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Downunderland News/ Update thread


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Here is some exciting downunderland news, i will keep you upto date on this as time goes by. First i have a direct e-mail from Darryl.

> Hi >   > I some time ago heard that Downunderland was going > to move onto some more suitable land that wasn't > leased month by month. And recently (after seeing no > advertisements for summer, and seeing a ferris wheel > go up, and come down again) was wondering if this > move is going to happen soon? > If so, can you please give me as much details about > the move as possible. That would be appreciated. >   > Regards > Paul Hollibone
And here is Darryls Reply.
Paul, Thanks for your interest. Downunderland is now closed on the present site and last year we were catering for booked groups only up until Christmas. Often groups book up to 12 months in advance, so we decided we would honour all pre booked groups before our move.   We are still busy doing hire jobs with our smaller gear, as we have always been. Downunderland's long term lease ran out some years ago, and the owners of the land were unwilling to enter into a long term lease as they intend to redevelop the area for housing. As you would be aware, we weren't the only tennants at the Australian Heritage Village and all were affected by this decision. All the long term tennants were affected and have left, we are the last remaining.   There are a number of short term tennants that are filling buildings until the redevelopment happens. As far as Downunderland is concerned, we are in the process of moving. Each week you should be able to see some packing up happening. The new site hasn't been officially announced yet, but we will be moving throughout 2005 and we hope to open our new site late in 2005. The ferris wheel has been in storage for a long time. It was set up in order for it to be inspected and refurbished.   The seats, which you saw go up and down, are currently being sand blasted and repainted, following the inspection. The rest of the support structure will have the same happen in the near future. All the rides are being refurbished as we move. As you will have noticed, we haven't repained everything since our long term lease expired as we have always been temporarily extended on the old site. There is obviously no point painting things and then damaging their new paint jobs during transport and erection on the new site. That said, if we had known how long the delays in securing a new site would have been we could have painted once or twice in the interim. The up side is that this way we will have everything nice and shiny at our new site. We have some exciting surprises for our new site, and as the year goes on we will be in a better position to announce those. Once again, thank you for your interest.
What do you think? I will be keeping you upto date on the latest happenings and the official stuff.
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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 months later...
Just an update, after coming home from Sydney last night, I noticed more has changed at the old site. With the Ferris Wheel now completely down.
Get your hand off it Pauly Boy. It still stands in all its ****ty glory. Didn't your mother ever tell you what happened to your eyesight when you played with it too much?
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  • 3 months later...

Not much, I took a trip out that way a couple of weekends ago, and submitted some stuff to richard, the place is looking pretty ****house. I reckon looking at it in first person, it's something for Defunction. As I cannot see it moving. Rather demolished, and forgotten about.

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I recently emailed Darryl & got an email back last night! I wrote:- > Hello there, > > I've been told sometime ago that Downunderland was > moving! To move onto more > suitable land that wasn't leased month by month. And > havening seeing no > advertisements for summer, rides being going up, > then back down again... I > was wondering if this is the beginning of > Downunderland's move?!?! Also with > your Downunderland roller coaster, Is that going to > the new land??? > > If you'd be able to give me as much details & > infomation about the move & > roller coaster as possible. That would be much > appreciated! > > Regards > Troy Ashman. He replyed saying:- Hi Troy, Thanks for your interest in Downunderland. Whilst I'm not yet in a position to reveal all, I can confirm that Downunderland is moving and closed on the current site last Christmas. The old site is to be redeveloped into housing I'm told, and yes, as a result, the land owners were not willing to renew our lease for a reasonable long term. Each of the rides is being pulled down, taken away and refurbished. The new site details have not yet been released, but we are well down the track to securing a new site. Construction and set up will take quite a while, but at this stage we are looking at a October/November 2006 opening. We will know more as time goes on. Yes, the roller coaster will be going to the new site, but will most likely be the last to leave the old site. It requires a lot of space for refurbishment, and may well be transported to the new site for refurbishment to take place at the new site, this is still to be decided. We have some new rides for the new site, details of which will have to wait at this stage. One of our new rides was recently used in a movie which is due for release in October/November 2006. We are trying to work toward an opening at the new site around the same time the movie is released. I'll be happy to give you more details closer to the date. I hope this has assisted you and once again I thank you for your interest. Regards Darryl Webb :) Hmm so it seems like there still on the move?

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