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Other thrills...

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Which other kinds of thrills have you had??? Bungee jumping etc. Here 2 pictures of what I have had: 1028741487.jpg I'm the right person... This one is called the Bungee Bullet. Somewhere @ the Goldcoast they have one like this too if I'm right. mescaddiving.jpg And this picture of me falling was taken last week. It's a new kind of thrill called Scad Dive. They let you fall without any cables into a net. The free fall is 45 meters. The drop starts at 60 meters high. Very amazing this one! Do some of you have other pictures of yourself in such a rides?

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Awesome! I've been dying to go on a Scad tower, but currently, I don't think they exist in Australia just yet. As for my 'other thrills'.. I went on the one at the Gold Coast, but it's been fitted with new cables. Apparently, when the ride was fitted with bungee cords, they snapped, so they replaced them with the cables. But that's just a rumour. I went on 'Sling Shot' twice, the launch and airtime is amazing. I also went on Fly Coaster, which is convenietly located right next to Sling Shot. I can easily say that this is money well spent, and the best ride I have ever been on. You can find a very long trip report about them both in Chit Chat. Thanks, ~Flea

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Yeah, I certainly felt those g's.. awesome! I knew airtime was coming, so I soaked it up on all my rides on Slingshot (2). The acceleration was tremendous, I think it's 160km/h in a little over a second? Overall, it was the most intense (and fun!) ride I've ever ridden. You can read a full review of the ride in my Queensland trip report here: http://www.totalthrills.com/forums/viewtopic.php?t=131 ~Flea

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To get some conversation started..... Did you know that the Sling Shot up at Surfer's Paradise (went there last week, didn't get any photos, sorry) go's up to 160km/ph, can go up to 80 metres high, and experiences 6g's?
That sling shot I went on was not as fast as that. Only 110 km/h if I'm right. But it's a transportable version so it can't be to big. Anyway, I got 3 cousins (1 over here and 2 live in Australia) and they went on that one. They even got it on tape, so funny to see their faces :D
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Skydiving was okey i guess but cause it was tandem I had no control if you know what i mean. for example when we were about to jump the other dude was standing on the edge and my feet were dangleing over the side. Real freaky stuff. You can't look down until the cord has been pulled cause when the parachute deploys theres a sudden jolt which could cause serious damage to your neck so theres no real view until your slowly floating downwards. And my landing was particularly harsh because the other guy was way taller so he fell ontop of me and that hurt! The giant swing was cool. You freefall then just swing backwards and forewards its the best feeling ever! (Just a note i am scared of heights but i'll still do anything :D:P )

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