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Everything posted by Gazza

  1. Would you be able to host them on your webspace, then provide a link?
  2. Personally, I dont think it would be effective at all to build anything thats the tallest/fastest/strongest etc simply because there arent enough to people to care. It can be worthwhile doing in the US or Europe because there is a broader population where the ride is heard about, whereas down here its realy just our small population. And of course the record probably wont stand for more than a few years so you lose out in that respect. Theres also the maintenance and reliability issues that come with big rides. They should just save themselves the effort and build something good, because if a ride is good, its always good. Take Wipeout and the Claw for example, they hold no records and are both fairly low cost flat rides, yet they are still many peoples favourites
  3. Cool, but my gosh what an original name.
  4. I couldnt find it, could you give a link to the page?
  5. What about a ride like the bungee rocket one at Surfers, but with a ring of 9 seats and four cables and four towers instead of two seats, two cables and two towers.
  6. Forgot about the S bend at the bottom of the lift, I reckon there would be a good chance that the thing could derail if there was a rollback.
  7. Good work, thanks for that Rich, I've been hanging out for some photos.
  8. I think the ride op just pulls the brake lever back, causing the train to grip onto the cable. As for a roll back, if the ride op let go for some reason I doubt much would happen because the ride never runs two trains so it wouldnt hit anything.
  9. In this archived dreamworld page it says that it is one of the largest in Australia, not the largest in the world. http://web.archive.org/web/19980205210132/...m.au/tower.html There would have to be way bigger cranes, Skysrapers may have some done from the inside, but they still need cranes. Just look at Eureka tower in Melbourne.
  10. You never know, Intamin might not be going for the 5 star energy rating But anyway, Rich is right since Intamin makes two models of its gyro swing (With the claw being the smaller of the two) It is impossible for the claw to really hold any records in regards to both size or power. And Slick, yes you would lose the nice airtime you get with only a partial swing, but you would gain the thrill of being upside down, and you would get hang time if you did a full 360, it really just depends on the sort of experience the park wants to give.
  11. Its not the most powerful penulum ride in the world, what about delirium at paramounts king island, its way bigger : http://www.ultimaterollercoaster.com/thrillrides/delirium/ Also, mondial make a version that does a full 360. http://www.mondialrides.com/txt/ultramax/index.html But yeah, Hurricane is right, the claw just wasn't designed to do a full 360.
  12. I wouldnt necessarily have to be months of closure since they could just put hoardings up to redirect people. Also maybe the supports that go in the river rapids holding tank could be built first to minimise disruption, and at the same time they could also do something with thunder river (eg more themeing etc) Personaly one of those Geurstauers: http://www.rcdb.com/ig2229.htm would work because it has suitable ride vehicles, a vertical drop, plus the ride can have a couple of barrel rolls thrown in for fun. Also, am i the only one who can see that the tower for that ride at Gold Reef City is not an oil rig. Its actually called as "poppet head" and it is used for the lifts into a mine shaft.
  13. Ooh, someones gone into Superman damage control.
  14. I wonder if would be possible to get the licence from BBC to do a Dr Who themed ride. It could br really good. You could start off by going in the Tardis and when you get out you find yourself somewhere face to face with an army of Daleks. Prehaps it could have an interactive element to it where you have to try and shoot them.
  15. Nah, not another simulator, a tracked ride will be more fun. Actually, at the moment im afraid MW might continue its stratergy of ride replacment or refitting by re theming the looney tunes river ride.
  16. Personally I think the Charlie and the Choclate family name deserves more than a walkthrough, it could quite easily be a boat ride like the one in the movie. Another option is a glass elevator ride. The vehicles could be glass or perspex replicas hung from an overhead track (there is a travelling ghost train that has a similar suspended system) and you would go on an adventure through the factory.
  17. Paul, In response to your question, I have never ridden GD.
  18. Movie World is in the Database: http://www.roller-coaster.com.au/park.php?pid=2
  19. So did you only ride LW 3 times and view Shrek?
  20. I guess its not really a theme park,its a water park, and if you added WnW you would then have to add all the other smaller waterparks, pretty soon you would have a database full of rides nobody really cares about.
  21. I was just wondering if anyone has gone to see bucaneer bay in the flesh yet, or taken any photos? I have been quite interested to see how the whole place has turned out but there seems to have been a bit of silence despite its opening.
  22. Sounds like a good commitment, since the money could be split up with some saved (where it could gather interest) with the rest being poured into yearly projects. But 12 million every two years could build a superman sized coaster which could be very cool.
  23. I think it is the flip over type by looking at this picture (http://www.rcdb.com/ig987.htm?picture=2)of Limit at Heide Park. I am assuming Vekoma has been using the same system on all their SLCs.
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