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JFK Reloaded


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Now read this Artical. It is just so Disrespectful JFK assassination game 'despicable' 9:44 AM November 22 A new video game allows players to simulate the assassination of US President John F Kennedy. The release of JFK Reloaded is timed to coincide with the 41st anniversary of Mr Kennedy's murder in Dallas and was designed to demonstrate how a lone gunman was able to kill the president. David Smith, a spokesman for Massachusetts Senator Edward Kennedy, the late president's brother, says "it is despicable". He was informed of the game on Friday but declined further comment. Kirk Ewing, managing director of the Scottish firm Traffic Games, which developed the game, says he understood some people would be horrified at the concept but he insisted he and his team had nothing but respect for Mr Kennedy and for history. "We believe that the only thing we're exploiting is new technology," he said. He says he sent Edward Kennedy a letter before the game's release. Mr Ewing says the game was designed to undermine the theory there was some shadowy plot behind the assassination. "We believe passionately there was no conspiracy," he said. Traffic Games says the objective is for a player to fire three shots at Kennedy's motorcade from assassin Lee Harvey Oswald's digitally recreated sixth-floor perch in the Texas School Book Depository. Points are awarded or subtracted based on how accurately the shots match the official version of events as documented by the Warren Commission, which investigated Mr Kennedy's assassination. Shooting the image of Kennedy in the right spots in the right sequence adds to the score, while "errors" like shooting first lady Jacqueline Kennedy lead to deductions. Each shot can be replayed in slow motion and the bullets can be tracked as they travel and pass through Kennedy's digitally recreated body. Players can choose to see blood by pressing a "blood effects" option. Players can view the motorcade from a number of angles, including the perspective of film-maker Abraham Zapruder and a view from the "grassy knoll" where some conspiracy theorists believe a second gunman was stationed. Source: ABC & Optusnet

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JFK was a lying war causing maniac. He was far too young to be president. And if you have problem with this game, let's ban all war games, they run off the same concept, in some missions you even get to kill a certain person! It's exactly the same, but does anyone have a problem with this? Nooo. I'm not all for the game, but I can'r see how one can be against this without being against all violent games based around real events (Desert Strike, Black Hawk Down, WWII etc)

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No need to imagine because it;s a reality. The game is called America's 10 Most Wanted. I haven't played it so I don't know what it is like. I don't see any problem with a game about the assassination of JFK, after all he is dead so it's not like he will be offended will it? "The Bus is now leaving for Afghan Cemetery, Western Australia"

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With a game like this, I wouldn't be too surprised to see a game simulating the Sept. 11 attacks in the near future, (or maybe that game is Flight Simulator).
That would be just plain disrespectful, remember 2,752 people died then but with JFK it was just one, there is a line that people do not cross and that is definitely it. There will never be a game developed about 9/11, but if there is the US will never let it see the light of day. "The Bus is now leaving for Two Thousand Yard Dam, South Australia"
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That would be just plain disrespectful, remember 2,752 people died then but with JFK it was just one, there is a line that people do not cross and that is definitely it.
But there is also a huge amount of games about the wars of 1900's like WWI, WWII, Vietnam, Korea, Middle East, etc. Where millions upon millions of people lost their lives. World War II for example, caused the deaths of 2% of the worlds total population at the time, that is about 61 million according the quick bit of research i did just then. Of course in the games about such devastating wars, american game makers create the premise of the game as to murder the "enemy", whether they be German, Korean, Vietnamese, Iraqi and so forth, yet they would be completely out of line when they made a game killing themselves? Don't get me wrong, I thought Sept 11 was a disgusting act and I feel very sorry for the families of those who were killed, but US armies have caused the deaths of many people. In my opinion, to win a war, a basic rule is that more of the enemy must die than the winning team, and seeing as how the US has not been defeated that regularly and has became the most powerful nation on earth to me means that they killed more people on opposing sides than were killed on their own side. Correct me if I am wrong though.
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Well I think that it would make a fantastic game to tell you the truth. (and in case you can't tell I'm being sarcastic) Mission 1: Get inside the cockpit and crash the plane into Trade Tower 1. Mission 2: Get inside the cockpit and crash the plane into the Trade Tower 2. Mission 3: Get inside the cockpit and crash the plane into the pentagon. Mission 4: Get inside the cockpit and dodge the missiles in order to be able to hit the target building successfully. Bonus Mission: Escape the trade towers trying to avoid flames and explosions and make it to the safety of firemen. The only way they could do it is by making it one of those re-enactments points base thingies.

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