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Everything posted by thunder001

  1. ^ May I suggest that you pruchase a video from Robb and Elissa, although I can't remember which one, as you will see the ride in action. Also ask your friends for the video of the Thrill Rides 2003 from the Discovery channel as it gives an on-board view of the ride. Looks like a great puke and spin ride, something that we are badly missing.
  2. Richo, before I order one, can you please tell me if this is ok by the parks? I hope that you have received permision to use the parks image to profit from that image as I don't want anyone to do anything that may hurt the releationship between the web sites and the parks. I am sure that you have looked into this as I know that you don't do anything by half, but it would be good if you could let us know that it is ok. Cheers.
  3. Latest Rumor ONLY There will be a total of 4 new attractions in place of the Thunderbolt for next season. The rumor goes on to state that there is to be one coaster STYLE ride with 3 flat rides of different size, but all to suit the teenage park goer. This info comes from a yet unproven source so don't hold it against me if it does not come to truth, I have stated that it is ONLY a RUMOR. We can only hope.
  4. I think that I might be able to shed a bit more light on this for you. The saftey of anyone on the construction site is down to two people. One is the WPHSO, (Work Place Health and Safety Officer), and the individual. The WPHSO is required to make sure that anyone on site is useing the correct safety equipment, and that the company the person is working for supplies the correct equipment and that the said equipment is in working order. It then falls back to the company and the worker. The company must make sure that the worker has access to the correct safety equipment at all times, and that it is in working order. It then falls on the worker in question to make sure that they use the correct safety equipment when needed. Alot of the time, you will see someone go up a ladder for example and stay there for 5min and come down with out ever using the correct equipment. It is the biggest killer of workers in the construction industry and the one thing that my wife worries about with myself. If the family trys to sue the company, then there will be an inquiry into the accident to determine if the worker had access to the correct equipment and had undergone a site safety induction, which is compolsory on all sites in Australia. If this is all taken into account and then found fault on the worker, I can't see the company getting sued. This is just from past experence that I have had within the industry myself and the course that I have done to become a WPHSO myself. These rules are country wide, not just state. Hope this answers any questions that you might have.
  5. I remember there being a small coaster type ride at Magic Mountain on the Gold Coast. This place closed just before I started High School. Hope this helped.
  6. OK, then let me spin your heads with this thought. The parks last major attraction was about 8years ago, so I'm told, although I could be wrong. So that could allow the park to build something large when the time comes to do so, OR the park could be saving the budget for new rides to allow for something a little bigger. With the income back into Sunway from the land sale for the Industrial park, this could also be used for a new attraction, or maybe they have bigger plans. What else could be bigger than a new land for the Marvel contract that the park now has. This could be the true reason for the park closing down little wonders land. A new area for the Marvel based rides. Just a thought. Does anyone ( FLEA ) know the location of the new super hero headquarters in relation to the old little wonders land. Just a thought.
  7. Just thinking about what would go there, I can see a clone of a V2 with the angle spike going over the square near the entry to the Gravitron. This would leave a lot of area to put in a couple of Gaint Huss Flat Rides and one or two shops also. Just a thought.
  8. Went to the park and was able to sneek a look into the building. Nice big dome thing in there with a lot of little ones also. Not able to see to much but thought it was worth posting.
  9. I had my wife ring the park on Friday and ask about the new slides. As it turns out, the lady who answered the phone went to school with my wife in Brisbane at one stage. We found out that the park has been told that there are new slides coming and that it is all ment to be in place by the 27th of September, although the construction is running behind. I think that this is another issue that we should sit on and take a wait and see approach to. Too many different stories with this one.
  10. This makes me wonder if the "New Slide" that I was informed of, was just ment to be that the parks are referbing the slides. Will send an e-mail off to the park on Monday and see if my contact tells me anything different from the email that I posted for you all to see in one of these posts. For those who don't believe that this is true and who think that I might be making this up, I will send a copy of this email to one of the guys down Sydney way....I think that Flea is down there so off to him it goes. This is just so you know that I was not making up this info and that it was received from the park...thats all. As yet I have not received any news from the park reguarding the Thunderbolt or any other rumors you might have heard.
  11. It is only a rumor at this stage, but we will have to take a wait and see attutude with this one.
  12. A friend of mine has buisness dealings with the park as he is a sales rep for a company that DW deals with. And he new that the park had sold the ride before I told him. When I asked him how he knew, he told me that the park had told him on his last visit and that the ride was sold to, and I quote " That Sydney park...Wondertown." He is not a theme park fan and when I corrected him and said Wonderland he said " That's It." This is coming from someone who I trust so I have no reason to doubt him with this info. He did say that what the park is getting to replace it will make me very happy indeed. Can't wait for it at all.
  13. Will send an email off to Wonderland tomorrow to see if the park has bought the Bolt or not...but I hope not. It all depends on what will be done with the ride by the new owners as to how it scrubs up so to speak. I guess only time will tell.
  14. The latest with the sharks is that one may have to be put down due to a infected eye. Only caught a little of the story but it was on the main news that it was done by the RSPCA's independant inspector. Wonder how the park will get out of this one??
  15. Ok, we are not going to get nasty here but this is just to reply to your last post and that is all. I tend to get a lot of ppl from this site, sending me PM's for info into all the parks new attractions, so this is why I mentioned about the masses so to speak. As far as the track record remark, was a reply to north82 and the comment left by this person that I have to prove my info to gain respect. The top of my reply did state that the TWO posts above, which included North82's and yours. This is why it was mentioned. This site is about news and rumors, you are correct there, but ppl need to help keep this a nice place to visit also. I don't want to have a fight every time I want to leave my own comment on my opion on things in the local parks. If you want to read the news and rumors that's fine, but you were the one to start this whole thing by leaving the comment in the first place, and to use your own words "I have every right to voice my opinion on this matter." And as far as being nice, that is just part of good manners to others that we like to see on all sites that I am a part of. It is as simple as that, and I was allways taught that good manners gets good results. I think that I will leave it at that as I am trying to do this due to my interest in coasters. If you don't like the way that I post, then that is fine, but I will keep doing it as "I have every right to voice my opinion on this matter". Back on topic now and I cannot confirm the rumor posted on Screamscape about the parks new attraction for next year. Be nice to know who sent it in though?? I still think, and this is only my opinion, that the park has a large coaster coming within the next two - three years and I am hoping that it is a B&M original. Why you ask?? Think about the length of time it takes B&M to design a new coaster from scratch, and then compare to how long it has been since the park has added a new major attraction. The time allmost works out to perfection. And I have a friend who works in a steel mill in NSW and this person told me that the plant had visitors from Europe who were looking to use the plant for the construction of roller coaster supports and track. My friend did say that it could be a lot of BS as they get ppl there all the time to look at how the plant works, so consider this a rumor only.
  16. Spoke to the park today and found that the Thunderbolt is shut down for GOOD. This was only through park relations, but that is what was told.
  17. Ok we have all had this chat before so lets have it again. I really don't have any trouble with the staff at DW, and I think that I know why. It might all be due to age. Most of the ppl who post here are around the 13-18 age group I believe, so let's go through this from a slightly older point of view. I get to the park and the first ppl that we see are at the front gate. A friendly smile and a goodmorning is allways there. We get into the park and see that the rides have started, and on all the rides we are greated with a hello, just as I greet them. And I think that this is the key. If you are bright and happy towards the attendant, then about 90% of the time, you are greeted the same. It is called something that I can't even dream of spelling, that means that the person returns the same feelings that they are greeted with. So if you all have bad feelings towards the staff before you even get to the park, then the ppl around you will pick up on these feelings and feel the same way. It works, trust me as I use it with unhappy customers every day to get them the way I can deal with them. But if you are trully unhappy with the staff and the food, have any of you sent an e-mail to the park or called the park and asked to speak with the customer relations officer on duty. This way you are not just telling us, but the park knows as well and the problem can be addressed. I will send this link to the park so as they can see what faults we all here have with the park. Maybe nothing will happen, but then again you never know. :?:
  18. Fare enough with the last two, but I can only say what I am allowed to say. As far as being proven, I will let my track record speak for itself. If you must know why I drop hints it is for a couple of reasons. First there is the fanatics that like to dream about what sort of new ride is coming, when they know that a new attraction is coming. It gets the mind working and thinking about what it might be and where it might be placed into the park. They then post on boards like this and disscuss with others the thoughts that they have had. This leads to the second reason. For over a year I have had a source within the upper managment of Wonderland and this person ( We will call them FRED) feeds me with the REAL info as far as this person is aware as to what happens in the park. This comes with a catch, and that is that I am only allowed to let little bits of info out as the construction progresses. This keeps ppl talking on the boards and FRED will keep an eye on the boards, to see what the parks visitors want/think that the park needs in the future. This is also for feedback to the meetings within the Wonderland Managment as well as a bit of a laugh when the odd rumor is posted that they know to be false. This is why I really don't trust any info that I get from the park staff, as they are normally told the wrong thing until it is to late to hide the truth. Any info I get from the parks general staff is posted as a rumor only. Now I know this is off topic but I will finish with this. The info that I put here is for the masses, and not for the few. It I get a couple of ppl that don't like the way that I post then I can live with that. If you get personal with me, than I am well equipted to deal with that also...ask anyone who knows me in person. But I will continue to post what I want on this topic and in this fourm as long as I am within the rules of this board. :twisted: If you don't like it....then Grow Up. I have two kids to raise and I am NOT looking after any kids on this board as well. And there are those who allready know what attraction is coming for next year as it pays to be nice to me 8)
  19. I now what I would like to see, but it is not what is coming next so I am not happy about that.
  20. This is the same one that was at the Royal Easter Show in Sydney. I was working at the Ekka yesterday and asked about the ride during my lunch. The ride did not spin alot last year due to a lot of things, being new, the weight of the riders in the car and where they are sitting also helps. According to the guy I spoke with, the ride works best if the train is full and there is a heavy person on one end. The ride can also be "helped" a little around the corners to get it spinning more. And to correct myself, the ride does indeed spin down the drops. A totaly great ride to watch, but could not get a ride on it no matter how much I begged, will have to pay like every one else.
  21. ^ Not sure if this is the same one. One of my work mates said he saw it today in test and it was spinning around the corners at the first corner. He said that it only stopped spinning when it went down and up the dips. Will have to have a look for myself.
  22. To please the other readers of this forum I will stop the info war and leave it alone. I stand by my past record of info and will take the wait and see attuditute. If I am wrong, then I am man enough to say so should that time come, but if I am right, then I expect the same from the other party involved. So I will leave it at this and see what happens, which I am sure those around the park will inform us of. And I also stand by the little peice of info that I have given to some posters on this site about the new ride next year. That also we will have to wait and see about.
  23. Picture in todays paper was in black and white, so I can not yet confirm the track colour, but had some really funny looking mouse trains on the ride. Will be going past the Ekka grounds over the next couple of days for work, so will be sure to check it out.
  24. The ride was stopped and Rabid was asked to leave the ride. After which we were allowed to ride as per normal. He was asked to leave the ride, not the park.
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