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Everything posted by Reanimated35

  1. have a look on vodhin.org (i think it is - just google vodhin) there is shitloads of CS there, including dark ride events
  2. I can see where he's coming from, I mean if he used facts, they wouldn't support his argument.
  3. What's to be annoyed about? They don't allow tiger island access because too many people in the public would simply see a group associated with guns and shooting animals being allowed into dreamworlds tiger conservation efforts. I think it's a good decision from DW. Piss off a few people to keep the majority happy. That's business. It's not like they've banned them from the entire park, they have offered several other places to hold the party.
  4. Uploading to megaupload tonight. Please PM me a reminder to share the link once I finish work tomorrow (around 3:30/4pm) So I remembered anyway, here you go, let me know if it doesnt work http://www.megaupload.com/?d=KGWXC1Y7
  5. any of these be any help? most pics are 3264x2448 - entire folder is 1.1gb
  6. I'm no good with CS, but I may be able to help with anything else?
  7. Except Dreamworld have Spongebob. Who knows, lets just hope its something decent
  8. Maybe the bald guy was getting too annoying, Same show though?
  9. (Ride goes for 30 seconds, queue takes 10, so you spend 20 times longer in the queue than you do riding the ride) ummmmm. :-p Re theming: I think I'll put off my visit until it's 100% completed and see it in full glory edit- oh right, i didnt see the 10mins bit before lol
  10. http://www.facebook.com/home.php?#!/dreamworld?ref=ts
  11. Can we please stay on topic and take the e-wang wars somewhere else?
  12. So boats are free but high-ropes is an upcharge to help fund construction and insurance? What's the big deal?
  13. Woo I won tickets to the nova party on thursday night!
  14. Haha, I'd actually forgotten about the tunnel. It's been a while since I've been there
  15. Nothing is bad about it. But it could use a darker paint job
  16. I'm sure its just the video not doing it justice, but the new car looks kind of 'cheap' and made of aluminum instead of the darker 'tougher' looking ToT car
  17. Exactly my point. Why make some a proper card and some not? If it's a cheaper alternative, why not just do it from the start? I wouldn't mind if all of them were the same one way or the other. I heard a few other people complaining out it too and saying their friends had them done at WnW/SW and got the proper cards.
  18. One way to force you to buy a locker at WnW maybe since they arent waterproof lol But still, this is shit. and will probably end up being lost or damaged
  19. Scooby today - -I dont recall seeing the spider on the roof before the photo -Lift sounds like it needs so maintenance -Green cone laser working (wasnt last time I was there) -Light, very light smoke if any -Might just be my memory messing with me but it seemed brighter in there -Lights in the last room were all working, even scooby was fixed and it looked like they had finally hidden the speaker -Red laser on final drop working. Overall 7/10 satisfaction. Just needed more smoke, which I guess would have made it seem darker Also HWSD - they seem to be getting faster at doing the stunts so there's more smoke and action. I still really enjoy the show each time I see it, but maybe that's because I love the Evo's And since it doesn't need it's own thread, have a listen to the sound of the chain lift on lethal today. sounds a lot worse than the video shows too.
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