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red dragin

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Everything posted by red dragin

  1. Didn't know I could, used to using photobucket
  2. As requested. http://i177.photobucket.com/albums/w231/rcdrags/Mobile%20Uploads/IMG_20160403_145551.jpg Perry in the shed. The wheels are still off for repairs, the cab has been shifted back to allow the boiler to be lifted & the cow catcher is off to allow for works on the tender for the other loco to be carried out indoors. http://i177.photobucket.com/albums/w231/rcdrags/Mobile%20Uploads/IMG_20160403_151456.jpg DR railway carriage. http://i177.photobucket.com/albums/w231/rcdrags/Mobile%20Uploads/IMG_20160403_151524.jpg Perry "cow catcher" inside the old DR carriage. Can't get the images to work.
  3. To extend the time until the next major maintenance most likely. Remember how long it was out of service for (and the Perry is still out for). No off the shelf parts unlike the diesel.
  4. It's currently occupying the shed at the Woodford Railway under minor overhaul. Had its boiler raised slightly to repair broken stays (bars that separate the firebox & boiler to allow water to surround the firebox) about two weeks ago. Search ANGRMS on Facebook for photos, or head up Sunday for a look and a ride with the Heritage Diesel cane loco </shameless plug>
  5. I'll try to remember to get one on Sunday whilst I'm there.
  6. 7 news tonight reported that low air pressure issues where the cause, and showed footage of mechanics working on the equipment beside the final brake run. Sounds like the brakes where struggling to release.
  7. Given its 11 years old, perhaps a major service/replacement of the winch & hydraulic components is due?
  8. +1 Should be an awesome day out with "the Yank" tomorrow.
  9. Work has started, albeit slowly. There are endangered species in the creek to the north, as well as a few technical issues to overcome, like putting HV electricity cables under the highway, as Energex no longer puts new feeds over highways. Apparently people don't like them shutting the highways down during maintenance .
  10. Keeping in mind that a 100 year old loco isn't all 100 years old. They say the Golden Gate bridge has been replaced several times through maintenance,
  11. The Sunlander, Would you agree that a loco in a poorer condition than a brand new one, would take a little longer to get running for the day? That is, use a less intense fire to bring the water up to temperature slow to allow components to expand at a more "gentle" rate? It's more about condition than age to simplify it.
  12. I know one drivers name, but not sure on his employment. http://www.zelmeroz.com/album_model/ngdu/03_dreamworld.pdf Google found this on its history.
  13. Steam driver on a days off their other job or on holidays perhaps? Takes a few hours to get a loco warmed up, with a days warning not that hard to do.
  14. For me as a kid it's was like "Gremlins are attacking, but if that is not bad enough, Beetlejuice is saving us!" It was a bit WTF before WTF existed.
  15. Two different experiences. Gremlins, immersive with a story line albeit not an exciting ride. Wouldn't work without the Gremlins themselves. Scooby a fun ride with not a strong story line. Would still work without scooby (just a haunted ride)
  16. No I wouldn't either. Thought it would send some people off looking for further info, and maybe even get a "no that's false" or a "I can't confirm or deny" from one of those that knows.
  17. http://www.themeparkreview.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=2&t=64061&p=1662829&hilit=movie+world#p1662829 Comment by "gutterflower"
  18. This is the one I got to drive. QR PB15 448 from QPSR. A baby compared to the Steam Train Sunday locos, which are baby's again when compared to the NSW loco's. I added the "L" plate for the photo, to the amusement of the train crew.
  19. Bored at work and noticed on TPR that someone said that Mack are responsible for this new roller-coaster. Any truth to that rumour?
  20. I was given it as a birthday + Christmas + birthday present. At $500 per person it's not cheap, but worth it. ARHS QLD do cab rides I believe for much less.
  21. Longer time listener, first time caller To operate a boiler (on a train or not), at least 600 hours training is now required before you are qualified. A typical steam train operates at between 150psi-220psi of pressure, or 5 - 7 times the air pressure of a normal passenger car tyre. Google "train boiler explosion" images to see why! Boilers can be heated by anything that burns pretty much, Dreamworld used diesel in the Perry, which is being converted back to run on timber (cheaper and more neighbour friendly). Old rotted railway sleepers burn well too. The Perry isn't operational yet, it needs a fair bit of work to get it into service, and a full overhaul in about two years time. Drivers are restricted to the same conditions as QR drivers, with maximum hours, set break times. maximum times between breaks etc. Even operating at 20km/hr on a closed track by itself, these are still enforced. Finding enough boiler qualified drivers is where Dreamworld will be struggling. The pseudo steam train doesn't require a boiler ticket, hence can be operated by lesser trained staff. Inverted, have you ever looked into (saved for) a driver for the day experience with QPSR (Swanbank) or ARHS QLD (Rosewood). Worth the money, I've been lucky enough to do the QPSR one, nearly two years later I still grin when thinking about it. Woodford Railway (ANGRMS) are hoping to have their loco "Melbourne" on track mid to late this year too if your looking for a 'fix' /partial thread hijack
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