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Everything posted by Reanimated35

  1. Yes it sucks for her but safety always comes first. What concerns me though is that a double-amputee was allowed to ride a lap-bar ride????!!!!!
  2. As much as I would have loved to come along, You gotta admit, having it @ 4.30 on a weekday is a pretty stupid move
  3. I don't see the answer to my most important questions
  4. That "Firework" song from Katy Perry? Seems to have been used so far at the Ekka and Riverfire so I guess it's the song of the moment?
  5. Does the Nick announcement involve any new rides? How long did they secure the contract for at this stage? Are we likely to see any new rides as a result of this? What did you have for breakfast this morning? Will Seaworld be putting on any kind of show/event for Christmas? How much did the contract cost? Can I have free accommodation at the resort?
  6. So I should take all of september off? Unless it's a weekend I won't be going I don't think. Working 12.30 - 9 each day
  7. Let's just hope with bemuda gone they don't level the area to make flat outdoor rides
  8. Yep. "Tops" at the Myer centre. Was closed several years ago to make way for the cinemas. Don't remember much of it but for a shopping centre ride, it was pretty decent.
  9. No worries, just out of interest, who set the 22nd? Did the management actually set a deadline of when you can expect a reply? Or was it your choosing? Just seems a bit of an odd thing to get told from a company that's all. Looking forward to see how things go though.
  10. You should have mentioned on here you need pictures and stuff, I've got a perfectly good DSLR and plenty of free time on weekends
  11. Yep, velcro bags at each seat, just means some idiot didn't have the bag in the bag. When I was there they were happy with anything except backpacks unless they fit in that bag. Pretty good to hear the ride sensors were working well though as they said when the bag hit the track it automatically shut down the ride.
  12. I don't know about the general public, but I'd shell out $200/yr if they started a park with a few large coasters on open day
  13. I was thinking more size/budget/thrill wise, not theming. Disney has the best theming ever without a doubt but they cater more towards family over thrills. Don't get my wrong I'm not saying they don't have thrill rides, but compared to Knotts/Six they have pretty much nothing.
  14. I'd much prefer a Six Flags or Cedar Fair park here
  15. Thank you very much. It seems I will have to re make the carpark anyway as the saved one seems to freeze the game when I load it. Oh well at least they're big pieces (mostly) And the carpark actually worked Ignore the colours they will be fixed later
  16. Water can be anywhere. It needs a nice big flat area of land at the front to fit my carpark too please I'll post up the measurements in a couple of mins carpark is 50x71 squares
  17. Are you saying you can do it but it will be nothing like what I want? How does that help? Basically I need something that is (is it 250x250?) the largest map with hills/valleys just something that isnt a flat block of land.every time I make one it just doesn't look natural at all
  18. So every park I make is always on flat land as I seem to suck at making any hills/water stuff it just ends up looking crappy. Would anyone on here like to make me a huge (largest map possible) empty scenario (in the editor so I can work on it from there) please? It just needs to have a nice hilly and/or water area please as well as some flat land
  19. What is it with Australia and Disk'O rides this year? There's going to be one at the Ekka now too
  20. It's so immature but I could not stop laughing at that sign
  21. I've got that one already (and an acc for the site) That pack doesn't contain a barb wire fence. I know I had one ages ago but I can't remember what it was called or where I found it. This is the one I saw before but can't find anywhere. http://www.ataricommunity.com/forums/showthread.php?t=683823 It's called mgpfences or something
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