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Forum URL Change


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Please note that the forums are no longer located at http://www.totalthrills.com/forums. They are now found at Roller-Coaster.com.au. The URL is http://www.parkz.com.au/forums/. Please update any links, bookmarks etc. The Total Thrills version will remain up as a mirror for a few days, but you should change over nonetheless. :)

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I'd say you can expect the new Total Thrills in perhaps two or three months, depending on how it all goes. The new site won't be nearly as complex as Roller-Coaster.com.au is, but it will be a reasonably sized site again. What you can expect, as I'm sure I've said before is a more general site and a more graphically intensive site. I'm essentially tinkering with the design now, getting it right - nothing's been done in terms of coding or anything.

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They're not really about the same things. Roller-Coaster.com.au will cover Australian parks in a more general way. Essentially, Roller-Coaster.com.au is not an opinion based site but rather a fact/information based site. Meanwhile, Total Thrills will become more of a "me" site, expanding on what it currently is - a site that I put together containing my photos, my opinions and all those subtle little jokes about how bad Australian parks are that I don't think many people get :). It'll cover my travels, especially those outside of Australia or not to do with theme parks, my interests and all that sort of stuff. It'll all come together nicely. With the way Roller-Coaster.com.au was designed, it is a very low maintenance site (i.e. everything does itself/happens with one click). It'll still be frequently updated, but it takes only a fraction of the time Total Thrills did. The new Total Thrills will be similarly low maintenance, so it's really not a big workload.

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