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Everything posted by joz

  1. Presuming the Wave pool is the same size as WnWs (for scale purposes) you'd probably want to place that further up on the screen, so you can fit more deck chairs and the like to the area. The current Wet 'n' Wild's decking is huge and yet that fills up. Same thing would happen with this park, so that'd need to be bigger. There also isn't much room to expand should the need arise, and there aren't many eateries. Apart from that, its a really nice park. If the new WnW looked anything like this it'd be a hit IMHO.
  2. Hang on a sec, isn't Wet 'n' Wild one? That "'n'" hardly counts as its own word...
  3. Road Runner Roller Coaster, Rugrats Runaway Reptar, Tower of Terror are a couple of notables from the Gold Coast. I get the point though Nice looking park map, as a park it looks great, but it could do with some more areas to sit down, mostly around the wave pool. I like the idea of having the mountain at the back of the wave pool with slides coming off it. Great space saver that, as well as the fact that the parks filtration and pumps could all be centrally located.
  4. They are pieces of foam stuck to the bottom of the slides. They create an obstacle for the rafts, which slows them down, as well as giving a bump for the riders.
  5. The brake pads are indeed to slow you down. While most riders would have no trouble without them, the ride is too fast for the more 'fragile' park guests, who would sometimes loose control without them. I'm about 90% sure that Terror Canyon is not River Rapids with but enclosed, but rather a whole new slide. Best guess as to why is they were wanted to add something completly different, and to get rid of the really slow bits that were in River Rapids.
  6. Lucky you, how is Spinball Wizzer? I was out there during its construction but was a season to early to have a 'spin'. Nice to have you aboard
  7. Shucks, thanks man. Its now my long awaited profile picture Better luck next time Pin142, still if the layout is anything like the last one then then I'm in trouble, I've already used up most of my tricks That was fun, are we going to have another one of these? I like using no limits, but I hardly ever do with out the incentive...
  8. $2.80 is to much each visit? Well, your most welcome to your opinion.
  9. Well, what you've said is neither news nor true, but welcome aboard anyway.
  10. Movieworld's pass price went down a couple of years back. There was also several deals that allowed one to buy a very cheap annual pass the last couple of years. To then compare it to Dreamworld's is also hypocritical since that one costs more anyway.
  11. I think that when you bend the rules to get something cheap then you have no real right to have a go at the price rise. Besides that, $0.41 a day sounds pretty cheap to me. You'll struggle to find something that gets close to matching an annual pass in terms of value for money, even at $150. You couldn't see a movie once a month for cheaper then that. Expensive? Yes. Ripoff? Certaintly not.
  12. I'm about 98% done, just gotta move a few things around.
  13. I'll hazard a guess and say that to acheive a September holidays (which was the plan last I heard, things may have changed) opening, you'd expect construction to begin not long after the holidays. When is Lethal closed again?
  14. joz


    The days that are marked as later days look to be the days that bigger crowds are/were expected. The pretty much match the days that we expected (and got) big crowds. In other words, its more a reaction to the expected crowds, rather then a way of getting the bigger crowds in.
  15. Nothing to see here folks, go back to site issues for more of the intriguing battle. Is it just me or is all this making us look like a pretty good contender for Absolutely Reliable News and Rumours' Site o the weak?
  16. joz


    Extended trading. Actually, that brings me to a question: Dreamworld's webpage has updated the extended hours page, no longer listing the day when the park closed at 7PM, but instead now notes that the park may remain open later. For those who have been there, when did they do that, and what time has the park been closing?
  17. I work for Warner Village Theme Parks for those who want to know how I could possibly know such details. I feel no need to trouble you with the names of my sources, since you A. won't know them, and B. puts their neck in a noose.
  18. I'll go one step further dude, we've paid the deposit for the ride.
  19. Now now, there's nothing wrong with Labor, only Bob Carr.
  20. I always enjoy the huge amount of code parks use. I always wonder, for what reason would you need to hide the fact that a supervisor had to call the operator, or simply asking for your location in the park had to be in code. At Seaworld all the staff with a radio have a number, I'm guessing, because information like a staff members name may be used by international terrorists :confused: . Fair enough stuff like "Rides stuffed" or "Someone spewed at Bounty" is coded, but stuff like lost child needed/needs to be in code? Keep going guys, most fasinating stuff this...
  21. Kenny, I don't think that launched coaster is a huge secret anymore. Having Rippin' Rockets in the shop windows doesn't really prove anything, just like Intamin track on Cyclone souvenir shirts didn't prove anything. I think your reading a touch too much into it, though it is an amusing storey.
  22. Stupid. Entertaining though..
  23. Hangover was good, but the bloke operating it was either vindictive, or an idiot. Seriously, 20 seconds upside down is NOT cool. I didn't mind Hangover, but I injoyed the chance inverter more, even though the floorless seating style on Hangover is really cool. Ideally I'd love to see Chance do a floorless version of their inverter.
  24. SeanM, I think your too harsh. It appears to me that Wonderland was gearing up for closure for a while. If the opposite was true, then there would have been a new attraction after 1997. Stephen Gailbraith; say what you want about the guy, but from experience I can tell you, he did know a fair bit about the amusement industry. He took from the Gold Coast, some of the best theme park minds around. Michael Croaker and Andrew Cole were both excellent, and knew there craft very well. It seems clear that it was the intention of Sunday all along to close, and let me tell you, when the parent company wants to sell, then that's it. No questions asked, its all over. It would be nieve to think that a major scale theme park is enviable in NSW. Fox studios can hardly count, since from all accounts it was substandard, and too expensive. It was doomed right from the word go, kind of like Disney Studios Paris. I can assure you, if anyone starts a crusade to get a big park built in NSW, I'll be behind it, though I doubt that'd really make a great deal of difference.
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