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Everything posted by Slick

  1. Ditto this. People wanted new mazes at Fright Nights and when the park delivered, people whinged that they should've saved the money. I walked past it yesterday and it looks great. It has this Universal / Benihama vibe thanks to the giant glass windows that allow you to see straight into the kitchen areas. Would love to see more draught beers as they settle in the new digs.
  2. I'm confident. I don't think i've seen the park look this good since just before Thunderbolt closed. That's over a decade now. It's abundantly obvious management are really switched on, and it shows.
  3. It's also very insightful. While the Mine Ride was certainly more intense then Scooby Doo, it was shorter, had a much smaller capacity (which meant more waiting) and the theming was stuck squarely in the 90's. It wasn't stellar, but it was definitely a classic by all counts. I'd also like to think part of the nostalgia is due in part to the sudden and mysterious way the park closed the ride. It wasn't like management gave park-goers a chance to say goodbye to a classic and have a final crack at it, rather, one day there was a part issue and the ride suddenly closed, and then it never opened again for a barrage of unconfirmed random rumours, none of which were really confirmed by the park and for the most part, were all untrue.
  4. For those of you who missed this morning's broadcast (free to air television, what's that?) here's a link to some of the action: https://au.tv.yahoo.com/sunrise/video/watch/30199437/make-it-stop-sam-and-eddy-ride-the-buzzsaw/
  5. I'm definitely in the boat of being a fan of Green Lantern. Firstly, not every coaster is going to be a high-speed, top-ten thrill machine because I just don't believe you can build a well rounded park by essentially just doing the same thing over and over again. You only need to look at the comments inside this very forum when Dreamworld started building Buzzsaw or when Hersheypark broke ground on Skyrush to see the proof. Sure, it's a different story if you have five local competitors and money to burn, but most parks don't have either and so building a well-rounded park with some genuinely fun different attractions is far more important in terms of actually generating a return. With that in mind, Green Lantern ticks that box easily. It has unique selling points (beyond vertical drop and manoeuvres that are uncommon on large steel coasters) and it's pacing for a thrill ride defines it as an experience the park didn't have previously. I'd take that any day over a park that had double the amount of same-same coasters.
  6. TVC's up - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mF7pmVR_jro Good to see one of my Screamworld timelapses lives on.
  7. This is insanely exciting news. I don't think I can recall a time where all of the parks were filled with this much pride and promise.
  8. I feel bad then for the likes of Sea World and Busch Gardens being so close to the world's most visited tourist destination, Walt Disney World.
  9. Imma go ahead and play my own game in the sandbox here and play by the rules of "if you opened a park tomorrow in Australia, what would it have?" Signature Roller-coaster - Some sort of Intamin Hybrid Megalite meets Vertical Lift Coaster Family Coaster - Intamin Aquatrax Signature Flat Rides - Large-sized Intamin Gyro Swing, Intamin Combo Tower - Obsersvation Deck + Drop Tower with pivoting seats, Zamperla Powersurge
  10. Good stuff. I'm glad to see there'll be another Jet Rescue in the world. Here's hoping for two things: 1) They don't butcher it in an effort to make it more family friendly 2) It gets the praise it deserves this time.
  11. All engineering would need to do is get the okay to take down the Dreamworld Corroboree sign ontop of the waterfall, fixup whatever broken pump parts exist and voila, supercheap water agitator that would take out a huge chunk of the algae present. Let's be honest here, at the end of the day it's a theme park. If you're going to put money into presentation (and Dreamworld does, last week there was new woodwork decorating the steel supports for the Main Street roof) then spend the extra money to make a huge part of the visual footprint of the park look extra clean. A few fountain pumps throwing a few streams of water into the air would not only look great from the buffet but would help add atmosphere to the park along with keeping the water churning.
  12. Peta are one of the worst organisations in the world in my opinion. Their "shelters" euthanise an incredibly staggering amount of animals that is disproportionate to any other not for profit shelter in the US, so much so that US states had to redefine the term shelters, and wouldn't you know, Peta lobbied against it. http://www.huffingtonpost.com.au/entry/peta-euthanasia-shelter-animals_55fc17d7e4b00310edf6a608?section=australia&adsSiteOverride=au Since you're a fan of memes POP, here's one for you to do with anti-vaccers that's fitting for this discussion:
  13. Since you're not open to critical thinking, having your opinion discussed (or using logic or reason for that matter) here's some places you'll be more welcome at. Church of Scientology Anti-Vaccine Movement Westboro Church
  14. I'm just going to leave this here... http://goldcoastbulletin.com.au/lifestyle/pets-and-wildlife/the-truth-about-sea-world-gold-coast-theme-park-reveals-all-and-answers-critics/story-fnk74alk-1227179971254 I don't agree with the treatment of orcas but the solution isn't black and white despite what activists like Peta make it out to be nor is it going to happen overnight either. As for everything else, you should read the article, particularly the part where our sea world has virtually nothing to do with the American equivalent. There's a reason film is north koreas go to platform for propaganda. As a filmmaker myself I get to see first hand how malleable the platform is for delivering a message, no matter how one-sided that message might be, which, let's not beat around the bush, blackfish most certainly is. Long story short, if you're looking for a boycott you've come to the wrong place my friend.
  15. The area's looking really great. Good on 'em. Neat that you can climb over that horse-carriage/herse much like what they've done with the firetruck that was cordoned off for many years. The park's starting to feel very polished and together again.
  16. Did the Terror Tour last week. Long story short, i'm a convert. I knew nothing about the Terror Tour and thought it was just a buffet and some fast track passes, boy was I wrong. It's world class stuff. The whole experience is borderline faultless. I was really pleasantly wowed and hand't felt that way since Parque Espana in Japan. I'll write up something a little more detailed later, but in the interim here's some photos. Don't forget you can checkout my review of Fright Nights here - http://ourworlds.co/fright-nights-2015/
  17. Looks like it'll make a great undercover corporate/function area.
  18. Better late then never, here's the Fright Nights review I threw up today: You can checkout all of my thoughts over at OurWorlds but suffice to say I think if you're reading this forum and you're into parks you absolutely do need to go check it out. It's very polished. Kudos to the team that pulled it together this year.
  19. The website's pretty bad but they look to have atleast one or two installs of this train overseas thus far. Still have no idea how they get away with just a steel frame with no padding.
  20. I'm going to offer my two cents here for what it's worth and if we're being brutally honest, nothing has been as internationally defining or as iconic (thrill ride wise) as the Dreamworld Tower. Buzzsaw is certainly a local landmark through sheer presence alone, but it holds no weight against other great coasters of the world beyond being a one trick pony that's been repeated in several other parks around the world. In my eyes, it's essentially a modern Boomerang. It's not a bad ride by any stretch, it's a great bit of fun what with the whole "being upside down so high up with just a lap bar" element of things, but it's also no Superman Escape either. And therein lies where Dreamworld should move next. I don't need a magic ball to guess that Movie World will likely create something big in the next year or two and Dreamworld will need to really plug the coaster hole it has to be able to go up against Village as a whole. If I were Craig Davidson, i'd pick from two coaster types: 1) RMC Wooden Hybrid. Why? Nostalgia. Everyone's been on the Bush Beast at least once in their life. Adding a modern twist (inversions, steel track and even a launch) would not only peak local and interstate interest, but it'd put the whole park back on the world map as a place with an interesting, worthwhile coaster. Throw it in Blue Lagoon, and you've got amenities, facilities, and a stage for the ride to be built into ready to go. 2) Launched inverter coaster. Take your manufacturer's pick. Gerstlauer, Intamin or Mack. It just needs to look like Superman, talk like Superman, but pick up where Superman leaves off and roll a few inversions into the mix. It's a gimmicky tactic, but it's a marketable strategy where the general public can get behind it and go "Dreamworld's new one is like Movie World's one but it goes UPSIDE DOWN!" Think some kind of crazy Intamin Mega Lite, lap bars, the whole shebang. Ultimately they don't need another one trick pony, the park is full to the brim now of them. They need a Thunderbolt successor. Iconic, impressive, long and unlike Thunderbolt, actually enjoyable to re-ride.
  21. I checked out their site - not sure i'm too keen on having a steel-only lap bar slammed into my family jewels repeatedly over a 60 second plus period of time.
  22. Couple more until the full review drops.
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