out of the mountain "mt d" in the boats but make something so like theres a water tank on one park of it and if you hit it or the target high up or something the tank topples over, breaks, and pisses on you with water (possibly yellow... ;P) so every ride is different because you can test ways to get more wet, and possibly even make chain reactions too, like hit the tank, one of the tanks legs fall half way down mt d and then break off a rock that causes a ton of water to fly at you etc... could work...
  19. while trolling the G4TV website i came across this... http://www.g4tv.com/thefeed/blog/post/7102...-the-Works.html also if anyone else pays attention to fuel tv; i was trying to locate this story that was either on ATOS or X-PLAY ; it was a museum like place that held video game art like artists interpretations of things like pitfall etc... and had a working Atari car that ran on a game cartridge and stuff like that if anyone else found it/saw it and remembers it please post...
  20. Ok I see where your coming from but you do also have to take in acount a few things:the kind of day eg public holidays school holidays etc , the time of year ,eg.summer holidays where new staff are hired and placed on with minimal information and are like puppete on a string and finally havent you noticed that people are more willing to be annoying and argue during these times or when its hot?
  21. when i was in luna park today due to it being 930 and not opening till 11 we decided to walk for an hour and a half to darling harbor, on this trip when crossing the WLW and aquarium i saw the 2 lego figures(ironic much? a cowboy and Poseidon with a purple conch ) then on the way back on the train EVERY stop in the city circle-ish area had lego signs nothing in-particular just lego like at TH there were 3 banners in a row of just lego people in a line. and in the A they had a lego shop too... i think this may of already happened...
  22. well i can say that today was good when i went- the disk'o was there but not operating( so i guess SBNO) and the SBNO power surge; both located behind the wave swinger; and on another note EVERYTHING was running FULL BALL today even with the wind. wild mouse was faster; the tumble bug was crazier; the redback was wilder (i actually had fun on it...) and the tango train was nuts.
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