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Everything posted by bladex

  1. i think his describing the original ride layout at wnw sarcastically
  2. yeah but the incident was some idiot standing up trying to take a selfie it was HIS fault. there is literally nothing wrong with the log ride itself.
  3. why did they close it are they just scared of any ride now that has a conveyor belt?
  4. not a bad turnout once thrill rides are re-open more people will come. dw is going to ok.
  5. if you have your original emails you can send them to them and get replacements or print them out again.
  6. you can only play sandbox with no challenge so many times before you get bored silly. i'm not the only one that thinks this too on steam. also the lack of rides and shops don't help either. you can't even play maps you create in challenge mode it's sandbox OR GTFO...
  7. why would they be getting rid of this dispite some idiot standing up and getting stuck in the conveyor belt (his fault) there's nothing else wrong with this ride?
  8. they already have batman spaceshot though with batman.
  9. no a lego coaster from the lego video game franchise.
  10. it would be the new restrictions the inspectors would keep finding something they think would need to be changed. they are super strict now because of TRR they just won't take any chances anymore if they find something they think needs to be changed on ANY ride they will tell ARD/VRS right away now and it has to be done or no ride re-open.
  11. which is too far away the coaster will be ready next year so it will be themed to a DC movie out next year which will be WW or AM.
  12. it won't be flash because that's only a tv show not a movie
  13. it's more likely to be an aqua man coaster since that movie is before WW
  14. mind-blown and to answer your question BOTH: 1st you get a buzz on a RC than you jump on a slide to cool off!
  15. coming along nicely that thing is FUGE they must be going to have a mini LEGO display in there too?
  16. i was going to say something earlier...
  17. it's for the best the safer the rides are the safer we will be.
  18. i'm kinda bored of this already there's just not enough to do and getting tired of sandbox mode. if only there was a scenario editor it would have lasted longer for me. but for now i'm shelving it.
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