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Everything posted by themagician

  1. I think it's sarcasm for why the bakery closed at Dreamworld and sea world
  2. Movie World does have plenty of variety: Village Bean Gotham City Ricks Cafe Arthurs Bakery Ben & Jerry's Concession Stands Dirty Harry Bar Newspaper Stand Outback BBQ Santa Fe Sundaes Sweet Treats Wild West Roadhouse
  3. I don't think we will see much work happen for the next couple of months now. Also, has all evidence of Dinosaur Island left the park now?
  4. It would be sad to see it go as it is a classic ride at the park. I always find it enjoyable when it is open as well. It does seem to be closed a lot lately, so maybe its costing them more. If they get rid of it, they should replace it with a roller coaster, but obviously one with a different track. However they might decide that after all the recent problems with Sea Viper, they might build a entirely new ride.
  5. Yeah I think you definitely do that. It just depends on how busy the park is, which I don't think it will be. When I have a pass, I usually get to MW for opening time and stay until lunch time and then go home. I usually can go on all the major rides. This is the order I usually go on them: Arkham Asylum Superman Escape Scooby-Doo Wild West Falls Batwing Spaceshot Green Lantern Justice League And then sometimes I'll watch HSD or the 4D show.
  6. I always get the cat woman burger. It's my favourite.
  7. I agree. The food at Dreamworld isn't that great at all. Don't bother with Dominos at Wet n Wild. When I buy food at Sea World I usually buy food at the front of the park, because its the best I think. Movie World also does some really nice food and has a variety. I would recommend Gotham City Cafe (When its open), Wild West and/or Ricks Cafe. They are all pretty expensive, but I always find that a burger, chips and drink at Movie World and Sea World fills me, which is good. If you don't want to spend money just take your own in a cooler bag and leave it in your car. Providing you put ice blocks in it, it stays cold, you just get a stamp out.
  8. When I went to sea world December last year there was lightning just past surfers paradise. the monorail, sky rail, storm coaster and jet rescue stopped operation. The final jet stunt extreme show of the day also didn't go ahead.
  9. Hahaha. No I don't. I just find that when the train turns, I find my head hitting each side of the restraint. The reason my knees hits the train is because each cart isn't totally rectangular, so my legs have to go to the side a little, so when the train goes around corners the force causes my knees to hit the cart. i don't think cyclone has a bad track layout, it's just the rest: the train and turbine theming and queue line.
  10. I don't know if you are taller than me, but I am 188cm and when I ride it, my head always hits either side of the restraints, my knees always hit the edges. I couple of times I have ended up with bruises. Thats just my experience.
  11. I've heard people say and some mates have said. It was something to do with the things that were on either side of your head.
  12. It may not be the most comfortable ride, but I find Cyclone even worse. AA must be more comfortable than Lethal Weapon was (I never got a chance to ride it before the change)
  13. Isn't it just the Green Lantern theme music. I don't know I've only heard it once. It could also be the music that plays in the background of the oath.
  14. I agree with that list, except I think that Arkham Asylum has better theming than Green Lantern.
  15. I haven't been to a theme park outside of Australia, so I can only compare the rides to each other, unlike other people who have been to America and Europe. With the knowledge I have I think Arkham has great theming. Just my opinion.
  16. I would say that next to Superman Escape being my favourite coaster is Arkham Asylum. It provides plenty of different forces, has great theming is a great ride experience.
  17. I would say that the jet streams at wet n wild provide air time. Every time I go on the middle slide I always feel like I'm coming off th slide. Also storm coaster provides great airtime just before the final splash down.
  18. I believe that for a ride to be good it must feature a number of things: - A story line and theming. If it doesn't have these then it is just like a carnival ride. The ride has got to have a sense of purpose and take riders on a journey. - A unique experience. This doesn't mean that it has to be super fast or break world records, it just needs to be unique. An example of this is a log ride. It's got to have water and a drop. But to make it a good ride its got to take the rider on a journey and feature something unexpected (Eg. Wild West Falls, you go backwards). Examples of good rides on the gold coast are Superman Escape, Arkham Asylum, Wild West Falls, Scooby-Doo spooky coaster, storm coaster.
  19. I realised that as i was writing. i just decided to not get rid of that part.
  20. They could just do it in the current cinema they have. It used to have a good 4D show (planet SOS) and then they gave up on it. They could upgrade. I suppose a 360 cinema wouldn't fit in there and it would have a low capacity. I don't think they would put this on that land though.
  21. I've watched the show and these are my thoughts: Good: - They involve the audience - The cars and bikes do great stunts - The bikes don't just do the same tricks, they use different ramps and do different tricks - Doug character provides a bit of humour to the show Bad: - Theming isn't great. Especially for Movie World. - Show is unclear of its location - The explosion at the end seems to have no point. It just happens and then Doug walks out on fire. - There isn't much of a story line. Plenty of great stunts, but thats it. Yes they are filming a movie trailer, but thats it. - Because of the plot for the new show it doesn't make use of the whole set. Such as the bridge the car used to go over. Overall the show isn't as good as HSD. Even though the planning of the show has been going for a few years now, it needs a lot of work. Even though they made some effort with the ramps they still look of of place. The Italian/American theme doesn't work well (for obvious reasons). They should have closed the show down for a couple of weeks to rep are everything correctly. As I said before the explosion at the end has been a key feature in the shows, but in this one it seems pointless. Something needs to crash into the building or something needs to happen at the top of it to cause it. Police Academy Show was 5 Star Hollywood Stunt Driver was 4 Star Hollywood Stunt Driver 2 is 3 Star (Mainly because of the great stunts)
  22. I think a creatures of the deep attraction would be good. Like the one they had/have at under water world. I would say the building would be big enough as it is has 2 levels and probably enough room.
  23. They are just upgrading some components as they were getting quite old. Probably a repaint as well. Dreamworld haven't said exactly what they are doing. We will just have to wait until it reopens.
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