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RCT3 Update


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Its rather interesting for 3 reasons 1.Whats already been mentioned, the supports being built first, this means that there will hopefully be animation in building the roller coaster 2. The shadow looks as if the track has already been put into place, either its something wrong with the beta code, or its an invisible roller coaster 3.The track layout judging by the shadow looks rather interesting, hopefully this means that the layout wont be limited to merely straight track, curves and special features, it will have a completely free coaster desgin tool.

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Well, It has been speculated that there are construction cranes being used when constructing a coaster. Just have a look at the attached screen. It looks like a crane is being used to construct the coaster but nothing of such is yet confirmed... And concering coaster building, just let me say it looks allot better. Its not paced together block by block, like in RCT1 & 2... Screammachine

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  • 3 weeks later...

The people on the RCT2 community boards have come to the conclusion it might be a disaster. As it looks a bit to out of control to be a normal explosion. Has anyone else seen the lastest trailer? The one where they build rides such as the "Tug Boat", Rotor & Gyro Swing Thingy. It looks really nice! Worth the dowload. On another note *The demo wont be released untill Sep '27.... :mad: * Screammachine

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I can answer that question Nebu! Its not a beta fault in the game. I'v seen several gameplay video's, and it seems like the coaster track fades away when you zoom out. Reason: I'd say to improve the view of obstructed buildings or such around the coaster... Screammachine
its also for computers that aren't as fast etc etc, and can pan out easier, the performance
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Ah Crap! I had a look at the site, but it seems like it wont be out for another couple of hours I'd say!!! Grrrrr..... But it would deffinately be today sometime! I can't wait!!! The demo premiere is appearing Monday morning, West Coast Time "United States", which right now, it's 6:00pm late afternoon on Sunday!! And il' say it again! Crap!! :mad: Screammachine

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I need a second opinion. Is this an Explosion as in a real disaster, or a show? I'm guessing it's a real disaster as i see no show stands. http://media.pc.ign.com/media/664/664146/i...mg_2353515.html Anyway tell me wht you think it is?
This is actually a new ride event element that they have put into RCT3. You can set the event to happen when a coaster goes over a certain part of the track. In the demo all you can do is the Oil one (which is in the pic) but there will be more in the full game. :D
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