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Tim Dasco

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Everything posted by Tim Dasco

  1. So with Fright Nights Starting Tonight Adventure World have posted some pictures. So these are off the outdoor cinema showing 80s horror films. The screen. The Goliath Skull lit up. They also did a live video showing off the cool lighting for Goliath. Not sure what they have used but the lighting on the support structure that chases up and down looks very cool. Its good to see them expanding the event and making 2 separate events one for the families and one for the older generation. Should be a fun night and AW said on their Facebook page that tickets are selling fast and there are not many left. Update: a few more photos have been posted from the 18+ graveyard bar. hopfully the weather stays good. Not looking the best.
  2. I think this is one awesome peicr of theme park footage!
  3. I thought I would take the time to do a nice little photo update with some high quality images. So Along with Goliath, Rampage has received a complete re paint, and the queue has been painted, the trailer mounted food store next to Kahuna Falls has been renovated to look permeant. Another food outlet has been placed on the new lawn space and the Dominos to Go has been removed and the old cafe extended. Below Zero has also been renamed and now offers some goliath themed foods. Abyss giving rides a fun ride! Goliath and its new seating area. Rampage has returned to a wood grain queue line. Goliath! The scratch marks on Rampage. Abyss and Goliath meet. Nice new intamin lap bars. The power/electronic room for Goliath. The Bermuda triangle of thrills.
  4. Just going to leave this. MELB to SIN is 8 hours and a further bus trip up to KL or another 10 minute longer flight. Keep in mind Australia is not just Queensland. From Perth it is cheaper to fly to Singapore then to fly interstate to the east coast.
  5. The Sea World eye I believe was the wheel that was sent to Perth and constructed on our foreshow in the city. Later on it was removed and placed into storage to make way for the Elizabeth Quay construction and after being in storage for a few years the city of Fremantle (in Perth) brought it and installed it in the town centre.
  6. There will 100% be no new ride next season. The way they have operated is a new ride every 2 years for a long long time. Dating back to 2000. However we will have to wait and see if we get MI4 in 2019 and MI5 in 2021.
  7. On the past weekend I have seen 2 people vomit on Goliath and each time they closed the ride to wash it and then they did one cycle to air it out.
  8. A new trailer video has been posted. https://m.youtube.com/?reload=7&rdm=2thq0g1k0#/watch?v=e9IsxH6Fc38 some more information has been uploaded.
  9. A lot of the country are still on holidays for another week. So I would say it would still be busy.
  10. @Theme Park I believe Mark Shaw was a consultant for the project. So I would not doubt his negotiating skills. But its very possible. Depending on how big the hotel is, and how many rides.
  11. So AW's facebook page has been updated with the following information posted about their annual Halloween event called Fright Nights. Interesting to note that this year will feature 2 events. A family friendly event on the Sunday and 2 Nights of for the 12+ group. So this year they will also have old scary moves playing in the chill out zone. Should be a fun night and looking forward to it.
  12. Ok So I will post pictures later. But here is a few points I want to mention. The Park was more busy today then last week. But still very empty. Longest wait was 1 or so cycles. Inferno and Goliath were operating with near full cycles every go. Goliath seems to be the most popular attraction at the moment. Goliath got Christened a few times by some people with weak stomachs. While on Inferno (with @ABYSS) the ride restraints locked but didn't register on the ride. So we had to wait 10 minutes for maintenance to come and re set the ride before going on the ride. Ran into Ross (senior staff member) and spoke to him about Goliath and the parks future. He seems positive that the ride will do well when the weather warms up. He said he will try and get Andrew Sherry (CEO) to sign up on parkz. If you are there Andrew please sign up. (We are friendly. Well most off us.) I have reached 22 rides on Goliath, Abyss back row is smother than the front row.
  13. I did, at the show now but I will post some photos and review of some interesting things to happen today when I get home.
  14. $50 million is stage 1 I believe which includes a hotel. So don't expect a big Hyper coaster.
  15. Well DC Rivals has lap bars now. Mark did say that the team thought it would make the ride to scray for younger riders. I believe Black Widow always had the seat belts. Last week on Saterday (opening day) they were running Goliath with 4 team members. But the ride was running in half load mode. After we were loaded they had to open the lap bars and ask us to leave for 10 minutes. As they needed to change the ride into full cycle mode. So it was cool to see maintenance come and do cheeks change the mode and then do test cycles. But before that in half cycle mode, the ride opp was telling me how balancing weight is important. If the ride is half loaded and the load is only on one side, the ride when it finishes the cycle will not lock in properly, which is a pain to fix. Edit: @ABYSS you are correct the seat belts are new for this season. Maybe an extra perfusion post DW accident? They defiantly looked like an after thought when on the weekend. They look like standard car seat belts that have been cut and bolted to the ride. Will try and get a pic tomorrow. I find a picture that was on AW's website that they updated a year or so ago and it has no seat belts.
  16. @ABYSS I only ordered my season pass last week so I haven't received it yet. Also it's not looking like a great start to the season for AW hopefully attendants improves as we head into summer. Being closed for the long weekend in the holidays due to bad weather is not a good start.
  17. @XxMrYoshixX second time. Hulk even tho replaced was the first.
  18. @MickeyD I saw a range of people from large to small little kids on it. I myself am around 180cm tall and found it comfortable. As the Lap bar is the only thing holding you down nothing touches your shoulder. And the lap bar is not crunching your thighs more sitting on top of them. I do hope they fix up the animal area as the next priority. That's the main area that hasn't received TLC in the recent years.
  19. Yet in Perth I get adds for a Season Pass at Dreamworld.
  20. Ok well here goes, (long review warning) With the horrible weather Perth is having and the Show being on, the park was very quiet. So I managed to do everything with basically no waits. Abyss was walk on, Kraken looked empty as most other slides, The Go Kart's would have had a 10 minute wait and Goliath was only a wait for the cycle to finish. Goliath was defiantly the most popular ride today with everyone either watching it or ridding it. (you get pretty great views of Goliath and the park from inferno. (which is working ) Staff were very efficient at running the rides today with 2 trains running on Abyss (despite being walk on) and the staff are like always very friendly and making jokes. Goliath is an amazing flat ride! The Intamin Gyro Swing is my new favourite flat ride. (currently) It's good to have another dry ride because on a day like today it was to cold to do any water slides. Yet I spent most of the day there doing the dry ride product. To me its very re ridable (hence doing it 12 times) but if you get motion sickness like my good friend (@iwerks) its not very re ridable. I found Black Widow unbalanced (one person on the gondola) an unpleasant experience and made me feel sick. Just kept spinning over and over again. But with Goliath just the amount of airtime and high G force is incredible. Its a very intense and AWesome ride and the lap bars just add so much freedom. Goliath is like Abyss and AW's other rides with loads of shelves in each corner of the ride to store you loss items, shoes or bags.Go Pro's are allowed on the ride if in a chest mount. However it is a great addition to the park. Personally from the beginning I hated the location of the ride. But it really suits that spot nicely and is in the Bermuda Triangle of thrills. Having Black Widow, Rampage and Abyss surrounding this new ride. Which is why I am glad they put a nice area in with benches in the middle so you can sit and watch all these rides running at the same time. You can also tell how they learnt from the mistakes with Abyss and Kraken and tried to avoid making the same mistakes again. Instead of using the red hot flooring they have put nice anti slip poured limestone floors, fans in the queue race along with drinking fountains in the queue. Which will be great in a 40 degree summers day with an hour wait. (They have also added A/C to abyss queue also) The theming on this ride is just amazing! There are so many little details which just shows the extra thought that went into the ride design. Like the writing on the queue line roof to scratch marks on Rampage. (which got repainted in the off-season) I honestly have no idea what the sign says. The table area to view the Giant. @ABYSS to answer and earlier question that building has the mechanics to Goliath along with Power supply. Goliath's safety sign/cloth. Have no idea what these say either. But the fans will be great in the heat of summer. and the claw marks on Rampage. Overall its an amazing ride and does blend in very well at Adventure World and I look forward to seeing what MI-4 (hopefully still going ahead in 2019) and how well Goliath does in summer.
  21. @ABYSS because of Goliath they have a viewing area in the middle with benches. Great views of Goliath, Rampage and Abyss from there. So the old Below Zero store is now in that area and the Abyss arch is behind the store now. So they changed he name to suit Goliath. Along with a new menu.
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