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Everything posted by Rivals

  1. Every country has different rules when it comes to attractions, in america, like every example you have given you’re allowed to take on some items such as sunglasses and hats, but in Australia, you aren’t allowed to at any park, same with a lot of other parks around the world. It’s not necessarily the parks fault it’s what they have to follow
  2. I’m sorry but i doubt Rivals had 4 ops, unless they’ve changed it recently cause not too long ago when i was down the it was nearly over 3-4 minutes just to get a train out with 2 ops. Whereas taipan does only have 2 ops when one train is on and in my experience, the ops are still pretty decent, definitely not 3-4 minutes.
  3. i’m sorry but i don’t think the parks future hangs in the balance of whether or not they bring the steam train back or not. They’ve most likely looked at it, decided the upkeep, training and everything that is complicated with a stream train isn’t worth investing into it. Also, the fence is better then having a rusty fence that use to fit the aesthetic of two rides that are no longer there.
  4. I like the event overall, seeing the park always introducing new and fresh events every holidays when always improving previous events if they return is definitely a great move for the park, especially since there isn’t a park on the coast that does that. However, i do wish they had some rides open during the evening eats. Just the rides at the front of the park and around the area would be enough, such as Taipan, Sky Voyager, Claw, Shockwave, Tailspin and even Gold Coaster then have the rest of the park closed off would be a much better move. But who knows, they have in the past made quick improvements based on feedback prior to the event, so this change could be implemented.
  5. Simply just naming the ride Python would make sense as they have a waterslide called Taipan so they clearly aren’t that focused on creating a more complexed name. If they were too add something to Python, Twisted Python doesent sound that bad
  6. i’m guessing it was due to the weather today and low expected visitor numbers they closed it but it’s easier to just say what they said instead. It’s a smart move, it’s been cold and raining all day so no one would’ve gone anyways
  7. so you’d rather them promise a specific date then push it back continuously? it’s better to announce the actual opening date once they know it can actually open on that day.
  8. summer 2021-2022 and now i’m assuming easter holidays or september holidays.
  9. if only sea world could do that for the now 2 year delay on The New Atlantis…..
  10. i wouldn’t say rivals is rough it just has a bit of a vibration, but that is probably resolved anyways as they have a new train on the track now so hopefully that’s all good now
  11. i think everyone’s excited about Hershey’s boomerang because the tunnel apparently will have smell pods and every ride a different smell pod that smells like a jolly rancher will be going off and everyone interested to see what that’ll be like😭 but i do agree, even if it is family coasters so much can be done to make it so much better which hopefully they do. I mean just look at Scooby and wild west, the theming alone elevates the rides from being basic rides to now some of the best in the park
  12. i’m going off of what people have said in here, which is both attractions are clones and looking at the footprint and layout of those clones, plus the reactions of people who have ridden them, they are mild.
  13. i think it would be a lot more different if it was 1 Vekoma thrill coaster compared to 3 mild family coasters tbh.
  14. none of the rides currently closed (including all 4 of the new attractions) no longer have a reopening
  15. a lot of the ‘shoot the chutes’ water rides are currently being removed and i’m pretty sure they aren’t made anymore. I wouldn’t mind a Mack Water Coaster but they’d have to make sure it’s different enough (and better) then storm.
  16. i don’t know how likely it is but something like Wonder Mountains Guardian would be really cool to see, place it in the RHLR plot of land and theme it around saving the Australia Wildlife or something like that which would have a connecting plot to the Corroboree area. If not in the RHLR area i could see it being in the old Big Red Car area (with a different theme and maybe ride type) and leave the RHLR area free for the parks next big coaster
  17. DC Rivals did open around a month early last year so it isn’t impossible
  18. WWF now has dates added to the unscheduled closure, my guess is whatever problem they have not allowing guests to sit in the front row will hopefully be fixed. Doomsday also has a new maintenance date which can be seen bellow (14th march - 15th april), im guessing because WWF had to be down they decided to reopen doomsday until WWF reopens so guests wouldn’t have to deal with too many closures during their visit. smart move tbh
  19. in the story you can see the maintenance shed in the background and there is track going into the building which i’d assume is the transfer track however it doesn't looked like the main track goes into a building so i’d assume not. such a shame this ride is most likely going to be pushed back again.
  20. Another instagram story update (i know they shouldn’t be filming but i guess we get an accurate update) https://instagram.com/stories/tainan.martins/2773968388181099840?utm_source=ig_story_item_share&utm_medium=copy_link by the look of it, the station isn’t anywhere near completed and testing probably won’t be able to start until most of the work is done in there. Wont be surprised if the opening does get pushed back until September but that will most likely be the last Push Back we’ll see if it does happen
  21. imo it depends with what rides are close, Superman and Rivals being closed alone would make a major impact to a guests experience, but say GL and Doomsday or Batwing and Justice League being closed would be a way less severe impact. But overall i’d say 1-2 coasters, a flat and a kids / family ride being closed would make it almost not worth the visit
  22. Doomsday is also now off of the maintenance list, which is very surprising
  23. My guess is the footings are going to be where the queue for trident will be
  24. just noticed the September reopening date for Surfrider has been removed, i wonder when and if this ride is actually going to reopen, 2024 reopening perhaps?
  25. When they do have the two trains available they actually do run them on the easter, winter and September holidays too (at least when i’ve gone) and sometimes on random weekends they use to run two trains (not too sure anymore though)
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