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Theme Parks Pocket Guide App


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Ok so I finally get around to posting a few of my thoughts.

As far as the testing day went - organisation was a little lacking. The staff walked us through the gates but there wasn't a headcount or wristband or sticker to identify us to the gate staff - other people could have tagged onto us and separated once inside the park.

We also headed into the training room next to scooby by walking down main street before they dropped the rope. It caused a bit of consternation because all the guests waiting for the rope to drop rushed the barrier when they saw we were being let in. I think it would have been easier to lead us down chinatown alley and in the fire escape that way.

Other than that, the day was well thought out, and the staff running it had a lot of enthusiasm about the product.

Most of you have seen the App by now, and by most accounts you'd share the same opinions as me - I thought it was a good little app, well put together, with plenty of potential to grow.

The overwhelming majority felt that the best feature of the app in it's current form was the show-times guide, and the most needed feature was ride wait times.

One thing I was surprised about is that the staff pitching this app weren't aware of existing theme park apps like Mouse Wait. I know it's in a different league, but I guess the point is when you look at MouseWait, the first and most prominent feature of the app is the ride wait times.

The VIP pass integration into the app was a good one, as was the 'ride count' functionality. All in all there wasn't really anything I could say I 'didn't' like about the app, and plenty of things I did. I can see a lot of room for growth.

Some of the features they talked about developing for future versions included:

  • [*]Ride wait times (of course) [*]integration with google maps, so you can get directions through the parks pinpoint your current location etc.

There were several other suggestions put forward as well - including a 'day planner' where you can select the shows character appearances you wanted to get to, and the app would plot the day around what you wanted to see. Another suggestion that went along with that were push notifications to remind you when your next show was starting etc.

I have to say the guys at MW were really great, lunch was provided at Rick's and for what was really about 90 minutes of our time, it was well worth the trip down for the day.

(And I finally, for the first time, got audio on Arkham, AND Green Lantern.)

If you haven't downloaded it yet - grab it now and give it a try on your next trip. Input your VIP pass info if you have one to unlock additional functionality, and yes it is available on Android, but from what I picked up on tuesday - the Android version is still a little buggy - with an occasional crash when certain features are used.

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That app testing day was great. I wasn't able to download the app on my phone but it also won't download on my Samsung Galaxy Tablet. At least the staff were cool with it and I wasn't the only one who couldn't download. It was great to finally here some audio on Green Lantern but Scooby Doo's axe was broken as well as many of the lighting effects. Plus I got to dine a Ricks for the first time ever for free!

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