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Everything posted by rappa

  1. You can’t actually be serious with this post right? There is a MAJOR different between a park religiously following all manufacturer maintenance procedures and an inherent design flaw out of their control causing an incident that injured no one, and a bunch of cowboys hacking together a non existent control system, ignoring safety recommendations AND BRUTALLY KILLING FOUR PEOPLE! And you can’t also believe aesthetics of a sign in any way correlate to the safety of a parks rides??? Don’t be dense! Anyone is entitled to their opinion, like, dislike and critique of any of our parks. Hate MW, think they are crap? Sure. Think the sun shines out of DWs ass and a couple small changes to their shadow of a park is the greatest thing to hit the theme park industry? Go for it! But facts are facts. Previous ex management of DW were dangerous, unsafe, arrogant, and killed people. This ultimately had major impact on the insurance and regulatory framework of all parks in Australia which will be with us forever. And this ultimately means ride capacity will play second fiddle to risk aversion. How anyone can argue this I simply can’t understand.
  2. What does any of that redundant ramble have to do with not being able to have a continuous station at west? And your assessment of regulators and insurance companies is inaccurate. They are extremely risk adverse now to the point that something that is extremely safe is no long enough. And it must be ridiculously safe to the point of being counter productive. That’s sadly the way it is, because no one wants another rapids. Village Parks always got a clean bill of health for safety because they took that very seriously. A faded sign has nothing to do with guest safety. Unfortunately this country will never see certain features of rides and immersiveness and efficiency again because of some very dangerous people who ran things at a single park. Thankfully those people are long gone.
  3. Well we can thank the regulators and insurance companies for that now that they are all “you can’t have nice things” thanks to the incompetent f$$$s that used to run the park up the road.
  4. Sega seems to fail because apparently all people want to do is live out some BS fantasy life and brag online how they go around shooting people. sigh…I remember when games were just a bit of fun
  5. Lol I’ve seen a few of these “we need to stop using Covid as a reason” comments on various things lately. Just because you’re over something doesn’t make it no longer a thing. Covid is very much still here and messing with our stuff. Events, even more so than other things.
  6. Thing is as ‘locals’ we enjoy that. Because for a bunch of the year we have nice buildings with amazing facilities that are pleasant and quiet with just our own little residents communities. Then we put up with the crazy of families and interstate yobbos alike when it’s busy in exchange. None of us are really going to put out though… What we need is more of things like put out pushing into the unused retail spaces down in the center (and landlords getting a grip on reality to encourage that). That creates a more desirable tourist destination whilst removing eyesore blocks like the one where Put Put is and Slingshot was.
  7. Now, with their latest coaster yet to even open yet we’ve decided not only they can’t theme a ride, buy also the 3 unannounced coasters will also be poorly themed. Let’s just cross our fingers they can spring for some Shade Sails, Stenciled Concrete and Gravel so the end result can be stunning.
  8. Well yeah I agree that almost counts. But imagine throwing a roll or something elsewhere in the layout? An opportunity for ‘my first inversion’ would be a huge hit for families. And really that’s what you want to be targeting, and if it’s fun also for adults then great. And I say this as a 38 year old with no kids.
  9. I feel like if you’re a young kid that boomerang is going to be a HELL of a lot more thrilling than Roadrunner. And if you’re not it’ll still be fun enough. As for the suspended, could it be as enjoyable as Jet Rescue? If it could then I say it’s a winner. But FWIW if there was a way to throw an actual inversion in the suspended family coaster I think that would be fantastic.
  10. And good to see their LED lighting package didn’t even make it to opening without being completed stuffed and looking just for damned awful! Funny how in all those years where they were before the old fluro tubes never let them down.
  11. I saw Artist Impressions of New Atlantis I saw Artist Impressions of Steel Taipan I saw Artist Impressions of Storm Coaster
  12. It wouldn’t be an enthusiast forum is we weren’t all debating the validity of a parks decisions with zero confirmation that they’ve actually made them 😛
  13. Just have them wear masks. Water boarding is all the rage right now!
  14. We have to pick one. Someone said that DW only move to one train op when park numbers a low, but MW do it when the whole place is jammed. So are all parks dead or not? I’m all for comparing parks, and I say 1 train op for a busy park is crap. But can’t keep having this two different rules comparisons (not that I’m accusing you personally of doing that).
  15. Well seems that investment has really paid off for the park then in terms of bringing in the crowds.
  16. Obviously for TV you run an add with a crazy amount of footage cut between the 3 coasters which will look like a massive attraction, have forwards and backwards, and likely dueling moments. I’ve got no doubt if this is the new addition then 90% of the park’s potential customers will see whatever ad they put out and think it’s awesome. As I mentioned in another thread I couldn’t care less about thread bare statistics of fastest coaster this side of Nerang of any of that crap. A solid ad that makes the ride(s) look awesome will go a long way. As will no doubt some sort of inevitable tag line of Village Parks, home of Australia’s best coasters!! (Which will make me cringe, but it’ll work)
  17. You can post anything you like. But that doesn’t mean that: a) the self commissioned enthusiast police won’t attack you to protect the sacred honor of the parks policies b) VRTP themselves won’t try and find staff responsible for violating their employment agreements and take action against them. So basically post what you wish at your own mercy/risk.
  18. Given Vekoma call their inverts Suspended Coasters it’s likely it’s the former.
  19. Well could also be (now this is purely speculation mind you) that you have a trained supervisor go down with covid scare, and you don’t have anyone else trained in that role available to fill the shift.
  20. I think there is a balance between the two that would be right, and the current version isn’t quite that, so 100% see your point of view. I could think of a few things I’d change right now that I don’t think work at all. And whilst a really solid story, it lands a little bit too depressing for me. Having said that I’d take 90% of this show over the last one with a random circus scene plonked in the middle with a plastic elephant For me, less death and a bit more audience interaction and it would be a 👍 from me.
  21. Probably exactly why they have gone with this ‘3 for the price of 1’ concept, to 100% tackle capacity. Whilst I agree flats would be good, hell so would a whole new kids area, coasters drive gate.
  22. Well not really, they completely changed the style of the show, the first time really since first opening. Some will like the change and some won’t, everyone has opinions, doesn’t make you wrong and they right, or vice versa. As for comparing the projection between Outback and Scooby, that’s a bit like saying a Wacky Worm and DC Rivals are the same because they are roller coasters.
  23. I’ve got 4 RATs in my bag traveling back from interstate today. Up for grabs only $150 a pop, PM me …of course jokes.
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