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Disneyland Adelaide?

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8 minutes ago, pin142 said:

Ooh, a News Corpse click bait article to get the attention of idiots. Was only a matter of time before they posted shit like that again.

I agree that it will not happen. Every time these articles come up nothing happens. 

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Ye I don’t think DisneyLand will be coming down under anytime soon, their parks are always “go big or go home” type projects, stuff I couldn’t see being viable for our country, at least not after the 90s Disney gc project went to HongKong sweeping up the South East Asian Market.

I do wonder however, with Universal trying to tap into regional markets, with their announced kid sized park in Texas and permanent haunt attraction on the Vegas strip, I think it’s a high possibility we see something original pop up from the mouse’s biggest rival in the next 10-20 years. Universal has stated their interest in different markets, and they re-branded their Parks and Resorts unit to “Universal Destinations and Experiences” just days ago.



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14 hours ago, Natti_amusements said:

their parks are always “go big or go home” type projects

I think Disney's expansions are more "pay us and we'll come". Every investment outside the US has been with heavy local investment or concessions by government. Disney has looked at several places in Aus over the years but have always wanted local governments to chip in a massive contribution towards civil works and concessional arrangements, which - for the benefit of a foreign commercial enterprise - would be decried from the rooftops and the elected officials would get slaughtered.


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2 hours ago, DaptoFunlandGuy said:

I think Disney's expansions are more "pay us and we'll come". Every investment outside the US has been with heavy local investment or concessions by government. Disney has looked at several places in Aus over the years but have always wanted local governments to chip in a massive contribution towards civil works and concessional arrangements, which - for the benefit of a foreign commercial enterprise - would be decried from the rooftops and the elected officials would get slaughtered.


Yeah our government probably wouldn’t find it worthwhile to invest that type of money, there just isn’t enough international market nearby to support something that big, especially that now there’s a concentration of Disney Parks in Asia.

Universal did say they want their smaller projects to ultimately bring in more people to their big resorts, and from a geographical standpoint Australia would well support the Singapore park, and considering the Texas park is being built in a satellite city of Dallas, I’m sure an international destination like Sydney would be able to gain support for that type of smaller project.

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If a Disney or Universal Park came to Australia, my bet is that it is either Disney/Universal have a minority stake in the park or none at all. The Japan, Hong Kong and Shanghai parks are not 100% owned by Disney and the Paris Park wasn't when opened. 

  • Disneyland Park, Walt Disney World, Disneyland Paris: Owned 100% by Disney
  • Hong Kong Disneyland: Only a 48% minority stake by Disney, the other 52% owned by government of Hong Kong
  • Shanghai Disneyland: Only a 43% minority stake by Disney, the other 57% owned by Shanghai Shendi Group
  • Tokyo Disneyland: Not owned by Disney at all with The Oriental Land Company having full control of the park.

It is the same with Universal as the Orlando, Hollywood, Beijing and Japan parks are 100% owned by Universal however the Singapore park is owned by Genting Singapore and Universal has no say in the park.

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