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Jokes_on_you last won the day on January 6 2021

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  1. My interpretation of “Never been done before” was related to The Wizard of Oz being created into a theme park as its own land. I’m just enjoying all the bts content we are getting out of the park, which is awesome! Hopefully we see this continue with Scooby Doo’s refurb.
  2. It looks like a WB thing more than a Movie World decision. See WB World has these costumes, so maybe they need to align to the rest of the Worlds?
  3. I think his comment is about the lack of angles the park put out in their video with no context.
  4. Why must we always look at the negative and just appreciate the park is sharing updates.
  5. Sea World also is lit up for Autism Day! Well done to both parks! 👏
  6. It’s been lit like this for Autism QLD Day… just drove past and it’s lit up Red and Yellow now. Looks cool with Green Lantern, Rivals all lit up at night! Well done to the AV team, wonder what it will do when the ride is operating?
  7. What are you going on about? The only thing related to a toilet is the 💩 you just said.
  8. Oh okay, that makes sense. Will be an interesting race and a big summer for both parks!
  9. Anyone else think this may not open by the end of the year or will open in stages? (Jungle Rush and then Vintage Cars at a later date). When you look at the progress on Wizard of Oz, seems Movie World is well ahead. No hate on either park, just going by these updates across the parks.
  10. I think they are surprised it’s a brand new board and not repurposing Surfrider’s board.
  11. Don’t forget closing a whole waterpark for majority of the year… 🤔
  12. Oh that’s good to know. Where did you find this info?
  13. I don’t think an everyday guest would be looking at/for this type of stuff, it would be theme park enthusiasts spotting things like this. They go for the ride experience, not looking at storage below a ride going 0-100km.
  14. Sorry, but where in the video does it mention the name of the rides or any relations to Movie World?
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