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Waterfront City


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Hi All, Has anyone been to the Ferris Wheel at Waterfrony City. post-403-1145162410_thumb.jpg They claim it's the largest in the Southern hemisphere? Though the park was closed the day I went down, a sign said it is opened on the weekends. That will account for two of the gondolas missing! In addition, there were a few trailer based rides scattered around including Wittingslow's Pirate.

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Yeah, I saw that when I was down in Geelong a couple of weeks back, but I definitely is not permanent, though the quality seemed better than most carnival rides, giving that impression. And Ash1111, the Southern Star has been known about for a long time, I think it was actually R-Cs first article: http://www.roller-coaster.com.au/article.php?aid=12 , however it will be about 10m shorter than the London Eye.

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No need for pic, since people already know what I'm taking about!

LOL, well building the thing would be a good start.
Well, I guess that's true!! :mellow: Seriously I don't know how much tourism they are going to make out of this wheel? It just seems funny that they are going to install a wheel that is shorter than the London Eye. What claim to fame does the Melbourne's one have? (EDIT: silly me! Of course it's going to be the biggest in the southern hemisphere.) I've seen some pictures of where the wheel is going to be located. It looks like they are going to place it in-between shops and modern buildings. I think they might be extending the Docklands for the wheel. To me I'd rather they got the movie studio park than the wheel, and I think most of the other people here would have as well. What are your guys thoughts about this? Coasterboy8 Edited by Coaster Boy 8
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Nothing would be better than some stupid over-sized ferris wheel. At least if they built the studio park it would have created more jobs (as well as rides) and boosted tourist numbers better than a pathetic wheel.
Well, the fact is the London Eye has been highly sucessful, so I would imagine this would partially replicate that success. I too would have rather seen the park get built, but as ash111 said it is better than having nothing at all since the park proposal fell through. I mean its a bit harsh to call it "stupid" and "oversized", since when is things being big a bad thing? One other thing to consider is that this could be a "stepping stone" to more elaborate tourist attractions in the future. If a huge investment like the wheel does well, I think investors would see it as less risky to then go and build things like theme parks. You could draw comparisons to the way the GC has developed , once upon a time the closest thing to a park was a dolphin pool, and that was a precursor to SW, who then saw the potential for a second gate with MW which then.......
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then maybe it won't look out of place the same way Q1 tower does on the Gold Coast.
There's nothing wrong with the Q1. I suppose your going to complain when "Soul" goes up as well? Quote from the soul web site. "Up to 300 ultra-modern apartments, rising over 77 levels" Edited by dreamworld_rulz
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