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Everything posted by Gazza

  1. And Plus tons of waterparks have them, Boomerang Bay, Kalahari Resort, Schlitterbahn, Wild Wadi..... So theres no lazy river, well that puts a stop to my dreams of a modern integrated waterpark.
  2. Roller coasters would be constucted by local compaines contracted to put them up, but there are numerous firms that make ride equipment: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Roller_coaste...d_Manufacturers
  3. They dont seem in a hurry to finish, i went a few times this week and nothing had seemed to have changed on the site.
  4. I think there is one like it at water world in denver.
  5. You've got the terminology mixed up but yeah i know what you are taking about, the proslide tornado is the one that looks like a giant cone on its side and you go up and down the walls like a halfpipe, except it is enclosed, this paticular slide is going into WnW in september this year. http://www.proslide.com/whatsnew/whatsnew.htm (fourth one down) other slide type is called a Pro bowl, it is the one that looks like a giant toilet bowl, where you slide in and spiral around, dropping out a hole in the middle. http://www.proslide.com/products/bodysliding.htm (scroll down the page) If this ride was put in you would be killing two birds with one stone since you get the drop off when you fall out the hole in the middle into the pool below. (like the slide at amazons) I agree, these two rides would be great additions but im unsure as to wether a tornado would be put in if wnw will already have one.
  6. Obviously not you, but many others do. IMO themeing in an integral part of the ride, Imagine Eureka without themeing, it would be a very plain track winding its way downhill out in the open. Theming also makes the wait more interesting since you have things to look at and just adds to the atmosphere. If there was no themeing the park would virtually just be like a carnival or show, not very interesting at all. But anyway, MW deserves a pat on the back for doing such a good job, they have provided a great new ride in the middle of summer, yet have managed to keep queues to a minimum and all for a fairly modest investment. Other parks need to take notice.
  7. Did i ever say that the system would be used at one of our parks, i simply used DW as an example because it was a park that i could easily remember what the major attractions were. The point of this was more to suggest a concept parks could use as another way of reducing times people spend in queues without the need for major new infastructure.
  8. On the vekoma website, there is info on their newest coaster called the splash party, its fairly similar to the swing thing, but it has been developed in conjunction with White Water West. http://www.vekoma.com/ (Under Family Coasters) This could be a possiblity. Another idea i thought of was a walk through type attraction (like tomb raider) But with water slides. Guests would walk through themed coridoors, with a few waterslides they go down on the way (with special effects) There could be multiple routes people could take and random water effects would spice up the ride.
  9. Yeah, the free for the 1st hour idea would work the best since those electronic lockers could be programmed in any way you wanted and it would not require anything complex, just a person to come out with their laptop and hook it up. Any chance of you passing that on when you are at MW joz?
  10. Just having a look on the news page on the WnW website, it says that on the mach V flume slides you can actually ride in 3 person rafts, wether they are inline or cloverleaf remains to be seen.
  11. So will all of the H20 Zone be closed? From rabids last update (which was 10 days ago, no taking into account the delay of the approval process and loads of slide construction can happen in 10 days) most of mach V looked to be very close to completion so now i would expect that part to be virtually done, would it be possible for them to open the mach V tower while they finish off the black hole tower. I wouldnt mind if only part of it was ready.It could just be the 16th is the date for the whole place to be operational. But its a bit of a bummer because this was my second main reason for coming up this summer (Behind SE), and i cant change my flights or accomadation. Then again, i could get lucky, my last day up there is the 13th, and you never know, it could be ready 3 days ahead.
  12. But you would still have a choice to ride it whenever you want (read the 1st post), its more of a recommendation to help reduce queues rather than something you have to do.
  13. Dammit, i am going to be there a week to early
  14. Well, If people are annoyed about the locker system then they should fill out the comments thing in the "contact" part of the MW website, i did and the next day i was sent a reply with a phone number to ring (They also said they could ring me if i provided my phone number) because they wished to discuss my email. I obliged and rang, where i told them what i thought politely. The reply i got was that the reason they had to charge was to stop people from using them all day, to which i said that there could be a deposit system where you got the dollar back if you came back in the hour, but the normal charge would apply outside this. She actually agreed that the charge was a bad thing, and recognised the fact people would find it difficult to buy stuff at the shop but said the system worked well for the ride, to which i said "it may work well, but people arent happy with it". I suggested the idea of a rotating storage unit in a hole between the two stations, and she said that it was a good idea she would pass that on. I was rather pleased that they were willing to listen and acknowledged my concerns. So if you arent happy with it, just send a polite message outlining your concerns and prehaps we might see a free item storage system installed. At least that way you have a choice and the majority of park guests who only carry the basics (Phone, Wallet, Sunnies, Camera) dont have to rent one.
  15. The point of my idea was not to have seperate queues or anything like that, it would just use the existing one and would really just be a "guide" as to when you should ride. More of a low cost alternative to having to build seperate queues, scanners, turnstiles and printers. It would just be printed on a section of your ticket.
  16. I just had an idea for a way parks could reduce queues: allocated ride times. What would happen is when you get your ticket it would have times for you to ride major attactions, and all guests would be allocated times. Of course you would not be forced to ride at a timeslot though, or even at all, but guests would be encouraged to ride at that timeslot and if they co- operate they can enjoy a better day. My theory is that if the boarding times were spaced out properly there would be a more even distribution of people which would lead to shorter queues and people would only enter the queue at their time so there would not be large groups entering wanting to all ride at the same time, leading to queues. The times would be based around the regular cycle time and passenger capacity. during the first half hour, the final hour and during the lunch period no times would be allocated. For example, if this system was impelmented at DW, times would be given for TOT ,GD, WO, The Claw, Cyclone, Thunder River and The Log Ride and Big Red Car. One problem i am aware of is breakdowns causing delays, but under good circumstances it could work well, what do you think?
  17. The station would be split down the middle by a chain link fence (with a locked gate only openable by the ride ops) People would be restricted to their side and the PLC would be progammed to only send cars back to their originating station. These rides normally have 8 or 9 cars, this version would have 10 (with 5 devoted to each side)
  18. An idea i just had was the possiblity of putting in a setpoint swing thing (in rct3 its known as a roller soaker and it is a roller coaster where you can dump water like a fire fighting helicopter) The entrance would be in ocean parade with a dual loading station, one station would be accessible from dw, while the other is accessible from dwwp. This could offset the costs since it would be useable by both parks. It would be placed on the border between the two parks, and if the station was elevated it could also serve as the access between both parks on the lower level) Pics: http://www.rcdb.com/m/ig598.htm http://www.rcdb.com/ig1497.htm
  19. Who said the rides were for sale
  20. When you say a different feeling of smoothness, how do you mean?
  21. Amazing that the ride can keep the passengers safely in, but it has trouble keeping themeing attached, I think the problem with keeping tyres on is the fact they are only attached in the middle, and are rather heavy, and are unsuported at the sides, so a lot of stress would be on the anchorage point, however with the superman statue it would be a bit easier to bolt it on in more places. Im guessing with the MRT logo means something like "Metropolis rapid transport", or "Metropolis rail Transit" or something along those lines, but it would have looked better if at least the front car of the train had the superman logo as the main feature. Just a question with the 196 cm height limit, roughly how many people would be excluded from riding?
  22. I thought scooby doos story was that scooby doo had become lost and you had to find him. Anyway, cool press release, its definitley taking a swipe at DWs underthemed rides.
  23. Gazza

    RCT3 Debut Park

    Well, to tell you the truth i havent found RCT3s themeing very limited at all, they have just gotten rid of a lot of the stuff that wasn't good (such as giant soccer balls and footballs) Ill get some more screens up soon.
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