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About coaster_crazee

  • Birthday 06/02/1987

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  1. Awesome, thanks! Looks like ill have to brave the crowds... cheers!
  2. Hi All, I am heading up to the GC for Chrissy and the Holidays in December. Just wondering if the parks are closed at all on any of these days (I assume Christmas is a given). Also, from your experiences which particular days are the parks massively over crowded? Cheers!
  3. Eww, African Safari park?? My friends told me it was being financed by paramount studios or something along those lines... Does that sound right? Here i was thinking maybe a WB or Universal type theme park... Not animals!! LOL Sorry, i just read the article... I take back what i just wrote, it sounds pretty good!
  4. Hey, i was recently in Melb, and a friend of mine told me that there was an approval for a new "theme park development" somewhere in northern melbourne i think. I cant recall the exact place they said it was happenning, but they are pretty in the know and wouldnt make this sort of thing up. Has anyone on here heard anything about it?
  5. who cares, a new coaster will be alot better than a special FX show...
  6. Ive been to DW when NSW schools were on holidays, and when QLD schools were on holidays (QLD holidays begin a week before NSW i think) and ive found that it is less crowded when QLD schools are on holidays...
  7. kool sounds good, heres a map of cedar point i have 2 help you out...
  8. sure man you should finish it, im no good at these games so its kool to see what other people can make!
  9. hey matt, that recreation looks great mate, i dunno how u can manage something like that, im over the game already! are u planning on doing any other recreations???
  10. kool, 20 million dollars worth of additions sounds alright!
  11. i have heaps of nostalgic pics of the demon and there shud be some on this site... my mate threw up after going on the demon 5 times in a row when he was really wacked... he learnt his lesson!
  12. Lol Galbraith... now wierdos everywhere will look upto you...
  13. Atleast the moles who sold the park wont have to pay to dismantle it now... I bet it was them!
  14. The Wipeout is one of my favorite rides at DW. Its not scary or intense or anything, its just really really fun and wacked out!!! is it open yet???
  15. That looks pretty kool man, i wish i had the patience to do something that detailed... really good!
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