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Everything posted by LORD_Noodle

  1. Short circuit..... I absolutely love those movies I hope they do something with it like a little model robot of johny 5..... I would buy 1 for sure πŸ‘πŸ‘
  2. Bring back gremlins .... just saying πŸ‘ŒπŸ‘
  3. Just to give a rough idea of how long they have πŸ‘ That timer is set for 3am Wednesday 20th September 😎 I figured that's why they installed the brake run the other day to get most of the electrical sorted possibly before the track is complete πŸ‘
  4. Lol I bet MW is reading this forum and thinking "yep everyone is so off track with this theme"
  5. Great pictures @Theme Park Girl and @themagician thx for sharing πŸ‘ŒπŸ™ŒπŸ»πŸ‘
  6. Just curious I don't know if anyone has mentioned it yet.... my bad if they have but I was looking at dreamworld website tonight and they still have the log ride on their to view the ride stats.... but on the park map it's not there?? anyone know why?
  7. Insert song "I'm so excited" by the pointer sisters πŸ‘ŒπŸ™ŒπŸ»πŸ‘Can't wait 😎
  8. Would be good to see a whole new theme in that area although is the buzzsaw intergrated into the eureka mining theme?
  9. I am more than happy paying what the prices are now for a yearly pass as I am in nsw....and for the price of food and beverage in the parks itself they are getting more than enough money through that I reckon to cover their loses....for long distance visitors they save their money and spend it like crazy up there so prices as they stand are very reasonable πŸ‘
  10. Haha can't wait I'll probably be the one shitting myself in line.... but once I've done it I'd be back in line to do it again 😁 But we have noted since last time we went up not to go skydiving before going to a theme park πŸ‘
  11. Looking awesome..... I've been showing the wife and kids the progress up until I seen the last photo where it banks out sideways.... I think I'll keep that to myself πŸ‘πŸ‘Œ
  12. That looks awesome so far can't wait to test it out πŸ‘πŸ˜
  13. @Theme Park Girl do you have anyone on the inside that could possibly know if and when the Dora show is changing?? I don't think I can sit through another chocolate and strawberry show...although it's been some time since my last visit 😁
  14. Oh ok.... is that te approx size of it though.... length wise??? @Richard
  15. @RichardI've been looking for a photo like this seeing how big the coaster actually is πŸ‘Cheers
  16. Does anyone have a birds eye view of construction so far???
  17. Thx everyone for your reply @Theme Park Girl we will be up there for the September holidays so fingers crossed ..... and could you do me one last favour.... does anyone have a birds eye view of where the coaster is running.... can you pencil it onto this map πŸ™ŒπŸ» Greatly appreciated
  18. Be up there on holidays soon are they expecting this ride to be finished at the start of September does anyone know??? 😝
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