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Everything posted by Randy23

  1. Well i can say that they will be getting about 3-4 moves in 3D or 4D so it will be better then showing one all day!
  2. Hey There has been rumours that there will be putting another new attraction in h2o area so stay tune for more info.
  3. Hey Just rumours around the park at DW that there will be a new Attraction/ride located at blue lagoon area, and shrek will be replaced with journey to the centre of earth or whatever it is called
  4. AlexB "I really think we're getting to the stage where Randy just needs to be ignored. Like Nightshifter, but without a sense of humor." Rob who said i put it in a sence of humour way? and about the special effects at WnW there will be none it is only for 4D movies with out special effects. If you get me.
  5. Hey i said this a month ago it is going to happen. they will be replacing this with another 4D movie with a new projector the old 4D projecter will be moved to WnW for there screen so WnW can show 4D movies and normal ones. This new attraction will be well themed in and out side, there is rumours that they will be showing maybe about 3-4 differnt movies during out the day... and also that it is been mention the rumours are that Journey to the Center of the earth will be the main theme.
  6. They are copyright, if you read the Description it will say from Facebook fans on Dreamworld page or somethink
  7. Sorry slideshow It is related to Dreamworld and yes it has a picture of him in the "slideshow"
  8. Hey guys I have made a Slideshow on YT about Dreamworld so check it out http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FdkVd5-NaJY
  9. Hey guys, i have manage to get a hands on the Adventureland Ride ops manual it says about E-Stop The E-STOP is for emergencies only. Know what the E-Stop on your ride does – You will be fully trained on any ride you are expected to operate or attend. a. On some rides the E-STOP will work just like the stop button and stop the ride as normal. b. On other rides, such as the Balloon Tower, the E-STOP will shut off all power to the ride… in some situations making it worse to hit the E-STOP than the regular stop button. c. Before pressing an E-STOP make sure you know what it does.
  10. From FB group Answer from Kenny: I have the full rundown from the managers for you now - the water has been removed for a few reasons - it was causing corrosion on the ride and the staff were expected to go in at the end of the day to collect lost property etc (including days when guests had spewed in the water) and access for emergency evacuation was difficult (ie - if the ride gets stuck in mid air due to a malfunction, we may need emergency access to get guests down).... taking into account all of these issues, I don't think they are planning to refill it at the moment...
  11. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5cJgom04kAU here i put it together enjoy.
  12. here are some more cheers comment Shot0097.bmp Shot0099.bmp Shot0101.bmp Shot0104.bmp Shot0106.bmp
  13. Hey guys just an update on my RCT3 Dreamworld Winter wonderland but my version of it because i havent been yet so have a look Shot0107.bmp Shot0105.bmp Shot0112.bmp Shot0102.bmp Shot0103.bmp Shot0100.bmp Shot0094.bmp Shot0105.bmp
  14. yes you will getting about 8000-1000+ people all next week due to NSW and other states are on holidays and yes DC comics brings in the crowed.
  15. Hey guys Im here to tell you that Dreamworld is copying VRTP/WVTP deal they will be rolling out there pass which ends on the same date as WVTP 30th june but dreamworld has a catch if you book online you get another month FREE!! so ill sum it up, on Monday July 5 they be will release a $99 Unlimited World Pass, giving you unlimited entry until June 30, 2011.
  16. Hey I watch the show yesterday i have to say it had a WOW factor when the joker came out and was dancing etc. Then bugs was dancing with daffy duck and gang dancing to The Black Eyed Peas - I Gotta Feelin just also i was sitting across from Shrek 4D please note dont sit near a drain because it stinks! here some pics that i took Joker.bmp Host.bmp Heros.bmp
  17. i mean belive what you wanna believe just also this halloween is going to be 9 day this october!!
  18. hey This could be not be happening but im just saying what IF it closed down and there is no confirmination that this going ahead so yes..
  19. ok it was a TROLL ALL ALONG i was making it up! lady and gents now block me or ban me what ever you do!
  20. Themeparkgc, Yes they have plans underway but they havent yet confirmed when shrek will be replaced but the river ride is going to be closing next year and there are plans that LW will be closed down in 2012 so wait and see till then. Rumours are around the park that river ride will be replaced with an indoor rollercoaster like the Scooby Coaster but a kiddies one maybe? Randy23
  21. Well yes it is about maintenance all the parts etc and also the fact it is out of the way E.g Not much people can see the entry to the ride, But can see the track and then when they walk up the ramp they think it is a movie not a ride. Also they get less people unless if it is on a PUBLIC HOLIDAY or SCHOOL HOLIDAYS
  22. Hey Just letting you know, if River ride closes down next year, what would you turn it into?? have your say PLANS ARE UNDERWAY Randy23
  23. CORRECT! there is only going to be one train on LW ride , they use the red train as spare part just incase if somethink happens to the blue train.They already have plans to replace the ride in 2012 so watch out for that.
  24. hey guys i made me a recreational of dreaworld check it out http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LnrSeU-spVQ cheers
  25. Hey at some stage will be expanding the daily Planet which shrek shop will be closed! they will be expanding the daily planet to be called DC Comics Cheers
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