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Everything posted by Nebuchanezzar

  1. So, if you were giving someone else advice for going to SFMM, would you reccomend X? Cause if it wasn't worth the wait, then theres no reason for ever riding it. And despite what you say, when I go there, I'm riding it anyway.
  2. Doesn't really seem like a real big problem to me.
  3. Bull crap, they never themed the rides in 1995, they merely added some backdrops and crammed them in. I wouldn't call a backdrop and a sign themeing. I would call what Disney, Universal, Movieworld etc, what they do, I'd call themeing. It is indeed a funpark, and nothing more. And by the looks of things it's doing great business too, even without the 'horrible' presentation...
  4. Have you been on a Breakdance in Germany to be able to tell the difference in ride quality? You never know, even though they do look better (I 100% agree) they mightn't be as much fun as a slow one. You just never know. Same as a slow rotation on the Ranger is more fun than a fast one, yet less forceful...In my opinion. As for the permanent/travelling argument. Pffft, Luna Park could do a lot with a travelling ride if they wanted. They could get rid of the demountable platforms and take the risk of getting permanent ones put in. They could do a lot of things to it so it would be pretty much indistinguishable from a permanent one. So I don't think your beef lies with the fact that it is travelling, I think it's the lack of effort Luna Park seems to put into some of their rides. Not that I'm complaining of course...Go Luna Park! Lastly...Whats a Breakdance??? Are you serious? even my most non ride knowledgeable friends know what the Breakdance is!
  5. Blah blah blah blah, who really gives a crap if it's a permanent ride or a travelling ride. My evidence is in Bounty's Revenge at Wonderland, and the Ranger at Luna Park. The Ranger and Bounty's Revenge are both superb rides, yet the Ranger gives a more forceful and fun experience. Therefore I don't see any reason why people look as if they can't stand the travelling rides that Luna Park has. Be thankful that it is open again, it's the last damn amusement park left in Sydney.
  6. Jeez, it must be real hard for all you people who gewt to go overseas and crap and go to all the awesome amusement parks. May I say I am ridden with jealousy. Does anyone have any feedback on Kumba by any chance?...
  7. Well well, someones a bit cocky. And they might be able to move it up there if they tried really hard, if the Ranger can fit on the back of a truck, then they can just build a really big wooden ramp on top of Coney Island, and then drive it up there, or move it up, drag it up, piece by piece whatever. They'd surely find some way of doing it.
  8. So whats with all the whinging about record holding at Dreamworld? whats that have to do with a new ride?
  9. Uh, well they moved the simulator that was always there, uh, next to the Ferris Wheel I think, they moveds that next to the dominator, out the back in Maloneys corner. They replaced the area next to the ferris wheel with a cheap stage and a bit of entertainment (how ironic). Quite a crappy thing to replace the simulator with, but meh.
  10. mmmm, yes, we shall. The tickets are probably not worth buying for anyone here unless they are heading to America in the very near future... And what I wanna know is what type of person goes to Magic Mountain, buys the tickets and walks away only to sell them on eBay and loses a lot of money? Either that, or the tickets are stale (probably), used and are bogus.
  11. why not stick the Ranger on top of Coney Island somehow! Good Idea Neb!
  12. I think it's a great record. You never know, people might have said that about that silly train that ran down the mountain all those years ago...
  13. How can you say the Ranger doesn't fit well into Luna Park. It's a great addition to Luna Park. I remember when it used to be at the front of the park, out of the way, yet still in a great position, it was brilliant. Neither the Ranger nor UFO, nor any other ride they have, apart from the kiddy ones that they have and maybe the dominator should go! And don't say that getting rid of the kiddy rides goes against the market they are stiving to get, cause every time I've been there, I'd say over 75% were teenagers. Perhaps they should just build a couple of buildings out the back, and some food stores and what not, and then stick in the rides like they are out the front. And fir the Mega Drop in there, they could do it if they tried.
  14. Ther first one is actually a decent looking screenshot. I can see many different types of trees and stuff, which is good. And all in all, the rest of the game is looking pretty good as well. I'll still buy it regardless of it's crappiness, unless its Sim Coaster quality...
  15. Hmmm, Mega Drop, I dunno, that would look kinda weird and crappy stuck out there in Maloneys corner (whatever it's called). If it were permanent it'd be alright, but stuck out the back, yuk.
  16. Mr. Slick, are you saying that Dreamworld is gonna be rbought by Cedar Fair, or it's just gonna pick up its act and so forth.
  17. Seeing as everyone had a bitching sesssion because I merely said that the Cyclone was better as the Big Dipper, I casted my vote to the Cyclone. Honestly, I think some people need to relax and take it easy...
  18. I'm pretty sure that Derelium goes around as well doesn't it? or did that video lie to me. I still stick by getting a good ol B&M sit down roller coaster. Hell with it, just a clone of Kumba!
  19. But then the thread name will be void, seeing as it names the roller coasters given in the poll. Same for the Big Dipper. Perhaps 2 new options should be added as well as a change in title
  20. Durr Scott, but there is a big difference between them. Pretty much the only big difference is location/landscaping. Landscaping in my world also involves going between Big buildings and stuff, which is why the Big Dipper @ Luna is better than the Cyclone at Dreamworld. Even though it is obviously the same roller coaster.
  21. Bah! They're all crap in comparison to what should have also been on there. The Big Dipper (the Arrow one, not the Wooden one). It was an awesome ride to ride. It, for me, wins hands down.
  22. Howsabout a nice flat ride to stick in there. I've always wanted to ride a KMG Experience. Shove it in there somewhere and hope for the best.
  23. Indeed, I say it was the right decision. thats my two cents.
  24. Indeed. Hi. I have to offer my imput, I love the idea of the ice skating rink during Summer. Imagine all the Chistmas decorations! They should also hang some tinsel and decorations over the big face for Chistmas!
  25. Oooh an inverted intamin roller coaster like that Tornado whatever in Scandanavia (I forget the country) would be nice. Different colours though, I beleive it has a Zero-G-Roll in it somewhere.
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