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Everything posted by themagician

  1. Dive ‘n’ Movies are set to return again this Summer
  2. The former corroboree theatre could be a great spot for something like that.
  3. Except develop the former rocky hollow section of the land and fix up the back corner of Ocean Parade. Rivertown will definitely fix up and vastly improve that section of the park, but they definitely can’t (and doubt they will) stop because there parts that still need work in the coming years.
  4. I think that’s all everyone wishes for, probably even the current parks management (since they’re leaning into the nostalgic/OG Dreamworld). In a perfect world, they rip down all the nasty of the SV facade, rebuild a replica of the original theatre facade as much as possible and retheme the rides queue to suit. I think this might have been discussed before and anyone with better knowledge on this subject, please share such knowledge. I know there were modifications to the building because I don’t believe the SV theatre would have fitted in the original building, but at the time, if management really wanted too, could they have kept the original facade?
  5. And I guess that’s there way of avoiding any potential lawsuits because if they didn’t install it, I’m sure it would only be a matter of time before a kid decides to run down the ramp, trips and falls off the end and the parents decide to sue. And I respect your opinion. I disagree with it, but that’s what personal opinions and this forum is for… discussing our thoughts and opinions.
  6. Jaggs Journey has shared these photos and overall I think it looks really good. Could there be some improvements, there always is, but that doesn’t mean what they’ve built is bad in any way. I think it’s fantastic they’ve built a ramp so everyone can get that iconic DW photo (kudos to the park for recognising the importance of this) I agree the ‘pool fencing’ wouldn’t have been my choice and it probably wasn’t the parks either, but when it comes to budgets and recognising what’s more important, that money saved on the fencing was probably put somewhere else that’s actually more important. If the budget allowed, I would’ve continued the glass balustrades that are in front of the globe all the wall to the left and right. And when you look at the overall picture, I think the white painted block walls work because they disappear in the overall context and general day guests aren’t going to notice it. And I would’ve continued the timber flooring down the ramp. And in a perfect world, I would’ve avoided that step up in the fencing to the left to keep that consistent line, but compliance and certifiers wouldn’t have allowed that for whatever reason.
  7. The fencing around the globe is down and is available for guests to take photos with again
  8. These maps in park have been updated and just show the lands area as a hatched construction zone
  9. Hooray for Hollywood returns for the Summer holidays this year and as already mentioned, Bettlejuice will be added to the characters in park. So far, everything else seems to be similar to last years event
  10. Movie World have shared a video confirming Bettlejuice and they said stay tuned for a star studded announcement coming soon
  11. The park map has been updated promoting the new ride coming soon
  12. Roaming character and/or street show is the likely/usual thing that happens when characters are returning. I believe Hooray for Hollywood is returning after Christmas, so Beetlejuice could be a part of that event
  13. Movie World just shared a video on their socials that an iconic character is returning to the park soon. And at the end of the video, there is this clip (basically confirming Beetlejuice is returning)
  14. I know it's only a concept artwork and we can't use that to confirm anything, but the concept artwork for Jungle Rush showed the train that was very similar to the one of Big Bear Mountain. So I suspect it will be very similar, if not the same. Leviathan also has a 122cm minimum requirement and the park was originally marketing it as a family coaster. But I'm not seeing kids riding that with their grandparents.
  15. It was never going to look like this, even if the park wanted it too because where’s the ride operator booth? Where are all the ride motors going to be stored? There was always going to be some buildings, and just having one would’ve looked out of place, so in that case there was always going to be two because they’d be stupid to not have the queue under shelter
  16. DW have shared a video on their socials and ride testing has begun
  17. But remember this is a family coaster that's target market is from young kids to grandparents. A spike and quick track isn't usually an element that would suit this type of coaster.
  18. This is great to see. I’ve always thought they should offer a cheaper version that doesn’t include all the perks (like DW currently does), so kudos to VRTP for adding this option. Definitely makes the Locals One Pass look even more value for money (which is probably what they’re going for) because for an extra $40 you get almost $230 worth tickets to their events.
  19. Tickets have gone up $10, with child entry $69 and adults entry $89.
  20. Tickets are on sale and these are the dates We’re starting with 11 nights this year, but I’m sure more will be added because last year they had 15 total nights.
  21. I’m implying that I skipped straight to page 2, saw your post was at the top of the page and thought you made the topic. When in fact @Rivals is the culprit
  22. @DaptoFunlandGuy Weren't they selling them at Fright Nights?
  23. @kujotess was very organised and already made an event for this years White Christmas last year! Jaggs Jounreys shared that as soon as FN decorations were taken down, White Christmas has been put up Tickets aren’t yet available and no changes have been made on the website for this years event, but I’d say we will see it go online before the end of the week
  24. The ride is turning 5 later next year, it would be great if the park invested in upgrading the screen and projector to a higher resolution (unless the footage itself is already at its max res). With everything the park has been doing the last few years and with Rivertown next year, the park will have changed in so many ways and they should have every park of it looking it’s best to impress every single guest that comes through the park. I know they have been working hard to improve so many aspects of the park (even behind the scenes on things guests don’t even notice or know about) and they should keep up this momentum
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