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Big Brother Not Moving

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Whoever stated in a previous forum topic that Big Brother is contracted to stay at Dreamworld until 2009 is absolutely correct. The Big Brother House is, and will remain, on Dreamworld land until 2009. Should Endemol Southern Star decide to move the House? Well, legally, they can. We can't make them stay here. But they will ahve to pay quite a substantial fee for pre-contract leave. The estimate of that fee is about $30,000. And with the troubles Big Brother producers have been having lately due to to controversial events in the House, I don't think they want to fork out extra money just to make more work in building a new House, and promoting the move PLUS paying us a fee to relocate.

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I think you would find that the fee would be significantly higher than that considering the cross promotional benefits that Dreamworld gets. It would be more realistic to say this fee would be at least $300,000 at an outside guest! But why would SSE be in a hurry to leave the Dreamworld Compound? The infrastructure is already in place, and not to mention the significant funding the production receives from the Queensland government.

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Is it just me, or does this ride op know EVERYTHING about Dreamworld. I mean, that's great, but how does a ride op in Dreamworld, know anything about the contract with Big Brother? Is this guy just giving us crap, or does he really know this? I mean, If it's true, that's good. But It just seems he knows a lot of stuff, for a ride op.

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I dunno but one thing annoyed me in that first post... when he said they would have to pay 'us'. It really gets to me when people say that. I may work for Warner Village but I don't say Intamin are building US a new half pipe coaster. It has nothing to do with me, I just happen to work there. Just always struck me an an arrogant way to try and talk ones self up in my opinion.

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