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coaster crazee,Thunderbolt wasn't removed because of space restriction.It was removed because it was old.They haven't replaced Thunderbolt,and they wouldn't have moved Cyclone anywhere if they'd already found a good spot for it.Besides,isn't TOT a good coaster? Thanks,Slick.I'll give it a shot.

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They'll never replace TOT,never!!!! We were the first to make the Reverse Freefall,we beat the Americans,and for that I'll be forever thankfull to DW!GD is curently king of three world 3 world records,and TOT is one of the fastest rides in the world,they gave us Wipeout,one of only three in the world....and the list goes on and on.Dreawmorld and maybe Movie World are the only parks that will ever come close to North American standards,and for that we should be thankfull. Ok,time to take a breather,got a bit carried away there,my point is that with another world record ride,2 high quality coasters,and 3 more unique and high quality flats in say 5 years,with high teming,retheming of other rides and the maintenace of other rides(without geting rid if any if possible)than DW will ba a major,world rewnowned park.I know it's asking alot,but it would really trasnform DW,just like TOT did.

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Scott, I'm about 80% sure the 8 seat carriages were used on a smaller indoor ride I believe in Europe before Giant Drop (correct me if I'm wrong and I'll take it back). Dreamworld only claims "The dual 8-seat gondolas were used for the first time on a ride of this height and design." which is a pretty redundant thing to say given its the tallest Freefall and a unique design. Wipeout is pretty much a standard design these days, and installations of the ride number in the double digits now. Dreamworld's was the third, but that was a while ago. It'd be a bit like saying "Lethal Weapon is the only ride of its type in the world!" (since it was the first Vekoma SLC (765m Extended w/Helix). Can I remind everyone to actually put some thought into what they're saying rather then just repeating marketing dribble?

my point is that with another world record ride,2 high quality coasters,and 3 more unique and high quality flats in say 5 years,with high teming,retheming of other rides and the maintenace of other rides(without geting rid if any if possible)than DW will ba a major,world rewnowned park
I'd 'quote of the week' it but its waaaay to long. Besides the fact you've just made one of the most stupid points in a while, you've really done yourself proud in the punctuation. Do they teach kids how to spell, or even where the space bar on a keyboard is at school any more? You can do a bit better then that Ultimately Dreamworld will get rid of Tower of Terror. It'll be a bloody long time before they do, but to say they won't is a bit of a stretch. You don't think that in 1.5million years even if the park exists, they'll give Intamin a call and say "Hey, we need to buy some replacement Magnets!"
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Well, the other record is creating "structural and design history" which sounds a bit vauge, its not as if i go "OMG, i gotta plan a trip to DW, GD has created design history, and the gondolas are 8 across, man that is soooo cool! the only real record it has that's at all exiting is its tallest freefall record, and even then its just 12m ahead of its nearest competitor.

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Which is still pretty good seeming alot of Ride Trade free-fall towers are only heights of up to 30-40 metres. Now the height of our tower is ....... 119 metres? If you guys read other boards you would definitely know that overseas people buy tickets to come down and ride this thing, particularly those ACErs, those people are crazy.

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For some reason people like rides with records so they can boast to their mates "...Well gee you can be such a sissy, I rode the world's tallest freefall ride 28 times in one day..." See, you know I do. But really for me, a ride is an experience. For me, rides are about making people happy, and taking their breath away (not in a bad unconcious way of course). What's the point of having the world's first gravity powered coaster in space when there is no way to make it work?

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The only tiny bits of space for GoldRush would be just that tiny bit of land beyond the skylink or the dam that's used for holding the water for the rides. Rocky Hollow would be a better idea in my opinion for expansion, but really, any part of the park running down the north side is good for expansion. I'm talking about Blue Lagoon, AWE, etc. and once when BB disappears (hurry up....) we'll have some nice room for a resort. I can dream can't I?

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Yep,it covers a broader range of guests,and if it went along the lines of 90kmh (like Bush Beast) and was kept in good condition(unlike Bush Beast)then I'd be happy with it,even though I'm not much of a fan of the appearance of wooden coasters.Maybe Bush Beast is a good name,seeing as it's in a bushy area and not far from AWE.

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